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HubMob - Your Eyes and Ears on Vision Care and Ear Care

Updated on July 1, 2011

Vision Care and Ear Health

Well, after last week's fun HubMob about hobbies, we're moving to a more serious topic. Yes, this week our HubMobsters are going to help you keep a healthy set of eyes and ears (a pair of each). It pays to invest a bit of time with your ear and vision care. After all, sight and hearing are very precious.

Although our HubMobsters may not all be doctors (some may be), they are researching their little hearts out in an effort to keep you seeing and hearing at the highest level of quality possible. They ask nothing in return except for you to take a small second to leave them some feedback. Just click on the little circle to the left of 'Good', 'Great' or 'Phenomenal' and click on the "Vote" button. That's all you have to do and it's a really nice way to say, "Thanks" to our writers.

Enjoy reading these hubs. May you take with you lots of helpful information about vision care and ear health!


“Three things tell a man: his eyes, his friends and his favorite quotes.”

Quotes Daddy


"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice."

William Shakespeare


Your Eyes and Ears on the HubMob

Vision care is important. Take care of those eyes!
Vision care is important. Take care of those eyes!
Can you hear me now? Ear care can be a vital part of good hearing
Can you hear me now? Ear care can be a vital part of good hearing

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Ryan (Hup) Hupfer
Ryan (Hup) Hupfer
Shirley Anderson
Shirley Anderson

Meet the HubMob Team - The HubMobster's Eyes and Ears to the Hub World

Each week, your devoted HubMob team seeks ways of making your HubMobbing experience fun and informative.

Ryan Hupfer (Hup) is a bonifide HubPages employee and super Communicator of Awesomeness. Hup is like the president of HubMob land. He gives us direction and keeps the fun and energy alive.

Princessa is the team lead who feeds us the step-by-step instruction and encouragement that we all need to be successful HubMobsters. You can see what I mean by visiting this week's forum thread.

Shirley Anderson (that's me!) moves all the hubs from the weekly forum thread to a central hub for ease in finding and reading all of the work produced for that particular HubMob. I guess you can say that I write the hub hub.

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Vision Care and Ear Health HubMob

Graphic designed and donated by the talented ProCW
Graphic designed and donated by the talented ProCW

William Shakespeare Understood Eyes and Ears

“Mine ear is enamoured by thy note; So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape; and thy fair virtues force perforce doth move me; to say, to swear, I love thee.”

“Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man.”

“The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was.”


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