HubMob - Your Eyes and Ears on Vision Care and Ear Care
Vision Care and Ear Health
Well, after last week's fun HubMob about hobbies, we're moving to a more serious topic. Yes, this week our HubMobsters are going to help you keep a healthy set of eyes and ears (a pair of each). It pays to invest a bit of time with your ear and vision care. After all, sight and hearing are very precious.
Although our HubMobsters may not all be doctors (some may be), they are researching their little hearts out in an effort to keep you seeing and hearing at the highest level of quality possible. They ask nothing in return except for you to take a small second to leave them some feedback. Just click on the little circle to the left of 'Good', 'Great' or 'Phenomenal' and click on the "Vote" button. That's all you have to do and it's a really nice way to say, "Thanks" to our writers.
Enjoy reading these hubs. May you take with you lots of helpful information about vision care and ear health!
“Three things tell a man: his eyes, his friends and his favorite quotes.”
Quotes Daddy
"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice."
William Shakespeare
Your Eyes and Ears on the HubMob
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Meet the HubMob Team - The HubMobster's Eyes and Ears to the Hub World
Each week, your devoted HubMob team seeks ways of making your HubMobbing experience fun and informative.
Ryan Hupfer (Hup) is a bonifide HubPages employee and super Communicator of Awesomeness. Hup is like the president of HubMob land. He gives us direction and keeps the fun and energy alive.
Princessa is the team lead who feeds us the step-by-step instruction and encouragement that we all need to be successful HubMobsters. You can see what I mean by visiting this week's forum thread.
Shirley Anderson (that's me!) moves all the hubs from the weekly forum thread to a central hub for ease in finding and reading all of the work produced for that particular HubMob. I guess you can say that I write the hub hub.
Designer and Prescription Eyewear - Fashion or Functionality
Enelle Lamb
- Designer and Prescription Eyewear - Fashion or Functionality
These might be a bit strong... Unfortunately, at some point in their lives, a large portion of society will be faced with the necessity of wearing glasses to improve their vision. I was a victim of this since...
Designer and Prescription Eyewear - Fashion or Functionality
Please leave Enelle Lamb some feedback
Swimmers Ear Can Be a Source of Summer Ear Pain
- Swimmers Ear Can Be a Source of Summer Ear Pain
Summer vacation can be great fun for a kid. The days are long, and the sun is hot. There is no better way to keep cool during the summer than to spend time at the neighborhood swimming pool. Spend too...
Swimmer Ear Can Be a Source of Summer Ear Pain
Please leave Kidgas some feedback
Eye Care HubMob - Top Ten Clues You Might Need Glasses
- Eye Care Hubmob - Top Ten Clues You Might Need Glasses
I can't possibly need glasses. Why, I'm barely old enough to be a grandparent. Besides, I wore them for years, and finally "grew out of them." Really! My astigmatism is almost completely gone because of the...
Eye Care HubMob - Top Ten Clues You Might Need Glasses
Please leave RedElf some feedback
Eye Exercises to Strengthen Eye Muscles
- Eye Exercises to Strenghten Eye Muscles
Despite being an avid reader I avoided glasses till I reached the 10th Class. Then with the combined effect of studies and sleepless nights I began to get solid headaches. That is when I was taken in for eye...
Eye Exercises to Strengthen Eye Muscles
Please leave Cashmere some feedback
Anti-Aging Eye Cream
charanjeet kaur
- Anti-Aging Eye Cream
Eyes are the most sensitive part of ones body and the area around the eyes seems to age sooner than we can imagine. Every woman’s beauty regime would be incomplete without the right aging cream that reduce the wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes. C
Anti-Aging Eye Cream
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Ear Wax Removal the Safe Way
- Ear Wax Removal the Safe Way
Ear wax removal seems such a trivial topic and most likely to be dismissed as something ordinary. Well for some people that may be the case; but for others it would be surprising to note that they may be...
Ear Wax Removal the Safe Way
Please leave Ripplemaker some feedback
Varifocal Spectacles - Two pairs of specs for the price of one?
ethel smith
- Varifocal Spectacles-Two pairs of specs for the price of one?
Varifocal spectacles or glasses have lenses that have a gradual change in strength. Unlike Bi-Focals were the lens has two distinct halves the varifocal gradually changes. When such glasses are properly...
Varifocal Spectacles - Two pairs of specs for the price of one?
Please leave ethel smith some feedback
Sunglasses are just as important as sunblock!
- Sunglasses are just as important as sunblock!
Every one knows that UV rays from the sun can burn your skin and you wouldn't dare go outside for extended periods of time without putting on sunblock would you?? Of course not! So, why would you want to...
Sunglasses are just as important as sunblock!
Please leave NYMiskovic some feedback
About Color Contact Lenses
Please leave Cam Anju some feedback
My LASIK Eye Surgery
- My LASIK Eye Surgery
LASIK is the most commonly performed refractive surgery procedure. The name is actually short for "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis." LASIK surgery reduces or eliminates the use of glasses or contact...
My LASIK Eye Surgery
Please leave Princessa some feedback
MP3 Players, Earbuds, and Protecting Your Hearing
- MP3 Players, Earbuds, and Protecting Your Hearing
One of the important elements of the inner ear is the cochlea. This structure is composed of many parts and includes thousands of tiny hairs that vibrate at different frequencies. Those vibrations are...
MP3 Players, Earbuds, and Protecting Your Hearing
Please leave Lupo some feedback
Cataracts and Me
ethel smith
- Cataracts and Me
As a child I briefly wore reading glasses. I say wore but as I hated them, more often than not they were hidden away or forgotten on school days. Subsequently this meant that I had to take a school eye test...
Cataracts and Me
Please leave ethel smith some feedback
Mimi Souji - Japanese Ear Cleaning Salons
Richard Ring
- Mimi Souji - Japanese Ear Cleaning Salons
Recently Ear Cleaning Salons or ”耳掃除 サロン" have been popping up all over Tokyo. Living here for 3 years I have seen the beginnings of this trend with a few small shops here and there popping up...
Mimi Souji - Japanese Ear Cleaning Salons
Please leave Richard Ring some feedback
Eye care - Cataract Operations
- Eye care - Cataract Operations
The gift of sight Eyesight is a valuable gift. We see and hear from the time we are born and take it for granted. At least I did until I read about Helen Keller. Helen Keller was rendered blind and...
Eye care - Cataract Operations
Please leave sixtyorso some feedback
Your Vision, How to take care of it, and How to Improve it
- Your Vision, How to take care of it, and How to Improve it
How to take care of your vision - Taking care of your vision now is key to having your vision in the future. There are multiple things that you can do to help you take care of your eye sight. Wear...
Your Vision, How to take care of it, and How to Improve it
Please leave etb50 some feedback
Corneal Grafts
ethel smith
- Corneal Grafts
Until a few years ago I had never heard of Corneal Grafts. I did know that you could carry a donor card ,upon which you could state which, if any of your bodily organs, you would be prepared to donate after...
Corneal Grafts
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Ear Candling An Ancient Tradition
- Ear Candling An Ancient Tradition
Ear Candling was originated thousands of years ago. In the civilizations of Tibet, Egypt, India, Mu, Lemuria and Native American Cultures. All of these different civilizations used this form of aromatherapy...
Ear Candling An Ancient Tradition
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Eye Stye-What Can I Do About It
Purple Perl
- Eye Stye-What Can I Do About It
"Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder",so goes the saying. We love to look ,feel and dress beautiful.We act more positive and are more successful when we like what we see in the mirror before we step out....
Eye Stye-What Can I Do About It
Please leave Purple Perl some feedback
Effect and Prevention of Computer eye Vision
- Effect and Prevention of Computer eye Vision
The world has changed and Computers are defining how we do our daily activities, From doing surgery and operation to other home cores, with the prolonged use of computers our eyes are not immune to the...
Effect and Prevention of Computer eye Vision
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Angle-Closure Glaucoma
- Angle-Closure Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that cause vision loss and blindness through damage to the optic nerve. Several factors contribute to its development, but the main culprit is elevated intraocular pressure...
Angle-Closure Glaucoma
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Ear Candling or Ear Coning
Ear Candling Or Ear Coning
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Learning to Love Contact Lenses
- Learning to Love Contact Lenses
Being fortunate to have been born with near perfect eyesight, glasses were never something that I had to worry about. Other than sun glasses which, like many other people, I wore more for appearance than...
Learning to Love Contact Lenses
Please leave Chuck some feedback
What causes eye floaters?
- What causes eye floaters?
The vitreous forms most of the eye ball, it's the white part and consists mainly of a jelly like material, water and collagen fibers. It protects the retina and acts as one of therefractory media in the eye....
What causes eye floaters?
Please leave Mezo some feedback
Vision Care and Ear Health HubMob
Some Previous HubMobs That Inform and Entertain
William Shakespeare Understood Eyes and Ears
“Mine ear is enamoured by thy note; So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape; and thy fair virtues force perforce doth move me; to say, to swear, I love thee.”
“Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man.”
“The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man's hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was.”