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Natural Health Remedies: Your Health Comes First

Updated on July 24, 2012

When you were born, you were gifted with a body. Whether you like it or not, your body is what you will have in this lifetime. Your body is your partner in fulfilling your mission, in co-creating, in actualizing your goals and dreams. Your body is the one that allows you to experience pleasure or pain.

You and I have a choice. We can choose to love and take care of our body or hate, abuse, hurt and do things to harm it. What choices have we made?

Let’s face it, nobody wants to be sick. Consciously, we don’t want to be sick. Have you ever wondered why some of us choose habits that are not in alignment to taking care of ourselves? What would it take for a person to decide to walk the path to good health?


When I attended a health seminar, the speaker told us to avoid certain foods sharing to us information that made us cringe. Here are the different reactions I overheard afterwards.

“It’s okay; I don’t eat those foods often just once in awhile.”

“That’s exactly why I don’t attend seminars like these. There’s nothing to eat anymore!”

“She says this drink is pesticide? Why is it allowed in the market? I don’t believe her.”

“I was inspired. I want to grow old graciously and healthy too.”

“Gosh, I never knew I was eating so much unhealthy food. A change of lifestyle is what I need.”

Which among these lines can you hear yourself say?

The first secret to health is being able to picture yourself healthy and strong even up to your old age.

The First Secret to Good Health

As I said, the choice is really up to you. I was among those who was inspired to grow old graciously and healthy. With that in my mind and heart, I made a lifestyle change. The first secret to health is being able to picture yourself healthy and strong even up to your old age. If this is what you deeply want, creating new habits became easier. Why? I was no longer forced. Nobody was pointing a gun in my head to change. I wanted to do it because I want my body to be fully functioning until I turn old and gray. Like the speaker, I wanted to have energy and vigour to live all the days of my life.

What is your choice?

Natural Health Remedies is a huge topic with different remedies for specific illnesses. But I won’t go into that. Rather I’d like to stress that natural health remedies start with taking care of our bodies before illness appear. I am going to share six things to start your way to good health using natural means.

Toxic wastes must be removed from our body regularly because if they remain in the body it will cause all sorts of diseases.

Did you know that our body is full of toxic wastes and that they should be removed regularly?

I was assisting in the kitchen when I noticed that the sink was filled with water and the drainage seemed not to be working. So I asked our maid if they had been throwing leftover food into the sink. She vehemently denied such an action. When my brother came home, he inspected the sink and told the maid to open the cabinet below and removed the pipe. Lo and behold, there were a lot of food stuck in the pipe. The maid was new so perhaps it was true that she didn’t dump the wastes into the sink. But the previous maids probably had.

This goes for our bodies as well. Every day we eat food and since the time we were born, we have been ingesting all sorts of food from healthy to unhealthy ones. If we do inspect our digestive tract, it is certain that it will be filled with toxic wastes. These wastes must be removed regularly because if they remain in the body it will cause all sorts of diseases.

There are many ways to remove wastes. You can use a detox regimen, colon cleanse, sweat baths, saunas and exercise. How to Get Rid of Toxins in the Body in Inexpensive Ways is an article I wrote to help you get rid of toxins in the body.

Also, for a couple of months now, I have been using the small native lime or what we call "lemonsito," squeezing 15-20 pcs in a small glass and drink it an hour before breakfast. Remember there should be no sugar, no water, just plain lemonsito.

Change your diet by eating more alkaline producing food such as vegetables and fruits, you will be able to strengthen your immune system.

Did you know that too much acid in your body can weaken your immune system?

Research has shown that it is important to maintain the correct acid and alkaline balance in the body. Too much acid or too little of it is also harmful and can result to illnesses. At the same, these studies also show that lack of alkaline in the body will also bring about disease and even death.

How much acid or alkaline should our bodies have? Our bodies must be 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acidic.

Here is a list of some common food that is alkaline or acid producing:

Unripe banana
Fresh corn
Ripe banana
Pine nuts
All cereals
Soda crackers
Olive oil
Peanuts or peanut butter
Eggs and all dairy products
Fresh cabbage
Freshwater fish
Fresh cucumber
Canned foods

If you change your diet by eating more alkaline producing food such as vegetables and fruits, you are able to strengthen your immune system. This is something that struck me; it is harder for cancer to thrive in an alkaline body.

Also, be sure to note that too much of alkaline is just as harmful as too much acidic food. Maintain the 80-20 alkaline-acid balance.

People who have heart problems seem to have problems with constipation too and the other way around. Solve your irregular bowel movement problem for a healthier you.

Did you know that if you don’t move your bowel frequently, you are likely to have diseases?

Experts of bowel management have established a connection between constipation and degenerative diseases like heart disorder, tumor and cancer. People who have heart problems seem to have problems with constipation too and the other way around.


Be sure to eat lots of vegetables and fruits because these have natural fibers in them. I also noticed that when I did the flushing activity, my bowel movement has become regular. With regular bowel movement, the colon is clean and makes it possible to purify your whole body from your blood, to liver, kidney and brain to your entire body. Isn’t that something worthwhile to achieve?

Our bodies need constant nourishment in order to be in tip top shape.

Did you know that aside from eating nutritious food you also need to nourish it in other ways?

Every twice a year, my car goes to the car shop to have change of oil. My brother insists I do not forget this as to maintain the car in good condition. Likewise, our bodies need constant nourishment in order to be in tip top shape. Here are the four basic things we must incorporate into our routines.

  • Exercise: I started gaining weight in the middle when I started writing online. When I arrive home from work, I would rush to the computer. There was no more opportunity for my body to engage in any kind of movement. My hands and brain were the only ones moving. So with my decision to change lifestyle, I got a calendar and checked the days when I had physical activity. They range from walking, tai chi, yoga, aerobic or belly dancing and biking. Seeing the check marks made me feel good and inspired me to do more.
  • Breathe in oxygen: Just like the plants need carbon dioxide our bodies need oxygen. Otherwise you feel lethargic all the time. Straighten your back, learn what the proper posture is and do deep breathing regularly.
  • Get a dose of sunlight: Our bodies and eyes need a dose of sunlight.If you stay in an air-conditioned office day in and day out, take time to go out especially in the early morning.Sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D.
  • Sleep well: Did you know that healing takes place when we are asleep?So it is very important to have a sufficient amount of sleep as well a restful one.So release your thoughts by doing deep breathing before you sleep and make sure you get enough of it.

If you want to be healthy, you have to release pent up negative emotions as this can lead to physical and mental stress.

Did you know that negative emotions can also make you sick?

No matter how much you eat good food but if you experience a lot of negative emotions, this can also lead to illness. Negative emotions like anger, resentment and unworthiness also causes diseases. If you want to be healthy, you have to release pent up negative emotions as this can lead to physical and mental stress.

  • Thump your sternum: When a person undergoes stress, the thymus shrinks. So thump your sternum that is located in between the breasts three or four times. Also, another way to strengthen your thymus gland is to smile and laugh with joy.
  • Put the tip of your tongue to the roof of the center of your upper palate. Do deep breathing while you release the mental chatter and stress.
  • Listen to good music.This activates the thymus gland and improves health and well-being.

The fate of your health largely depends on you.I urge you to continue to learn the natural ways to live a healthier lifestyle.And let’s grow old together happy, healthy and graciously.

BY: Michelle Simtoco

Source: Health Comes First A Practical Guide, Jesucita Lao Sodusta, Ph.D.


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