What Don't You Know? - How many angels can dance on the head of a pin. (Perspectives)
The Perspectives
‘What don’t you know?’
‘What don’t you know?’ is a mind-blowing question!
I don’t know what was in, or on, marcoujor's mind when she presented this question as a topic for the Perspectives to write about.
I don’t know if my perspective on this question would be of any significance to her or anybody on this planet.
I don't know what the future has in store for me.
I don't know what more do I still need to know.
I KNOW SOMETHING important to know.....
Vickiw: Guest writer, March 2013
What/Who is the Perspectives?
The idea behind this series called Perspectives is explained in a hub published by MickeySr:
- Perspectives: An Introduction
What we think and how we feel about things is defined, not by the things themselves, but by our perspective of things. Everything that comes before us is filtered through our perception of things...
What do I not know?
I agree wholeheartedly with Socrates ~
There was a time in my life,
many moons ago, I felt incompetent when I was not able to answer a question.
In the meantime I have discovered two ways of having answers -
At a time in my life
I felt obliged to provide answers to all questions.
In the meantime I have realized that ‘I don’t know’ was an honest answer not to be ashamed of.
Macoujor wants to know
of what subjects we - The Perspectives - are ignorant of.
I don’t know about the others, but I can quickly provide about a tenth of the subjects I am ignorant of –
- Abiogenesis,
- Balneology,
- Catabolism,
- Debrezhnevisation,
- Eclampsia,
- Fluviology,
- ....
Oh, this list has no ending!
And what exactly do I know about ENDINGS?
Is the ending of one thing not the beginning of another thing?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
For reasons beyond my comprehension medieval scholars wanted to know how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Though some argued that this topic was "simply a debating exercise" and not a serious quest for knowledge.
Today this is only a metaphor declaring the debating of topics of no practical value as a waste of time and energy.
There was a time I have dug even in the archives of libraries in search for information about reincarnation. Until it occurred to me that I cannot remember any of my previous lives – if there were any. So I asked myself why was I wasting my precious time on Earth gathering knowledge that I cannot use productively and effectively in my struggle to survive happily ever after?
© MartieCoetser
Copyright :: All Rights Reserved
Registered :: 2013-03-14 6:20:45
Title :: Perspectives: What don't you know? How many angels dance on the head of a pin?
Fingerprint :: 9e7f5796cbe868be09f66dc088f08e51b681a5892d2ae38b07679fdcd2f37b11f
MCN :: CY385-J1GSP-0D557
Conclusion and Tip
It is not possible for one person to know everything.
It is NOT a shame to be ignorant of irrelevant subjects.
We should, however, know what is important in order for us to survive as long and as best as we can.
Tip: How to know what is important to know:
Only when we have a good enough reason WHY we need to know something, we should acquired the particular knowledge without delay.
Marcoujor: What-Dont-You-Know-Intellectual-Humility
Bravewarrior: What-Dont-You-Know-What-I-Dont-Know-Doesnt-Hurt-Me
Vickiw: Exploring-Gozo-The-Mysterious-Cart-Ruts-in-Qala
Mickeysr: What-Dont-You-Know-I-Dont-Know-Who-Im-Going-To-Talk-To
This is my perspective on 'What do you not know' -
And now I do want to know that of my fellow-perspectives ~
Because I am curious.
Curiosity is in my book a good enough reason for obtaining information of any nature...
MY perspective on other topics:
- Perspectives: The Charitable Spirit: Kindness - Generosity - Charity
- Perspectives: Knowing Your True Self – Happiness Is a State of Mind
- Perspectives: Regrets and Hopes: Living in the Present
- Perspectives: Vanity ~ Vanity and Humility versus Pride and Modesty
- Perspectives: Gratitude ~ Gratitude is an Attitude
- Perspectives-Loneliness-An-Indisputable-Emotional-Pain