i'm 34 yrs old and i'm over weight how can i lower my weight and blood pressure

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  1. profile image50
    jenny adolphusposted 14 years ago

    i'm 34 yrs old and i'm over weight how can i lower my weight and blood pressure i tried everything

    can you please help me

  2. Hmrjmr1 profile image69
    Hmrjmr1posted 14 years ago

    jenny - My advice comes from being an Army Master Fitness Trainer and it is the fundamental truth of diets and Body Functions, to loose weight you have to do two things, reduce your intake of calories, and increase your use of calories through exercise. As you have stated you have High Blood pressure you should consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. After you have had that discussion start small and gradually increase the exercise, and intake reduction. Copious amounts of water help keep the hunger pangs away and will help you process calories more efficiently through hydration. Hope this helps...

  3. nitzshav profile image63
    nitzshavposted 14 years ago

    try tomatos
    sliced in a sandwhich, wraps, or just eaten raw
    cooked in foods that contain lower blood pressure
    or even jucied for a drink

  4. lindagoffigan profile image57
    lindagoffiganposted 14 years ago

    You should visit your family physician and ask for guidance on losing weight and lowering your blood pressure.  Ask him about the Dash diet or you can look the diet on line that is geared to lowing your blood pressure.  Try to eat less process foods and more foods for the soil such as fruits and vegetables.  Walking about twenty minutes a day will help you to lose weight also.  But you really need a doctor's visit to get you blood pressue under control.

  5. lyrickat21 profile image60
    lyrickat21posted 14 years ago

    I highly recommend the program that I have outlined in my hub giving readers a review of the 48 hour hollywood miracle diet. The diet system that I talk about will provide you with software that will design a diet that is specifically tailored to the foods you like. You put in the foods you want to eat and the software will generate a diet plan full of those foods in a plan that will allow you to continue to eat them AND lose weight! Just a suggestion...Good luck! smile

  6. lama204 profile image62
    lama204posted 14 years ago

    The best way is to try the weight loss product. But you have to careful when you buying it. There are some product available which really works. You can visit the blog below and read more about it.


  7. adsensesecrets profile image59
    adsensesecretsposted 14 years ago

    here are some tips to lower blood pressure naturally! http://hubpages.com/hub/lowerbloodpressurenaturally


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