Anyone sick and wnat to know some truth to healing?

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  1. darrylcrawford profile image67
    darrylcrawfordposted 15 years ago


    Who hates being sick? I do!

    Who wants to prevent getting sick? I do!


    First in foremost, DISEASE, SICKNESS, ILLNESS,



    So How do you put your body into a alkaline environment?

    Glad you asked. ARE YOU READY?


    What alkaline foods should one eat and drink?

    Glad you asked. 

    Google "Disease cannot live in an alkaline environment".


    Google "What are the best foods and water which are alkaline".

    What would we do without Google?

    The world may never know!

    Just a reminder.

    If our bodies are made up of 70% water, what do you think

    you need to change first in your life for a healthier you?.............Hhhhmmm!
    That's not a hard one.

  2. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 15 years ago

    The latest fad. Some think it is a scam.
    Personally not taking a position yet.

  3. JYOTI KOTHARI profile image59
    JYOTI KOTHARIposted 15 years ago


  4. Scott Mandrake profile image60
    Scott Mandrakeposted 15 years ago

    I find it amusing that rather than allow your body to develop an immune system in the first place, we resort to changing our body chemistry entirely to prevent illness.  The amusing part is that developing an immune system can be a relatively passive process whereas changing our body chemistry may require all sorts of diets, pills and more avenues to spend income.

    Three cheers for senseless endeavors.


  5. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    The alkaline/acidic balance in the human body is complex and should not really be messed with if you don't know much about what this means and what you are doing.

    Maybe this idea got started through the fact it is well known that lots of red meats, etc., cause a chemistry leaning towards the acidic (causing health issues), while eating more vegetable foods and poultry and fish create a more alkaline chemistry.  However, an chemistry leaning towards excessive alkaline isn't good either--health problems are associated with it, as well.

  6. SparklingJewel profile image68
    SparklingJewelposted 15 years ago

    Oh it really is a simple thing actually. It is one of my hubs in progress. To start, any thing in excess on a regular basis can create and imbalance in the pH that will not correct itself. Like a hangover! or kids bouncing off the walls from too much sugar, or eating too much at one sitting.

    Our body has a unique systematic way of correcting imbalance through our own body intuition and if we learn to listen to the clues for correction.

    The most trouble these days is that people have lost that ability to hear that inner voice of body intuition and don't have enough information to make well guided adjustments when needed.

  7. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 15 years ago

    "The most trouble these days is that people have lost that ability to hear that inner voice of body intuition"
    I never eat fruit because it makes my body nauseous just smelling it.
    You mean like that?

    1. SparklingJewel profile image68
      SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, but the second half of my message is just as pertinent. There may be reasons for your fruit aversions that can be changed, that may bring you a better balanced health, if you read up on why fruit may be affecting you that way.

  8. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 15 years ago

    "if you read up on why fruit may be affecting you that way." K, I check it out.

  9. Betty Jo Petty profile image60
    Betty Jo Pettyposted 15 years ago

    Like I used to hear:   you are what you eat.

    and what about Water, people?

    Can we not live on Cola, or other sorts of drinks, why water?

    Do we need water?

                  I vote 'yes.'

                                           I'm Betty Jo

  10. Betty Jo Petty profile image60
    Betty Jo Pettyposted 15 years ago

    Sorry, here I am again.

    Can someone please correct the word 'want' in the question?

  11. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    This alkaline food fad which claims that changing your body PH will prevent disease is only catching on because people can't afford medical care and most of the medical care here in the U.S. is horrible anyway. In times like that, quackery will always thrive.

    During the middle ages people used garlic to keep the bubonic plague away and people really believed in that cure and they died anyway.

    Most viral illness has to run its course. Changing your body chemistry will not prevent disease. People get sick. It's part of being a person. It doesn't 'mean' anything, it isn't anybody's fault, it's just something that happens, especially when the weather changes and new germs come out. smile

    Rest, drink lots of fluids, get medical help if it lasts longer than a week, you have significant pain, or your fever stays over 101 for more than three days.

    That'll be $80, Payment due in full at the desk on your way out. lol!

  12. Ken Devonald profile image60
    Ken Devonaldposted 15 years ago

    and worth every penny Pam :-)

    As an interesting angle on changing body chemistry, I seem to recall that sharks and rays never get viruses because they have a high level of urea in the blood (which is why they smell so funny and have to be left to soak a day before you eat them) so maybe drinking pee can solve a lot of things as well?

    I think balance in all things is the correct approach.

    1. profile image0
      pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! Hi Ken--I think I'd rather get sick! wink

      Yeah, I second the balance in all things thing.

  13. SparklingJewel profile image68
    SparklingJewelposted 15 years ago

    . Balance does not =fad...striving for a balanced pH is not quackery, it is sound scientific knowledge. and yes, because there is a lack of good health care, we as individuals need to take more action on caring for ourselves to prevent illness. That's not quackery, that's just plain common sense. big_smile

    1. profile image0
      pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree that balance isn't quackery. But I don't see how trying to create an alkaline body PH to prevent disease has anything at all to do with balance. In fact it sounds extreme, restrictive, and even giving the idea the benefit of the doubt it is at best based on highly speculative information. Because of that I would frankly consider such a diet to be a move away from balance, not toward it. I mean, if you want to do it it's nothing that bothers me--get as alkaline as you want, it's not my business at all--I just don't believe for a second that it prevents disease. smile

      1. SparklingJewel profile image68
        SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's too bad, it sounds like you wouldn't be able to do any unbiased research on the issue.
        Any aspect of health can be "over done" to create imbalance. pH balance is not extreme alkalinity or extreme acidity, it is the balance between the two, with slight fluctuation.
        Everyone is unique in what they need to find their balance.

        Sounds like you have only read of the fads and the people that want to make big money off the idea...just like the big hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. Do you seriously think any big mainstream medicine system is going to promote  self-help healthy solutions if they can't make money off it?

        Knowledge is power; self empowerment. Try it, you'll like it! big_smile hint: study how cells work.

  14. Ken Devonald profile image60
    Ken Devonaldposted 15 years ago

    And another thing... pH can affect the sex of babies. If you find you are having a string of boys or girls, try changing your pH if you want to balance the sexes!

  15. ThePioneer21 profile image60
    ThePioneer21posted 15 years ago

    The body's mixture of acid and alkaline was made for a reason, and trying to change that is ridiculous.  What happened to eating lots of fruit and veg, exercising, taking vitamins and not drinking or smoking?  Surely those are the best ways to avoid illness?  If you don't take care of your immune system, don't expect it to take care of you.

  16. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    Quackery always has this snide side to it--like, Oh so you believe the mainstream guys? Sucker!

    I've never understood how insulting people helps sell anything, but I know it does.

    Just because mainstream medicine is in a mess doesn't mean this alkaline theory has any merit. The burden of proof is on the proponents, not on me personally, and I'm not seeing any proof listed here, just backhanded insults.

    So I'll pass, thanks. smile

  17. Sufidreamer profile image79
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    Not sure about that one folks.

    The Mediterranean diet uses a lot of acidic foods - lemons, vinegar and tomatoes, amongst others. It is regarded as one of the most healthy in the world.

    In addition, the alkali reacts with the acid in the stomach and is neutralized. This may be beneficial if you have indigestion and heartburn, but the alkali is unlikely to make it into the bloodstream. The acid in your stomach is one of the best defences against food poisoning bacteria, so why alter it?

    Excessive flatulence may also be an unwelcome side-effect.

    1. SparklingJewel profile image68
      SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      AHHH! the amazing fact that some acidic foods actually become alkaline in the body as they are being used in digestion, is the reason the Mediterranean diet is healthy and can counter balance the pastas. ("can" being the operative word here; because we are each unique in our current state of body chemistry, each may need different things...that is why the various diets affect people differently)

      Main point being-- check which foods that are acidic actually become alkaline and how that interacts with the pastas.

      There are several good websites with this type of information and charts...try

      1. Sufidreamer profile image79
        Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yep - Looked at that site.

        Seems a little suspect, although with a ring of truth.

        They seem to show, on their chart, that the 'Healthy Body' pH varies from 6.0 to 7.5. At either of those extremes, you would be dead. The body is very strict about regulating the blood at  pH 7.4, and it will not deviate from this unless you are very ill. As the original poster states, germs cannot survive in an alkaline environment, but neither can your own cells. The body dumps excess acid into the bladder, which has no effect upon the body pH.

        The lungs are far more important in regulating pH balance than the food you eat. The body generally regulates acidity with carbon dioxide/carbonic acid, and the kidneys flush out  acid long before the pH of the body lowers. The idea that there are 'good' and 'bad' carbohydrates carries little truth. The reason that brown rice, for example, is better than white rice is because it has fibre which speeds digestion. The digestive system breaks both down into exactly the same products.

        The only bit that caries an element of truth is the idea of high protein diets causing osteoporosis, as the body borrows minerals from the bones to keep the blood at the magical 7.4. A well balanced diet should take care of that - Please do not waste your money on these diet supplements and 'alkaline' water. The list of pills that they advise you to buy is ridiculous, especially when there is an economic crisis wink

        I am not against alternative therapies, and believe that many have something to offer, but this one is largely pseudo-science.

        As TMG says, in a much more concise way, moderation!

        1. SparklingJewel profile image68
          SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          The chart is not saying the pH of a healthy body is between 6 and 7.5...
          with careful reading of their information, I believe their chart is stating the "Healthy Body" range of the pH of the particular foods. That the foods within that range of pH were the best for a healthy body. Foods have their own pH, and how they are assimilated within the body determines their place on the range of pH... for a healthy body. Its all about determining the pH of a food by a chemical ash process

          Clear? I am not sure it is

  18. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    smile Sufi...

    Acidity in lemons, vinegar and other foods/spices actually acts to preserve foods and counteract harmful bacteria...  I know that.

    My biggest food dilemma at the moment is this fallacy or fact (?) in regards to good & bad carbs, as the Mediterraneans are prone to eating much pasta, lol, which I love but which has been labeled BAD.

    I'm thinking the way meals have been done for many many a year--w/ protein source, vegetables and a starchy side like pasta has a rhyme & reason for it physiologically, despite current health food fads.

    1. Sufidreamer profile image79
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Lita

      Hope that you had a good Christmas.

      Interestingly enough, I had a conversation with a Greek friend the other day, about the Mediterranean diet. He brought up the point that the 'best' type of food depends upon where you live, which is an interesting thought. The Greeks have a lot of food combinations, developed over the years, to suit their climate.

      The amount of salt that we put on our food in summer would make a British nutritionist blanch, but we need it in the heat. On the other hand, if you tried to live on a Greek diet in a UK winter, you would freeze due to lack of calories. My own opinion is that fresh food with a good balance of vitamins, minerals and proteins is more important than worrying about good or bad carbs. A little moderation is also good - if you eat pork roast every night, then you are in trouble. It does not need a nutritionist to tell us that!

      1. kerryg profile image82
        kerrygposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        If there's one thing an interest in nutrition and alternative health teaches you, it's that moderation is the key to everything! Seems that lesson is one that everybody has to learn for themselves, though.

      2. profile image0
        Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        That's very interesting about your friend....  I have this old weird nutrition book I bought for 25 cents or something written in the 60's that relates the same thing.  How the Eskimos survived mainly on animal foods, yet were extremely healthy as they ate the entire animal, and so received nutrients most other people get from plant foods.

        Americans have this tendency to want to adopt things, smile, I'm not entirely different.  And yet there are cultures who are known for their longevity and health given some nutritional health studies, so that I do believe there is an (or a few) optimal diet...  I've done some reading on voluntary calorie restriction/optimal nutrition, which is also very interesting...  And though it is hard, you do find if you actually eat just a 10-20% less of what is normal, you have more energy and feel/look better overall.

  19. TheMoneyGuy profile image69
    TheMoneyGuyposted 15 years ago

    I consider myself pretty healthy, and I eat everything.  I just don't overeat anything.  But, I can eat anything as well, no matter where I am in the world I eat whatever is there.  Never had food poisioning only got the runs once in Lebanon.  So I think I will stick to just eating whatever looks good just not eating a whole lot of it.


    1. profile image0
      pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Partly this obsession with diet that we have here is in America a byproduct of having plenty to eat but having very little control about other highly stressful aspects of our daily lives.

      On an individual level, this is exactly how eating disorders start--The person feels that his or her immediate personal environment is totally out of control and alleviates those feelings of fear and anxiety by rigidly controlling what foods are acceptable and how much. I think our whole culture has a kind of eating disorder. It's not a good thing, it's unhealthy and obsessive.

      Normal healthy animals eat like you and Misha. If it looks good they eat it and they stop when they are full (sometimes!). They eat weird stuff sometimes and too much on occasion and basically nothing bad happens.

      1. TheMoneyGuy profile image69
        TheMoneyGuyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thank You,


  20. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    I really don't bother with diets, neither I try to restrict the amount of food. Most people say I look much younger than my almost 50 years, and I don't have any chronic illness, except for psoriasis. Can't recall when I had a doctor appointment last time. smile

    I do try to listen to my body though, and to follow what it tells me to eat and not to eat. Looks like it needs different things at different times. For example, I've been a heavy cheese eater for many years, but in the last year or so this craving subsided and almost faded away. Now I eat dry salami, but that also seems to start subsiding lately smile

    And I've seen quite a few dietary theories rises and falls during my not-so-short life, so I don't give a damn about all of them lol

  21. anjalichugh profile image70
    anjalichughposted 15 years ago

    So much has already been discussed here that I am left nothing else to say except one thing...I still endorse natural produce like fruits & vegetables.

    1. SparklingJewel profile image68
      SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, whole hearted agreement on that one big_smile (but being mindful of the non-organic produce can be important too...pesticides and fertilizers, the nutrition of the soil and how things ripen and are harvested have a lot to do with their nutritional well as the cooking process) big_smile

  22. Scott Mandrake profile image60
    Scott Mandrakeposted 15 years ago

    I am a firm believer in eating to ones blood type though maybe not the strictest follower smile
    I have never really bought into the hype of fad diets, mostly because I see the negative effect it has on youth. 


  23. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    I also just believe food intake, weight, etc., is different for different people.  We do not have the same genetic make up, so one size fits all obviously cannot work.

    I can only speak for myself in saying I feel better when I'm thinner, eating decent meals (actually relatively traditionally--just with an eye towards healthy, ie, yogurt, olive oil, red wine, salmon & vegetables--but still w/ pasta or rice included, lol!) but just not so much, and physical activity--preferable outdoors. 

    I cannot say my concern has ever been about obsession, honestly--just wanting to be as healthy as possible.

  24. Sufidreamer profile image79
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    Hi SparklingJewel

    It is a very unclear chart - if they are going to make scientific claims, they need to get the basics right. You should not have to make an interpretation of the data. If I wrote such a vague paper for a client, I would not be paid.

    I am afraid that I am still not convinced by it. For example, sugar is sugar. Molasses, honey and refined sugar all have the same structure, and are all sucrose. All sugars are broken down into the same compound, glucose, by the body. That chart encourages people to eat lots of maple syrup, because it is 'alkaline,' when it is no better than table sugar. Whilst I love honey, too much is still not a good thing.

    They talk about illness arising when the pH of the body is imbalanced. It cannot be imbalanced - as discussed above, your body fluid cannot deviate from 7.4, or you will die. Claiming that 'all disease' is caused by pH imbalance is a little spurious and possibly dangerous.

    My major concern was that, if you buy all of the supplements that they claim, that adds up to a small fortune. A healthy diet is a lot cheaper and a lot safer. I tend to be very skeptical of people providing research alongside a shopping list. It is up to you how to spend your money, but I would not part with a penny to those people. I am not sure about the cost of living in the US, but the money spent upon those tablets could provide a family with a nutritious and balanced diet for a long time.

    I am not 'anti' alternative medicine, but I shy away from poorly constructed research designed to extract money. I believe that this is just as immoral as the antics of the mainstream drug manufacturers.

    1. SparklingJewel profile image68
      SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Couldn't agree with you more...I guess people are at different stages of knowledge and is all about looking for, learning to glean from and integrating information to meet our own individual needs. Because we are all unique, our needs and how they are to be dealt with are individual. We have to start somewhere, though. smile

      I wasn't looking at the information and their products as inseparable. Actually I wasn't looking at their products at all. I guess we can't take for granted that all people are going to have the discernment to be as specific about info and products as you or I. That is one reason I like forums, we can all learn from each other smile

      I can agree that the healthiest diet is the best source of nutrition. There are many specifics to that as well, ie organic vs conventional and the possible soil depletion of nutrients and the fertilizers and pesticides used, etc.
      But one can't deny the importance of pH in the body. It is very interesting how marketing is done, or in some cases not done smile  Have you found a better article for pH?I would like to read your sources on pH.  I have several others that I have worked from, but knowing research is always moving forward, surely there are newer ones than I have (which are from within the last two years). I am always working on improving my internet research skills and sources.

      Isn't it just the blood deviation that is dangerous? As a woman, I know, have had first hand experience, with other body fluids being too acid especially around the menstrual cycle and the vaginal environment and that semen can be too acidic as well causing yeast and fertility problems.

      Sugar is not just sugar. There are all the aspects of processing that change the composition of the sugars, and make them completely different in how the body assimilates them. Molasses for instance is more alkaline because of the abundance of minerals in it, and it is usually less processed then other refined sugars.

      I have to admit I have spent periods of time, checking the pH of my body fluids adjusting my foods intact, following their chart of pH foods, and have proven to myself there is validity in pH and that foods do affect us and our pH.

      1. Sufidreamer profile image79
        Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Hi SparklingJewel - Once again, you are showing yourself to be one of the nicest people on HubPages. I love the forums too, and learnt many things from some wonderful people.

        Good research - too much acid in the urine is not a good thing. Acid by-products from food pass straight into urine, rather than affecting body pH. The best way to alleviate this is with lots of water, rather than 'alkaline' food. I have never heard of the sperm one, so will have to look at that.

        One thing that you notice with many of these types of articles is that they actually have a ring of truth, but they tack on lots of other spurious claims. I am not anti-alternative therapy, quite the opposite, but I would hate for you to waste your money smile

        Research for this came from my own knowledge and a couple of text books, so I cannot help you with exact sources for pH. Finding good research on the internet is difficult - I research and write academic papers for a living, but I get lost sometimes! Generally, a reputable paper will cite its sources and allow the researcher to investigate further. Wikipedia is not a primary source, although it is useful as a start point. I seem to remember that you had some valuable input into the Global Warming thread, so you know how sensational the media is!

        In an act of shameless self-promotion, I have an article about some of the signs that something is pseudoscience.

        Molasses does have minerals, so that may be correct. Maple syrup, on the other hands, is 99.99% pure sugar - 0.001% minerals is not going to make something alkaline. This is an example of where they cloud any genuine correlations with trash. The best idea is to eat less sugar. smile

  25. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Know anything about how Stevia falls in line with sucrose, Sufi?

    1. Sufidreamer profile image79
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Lita.

      It is not something I know an awful lot about, as it is unapproved in the EU.

      I had a quick look through the literature, and it seems fine. The FDA has approved it, and it has little effect upon blood sugar. There were a few concerns about possible carcinogenic properties, but pretty much any food substance is carcinogenic in high quantities.

      Seems to be a perfectly good substitute for those wanting to avoid excess sugar.

  26. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Yah, that's about what I know, too....  Other than the fact that the Japanese have been using it for years, and it has been held off from major use here in the US while Coke brokers a big deal for taking it commercial.

    Was thinking of doing a hub on it....  Also HELPS diabetics.

  27. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Hey, cool, Sufi-  smile

    Is that what you do for a living?

    To me, the signs of pseudo science are always fairly obvious.  You'd be surprised how good research is just good research, despite the discipline.

    1. Sufidreamer profile image79
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes - I am a writer too! I love to write, but was never much good at the creative writing side, so I write research papers. I fell into academic writing, and a couple of books are underway, a science resource book and one about Greek History. It does not pay well, but I love reading, so it is the perfect profession.

      I also get to drink Ouzo whilst I work - I tell my partner that it helps the creative process. wink

      Agree with you about the pseudoscience, but we research for a living, so we know what to look for. They have become very clever at including just enough truth to make things sound plausible.

      PS - Look forward to reading the Hub about Stevia smile

  28. SparklingJewel profile image68
    SparklingJewelposted 15 years ago

    So, Sufi,

    Have you written a hub on doing research yet? Or checked out any by some else you recommend.  I didn't get to do enough research while doing my BA in Communication, it was a weekend college degree at a reputable women's college here, but still feel because we had mostly adjunct instructors (is that the right term) we weren't pushed into greater researching...and yes I have to admit, because the weekend college was geared toward continuing learners may have been another reason we didn't have more rigorous courses.

    It is good to hear you say researching on the net isn't easy. All I recognized is that since I graduated, I would have to pay for access to greater research sources, so hadn't done it yet.

    Im not sure I agree totally with your concept of pseudo science though. It has been my experience that mainstream science has its self imposed limitations as well, especially in the health and medicine fields. Most seem to be stuck in their hard and fast, dry ways of doing things, especially when it comes to research.

    Like I've mentioned before, if not word for word, there is a spiritual aspect to our being, even beyond defined intuition, that we can access to attain greater knowledge and wisdom. And if people don't try to expand, science as it is today will kill us before it perpetuates us into a more balanced state of awareness with all the universe has to offer. big_smile

    1. Sufidreamer profile image79
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi SparklingJewel. big_smile

      Respect for doing a weekend course - juggling a degree around the many other tasks in life is not easy.

      It appears that we agree on many things.

      I also have a mistrust of science, believe it or not!  Science is now at the mercy of those with money. If a scientist is given a grant by a drug company, they are under pressure to produce 'amenable' results. This is a major problem, and I fear that that pure scientific research is dying. I have no problem with alternative medicine, and use holistic methods and herbalism often. A herbalist undergoes six years training, so I am happy to assume that they know their stuff.

      Unfortunately, there are some who manipulate alternative medicine to make money, and this I do not like. The same happens with both sides of the Global Warming debate, and it is now about the politics rather than the science. For help researching, if you have a browse around the site at the link I gave, there is a little information. I am writing a chapter in the e-book about that, so most of that content should find its way onto the site fairly soon.

      At the end of the day, research is all down to your own experience. I can evaluate good from bad science, because of experience, but would be lost in the fields of Communication or Lita's Literature. The internet is a wonderful tool, but does have a downside. If you are near a library, some of them give access to sites such as JStor, which generally contain peer reviewed journals in many academic fields.

      I am also spiritual, (a fairly typical Pisces, according to pseudoscientific astrology!) and have a lot of beliefs that do not fit in with 'traditional' science. I believe that science and spirituality can work very well together, but recent developments appear to have created a wall between the two. sad

      1. SparklingJewel profile image68
        SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        What recent developments? There has always been, and probably always will be opposition to integration of science and spirituality.

  29. Sufidreamer profile image79
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    Hi SparklingJewel

    It is way past my bedtime, so I am going to be lazy and post links! … al-Dilemma … religions_

    Goodnight! smile

    1. SparklingJewel profile image68
      SparklingJewelposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      thanks Sufi, I am glad you understood where I was coming from big_smile

  30. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    "What recent developments? There has always been, and probably always will be opposition to integration of science and spirituality."

    That's a pretty broad and harsh statement. Rent the movie "Contact," which is based on a novel by scientist Carl Sagan. It's about exactly that issue and what is really fascinating is that at the end of the movie, the scientist comes out as more 'spiritual' than the spiritual guy. The movie does tease out lots of ways the issue is much more complex than science versus spirituality.

    Very advanced physics starts to sound like science fiction or metaphysics, for example.Questions come up about the nature of matter, the universe, time. It's very harsh and I think incorrect to reduce it to this versus that, never the twain shall meet.

    1. Sufidreamer profile image79
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The great Carl Sagan - very interesting man. Good film, too.

      Quantum physics is wonderfully interesting, although much of it goes over my head. hmm

      So many interesting theories, although every answer appears to be met with another question. Interesting times!

      I tend to fall back to science, because it is the area I know best. It does not answer every question, though, and there are many unexplainable things in the universe. smile

  31. profile image0
    pgrundyposted 15 years ago

    Advanced math starts to look like philosophy too, but I don't understand that either! lol!

    I think the struggle between religion and science is mostly invented. It's more about politics than anything else. Lots of scientists are religious and lots of religious and spiritual people use science and respect it.

    For some reason we just like to set discussions up as oppositions here, even when the content of the discussion doesn't fit that model very well. And by 'here' I mean on earth.

    I guess it's always been that way really.

    1. Sufidreamer profile image79
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The maths always gets me, too. hmm

      The media has a big part to play - they like to create trouble where there is none. They seem to enjoy feeding us half-truths and outright lies, just to suit an agenda.

      1. profile image0
        pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Amen to that. I find myself turning off the TV more and more. Before I met my better half I didn't have cable and never turned it on. I read a lot more and I think I felt better too.

  32. Misha profile image64
    Mishaposted 15 years ago

    Nope, I think it was different before The Apple. smile

    1. profile image0
      pgrundyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      LOL! You're probably right Misha. smile


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