Words are powerful especially our own words that we speak out of our own mouths. When we speak words of life, love & more into our life, we will reap the benefits of that life. Start today! Why wait?
Prayer works. Pray with all your heart, mind and soul and you'll see. When we pray for others along with ourselves it works wonders. If you never did this before, I encourage you to try it today.
Prayer is power and when we have others praying with us it becomes even more powerful. It's a symphony of music to God when many people come together in agreement praying for one another daily.
There is a cure for all sickness and that is the immune systen however one must place the proper natural substances into their diet for any good to spring forth. Don't be led by commercials, try it.
The benefits of tithing and sowing is something that most Christians have done off and on (which shouldn't be) but I challenge you to 90 days of faithfully tithing and sowing and watch what God does.
Prayers are so very important and when we pray we must believe before we pray and then go through a check list to see if our prayers would be blocked. This is very important. Read on to find out more.
Jesus' name is the name above every name that there is. Cancer is a name, debt is a name, fear is a name, lack is a name, etc. When we apply the name of Jesus over our lives we will see change. Try it
Have you had close members of your family who have died from illnesses? I have and it makes one think about what could be the cause of it. There are major factors indeed such as living on a vitamin deficiency lifestyle from the right foods, starving...
Learn how to pray with passion through this FREE ebook by Elisha Goodman. You will be blessed and you can thank God for inspiring him for writing it then you can go to his website and check out more.
The bible is the written word of the living God. Take it as it is and you will experience what it says as you take it that seriously. God is real. His love for you is real. So read his word, believe.
The blood of Jesus is so powerful we must as believers keep taking communion to gain more victory in our life. Read on...
When we fast & pray, tremendous power is released to the believer who is hungry to go deeper with God & will see impossible prayers answered, experience breakthroughs & needs met like never before.
Jesus is my Lord and Savior and this is just a poem I wrote for the Lord. Enjoy.
God can not lie and His promises were written for you and I. When we declare the word of God over our lives daily, we create a new experience into our lives after repeated spiritual practice. Try it!
Did you know you could have someone in your family or friend of family that left you something and you don't know about it and since you don't know about it, it remains unclaimed? TRUE, TRUE!
Our words are powerful, they shape our life, they form our strong holds, good or bad, they create and prepare what we will experience. What are you saying daily? Get God involved, watch what happens.
Praise & worship is quite possibly the most powerful weapon against the enemy. When we do this as an act of faith, we are honoring God & we discourage the devil every time. Try it each day, start now.
There are many things that are on the market today that claim this and that but we must not be ignorant and do our homework and really reconsider what we hear and see and take a closer look.
Prayer is power. More prayer creates more power. Don't think so? For the next 90 days start praying for others and start asking (trusted prayer warriors) to pray for your each week. You'll see.
Ronald Milton James Crawford, my eldest brother, mentor, friend and for sure man of God went home to be with the Lord and this is my blog about dealing with a death of a lost loved one.
Sound is also another way to heal the Spirit, soul and body. Music and sound have the most influence in life. What would life be without art, music or sound? Lifeless in my opinion. Read on.
Everyone no matter who you are needs a vacation and when you realize it often it cost much more than our last trip. Well you can plan ahead and save money with a few known ways to make it happen.
At times we all get hurt and the best thing we can do it take some time off and forgive the other person and forgive ourselves. Then reconnect if possible and start over like it never happen.
Ringtones are easy to find however do you know where to find original, different, fun, inspiring ringtones? If not please read on. Check this out and comment below. Thank you in advance.
You're all I wanted, you're alI needed, A blessing you are, is how I see this, Through the midnight hours and through out the day, I think about us, I think about us when I pray, - O I honor this love, I thank God above that I found someone...
Love is a power subject, it is thee most powerful topic in life. Yet without love life is empty. Enjoy this heart felt poems on love. ENJOY.
I'm a one woman man Anyone could say they like you but how many of them would truly love you- I'm focused on you, no one but you and as far as I see, no one else will do- Even God knows it's true, Yes even LOVE knows it's...
There a 86,400 moments (seconds) in a day so I know this poem seems very different I still wrote it to remind us to make the time for another which is very important. Love is real. God is love :)
Here's another poem of Love which I hope you will appreciate. The poems I write mainly are on love because to me it is the most desirable yet the most misunderstood topic on earth. Love is real.
This is another love poem by Darryl William Crawford. Couples in love can bring out the best of each other when they understand each other and have a foundation of unconditional love for each other.
I love taking in herbs which God made so I was playing around with words and created a poem of love with certain herbs that I use. Some think its funny, some really like. Whatever it is to you, enjoy.
Love poems for your lover, with roses and dark chocolates, you can't go wrong with that combo. Never rush into a relationship, time is precious, hers and yours. So take it slow and make sure the feelings are mutual. When they are and you both are...
Relationships are vitally important, everyone can relate on one level or another. It's a good feeling when you're loved, however it's a bad feeling when you know you're being played. Get the truth.
Okay men. What we need is a quick fast way to please our spouses and that my friend is important in the bed room. With that said, let me ask you, how is your penis health? Let's get it started...
Thank you for the feedback. I do enjoy writing poems and such. Thank you all for the love. Please enjoy more of my poems. Cheers Darryl William Crawford What is a friend A moment of silence, there's no need for advertisement, a hand...
CAN I HAVE ONE LOVE HARMONY Beyond Desire What is love without the truth- We need to tighten this loose- Lady can you leave no space- for a stranger to embrace- no matter what they say or do- I will do Cause without real love in...
Love is real and if you are looking for love, God is who you need to know first. Then you will learn how to love and then you can experience love first hand and know how to give and receive. ENJOY!
Math is the key to understanding a lot about life. It is pure logic but when you think about it even though it's logical, it's a wonder many people find it so challenging. Well so is life.
Enough of the fluff that we hear on the news, magazines and billboards. We need to ask ourselves, after all these years of quote unquote "research", do they really care about us? Wake up and read.
Michael Jackson was the greatest entertainer in the business of ART. I really say that from my heart. He gave his all down to the last days of his life. This is just a blog about my feelings about him
Designer Eyeglasses are so very, very cool and they can make our outfit look 10 times better. What designer frames do you wear? What's your favorite? Who do you think has the best prices?
We all came from God and God likes variety. He made us and he knows what he is doing. Anytime we do not appreciate God many creations we are not loving our neighbor.
If you would like to know more about the author please go here. Hello everyone and welcome to my hub. I love helping people by pointing them in the right direction, an alternative direction is sometimes the best direction. I suggest for you to...
Video gamers from around the globe game with high end gaming headphones which makes your video gaming experience more in depth than just turning up your volume on the TV. With so many choices to choose from, one could take a whole day or longer...
When you give you shall receive. That is a law put in motion by God himself. Whatever we put into life, that is what we get out of life. It's that simple. So givers do gain. They gain what they give.
King Daddy Dee is Darryl William Crawford. Who is Darryl William Crawford? A Child of God, blog writer, music composer, music producer man of God about to show you how you can get heard.
I think I can, I think I can, I think, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I am, I know I am, I know I am. Change your words, change your world around you staring today.