My job is forcing me to take the Flu vaccine...ugh!!!

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  1. profile image0
    Scott P Williamsposted 11 years ago

    I'm a nurse working for a major healthcare company. However, I am only into natural health stuff. I give injections and medications to patients that I would never want to take myself. job is making the Flu vaccine mandatory. I already refused the shot and they are making me wear a monkey mask all day, even though I'm not sick. Next year, they are saying, there will not be a mask option. Supposedly, I will simply be terminated. I haven' had the Flu or even a cold in years. This Sucks!!!

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you smoke in the car with your kids? Cause a similar argument is going on in another thread. smile

      1. profile image0
        Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Not sure what that's about but no I don't smoke.

    2. JG11Bravo profile image70
      JG11Bravoposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Different motives, but I know I was pretty salty about getting the flu shot back in the Army.  All the damned thing did was give me a three-month cold.

      1. profile image0
        Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It's  true, the vaccine doesn't help much at all.

    3. psycheskinner profile image78
      psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It would suck even more if you gave a flu to an immune compromised patient and they died.  Especially if they then sued you for negligent homicide.  What your hospital is doing is protecting themselves from this liability.

      1. profile image0
        Beth37posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Wow, good point.

      2. profile image0
        Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That argument would make sense if there was some evidence that the Flu Vaccine kept a person from getting the Flu, but there is none. The rate of prevention is something like 9% effectiveness. Vitamin D is much more effective according to research, so is a good night of rest. Next, you will tell me how great the pharmaceutical industry is...let's not go there, it's all about money and some company selling millions of vaccines to the CEO friends at my hospital and others. For those who want the shot, that's great, but I don't. Also, we already have a policy that doesn't allow sick employees to work with the patients.

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Link, please, showing that those with vaccines get the flu only 9% less that those that do not take the vaccine but live in similar circumstances?

    4. aliasis profile image71
      aliasisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Holy crap, take your flu shot! It's good for you, and good for everyone around you. Don't be one of those "anti-vaccine" people, please, for the love of god.

      Should you "have to"? Well, if you're working with medical patients, I don't have any sympathy for your refusal. It doesn't really matter if you are "healthy." And it's not like the flu shot is some dangerous, contentious vaccine with negative side effects and high risks.

      Everyone, if they have access and ability, ought to get it, imo. I wouldn't make it a mandatory law, but within your company - especially, again, working with patients - darn straight they can (and should) require it!

      Where are you getting your info? It's closer to 90% (though it depends on the person, it ranges from above 60%)! This is according to the Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

      1. profile image0
        Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        The CDC, really! Next you'll be telling me you trust the White House. lol  Listen, I understand what you are saying. I know the shot will not kill me, The point is that it's my choice.

        There has to be something going on in this society that you don't agree with that is being forced on you. Is the Gov taking your house or your guns or messing with your food? You have to have something in this world you don't agree with that is supposed to be "normal"  What is it? Crappy music on the radio, abortion, sex on TV, all of that is supposed to be normal. So are you telling me that everything the Gov. says is normal is just ok. Trust them because they said so. Typing in "Flu Shot" on Google and accepting the first page of research is not where I get my info. The CDC plays with words and numbers while their friends rack in millions selling "Vaccines"

        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Do you then see no difference between government mandating you do something or go to jail, and an employer requiring you to follow their workplace rules?  Rules that you can walk away from any time you wish and still be an American citizen?

  2. LupitaRonquillo profile image76
    LupitaRonquilloposted 11 years ago

    Sounds like a tough spot to be in upholding your belief in not getting a flu shot... I agree with you on avoiding them so I hope it all works out for you!

    1. profile image0
      Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'll see what happens. But right now my employer could care less.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        They probably don't care.  It's pretty well accepted that on the average, taking the vaccine reduces the likelihood of getting the flu.  Your personal anecdote of not getting the disease in years isn't going to hold much water, even if you could prove it true.  What matters to them is that you take all precautions necessary to prevent passing the flu to their patients and that includes being vaccinated.

        1. profile image0
          Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Not sure what info you have read or researched but  the Flu Vaccine is not well accepted anywhere. If it was, employers wouldn't have to make it a mandatory policy. There is no sound research that proves anything valuable about this vaccine. You may agree with this vaccine but just wait until they come up with a vaccine that you don't agree with and you have to take it. Let's see how the average person feels then.

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            It seems to be well accepted by your employer, and in fact there are apparently a great many hospitals and patient care facilities that require it.  All of whom would seem to accept it as useful.

            Your case is far from unique.

            1. profile image0
              Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Again, too many have been refusing it. So they made it mandatory. All of these people have been to nursing and medical school and yet they find a reason to refuse it.

              I hope your faith in this system turns out well for you. But remember, they don't teach prevention in our medical system, so of course they want you to purchase their medical cures.

              Don't mean to be so short today but I'm a bit upset about them dictating to me what goes inside of MY body.  Thanks for your time and opinion.

              1. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Not real sure what you are reading into my posts that makes you think I like vaccines.  About all I've said is that your employer requires them and thus must think they do some good.

                For the record, I've never had a flu shot in my life.  I understand that vaccines DO work, ARE extremely beneficial to humanity and have few side effects, but I don't see the need to get one yet.  Maybe when I'm 90.

                1. profile image0
                  Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  You make some great points.

                  I guess it's a lot like your "Guns and Crime" hub. There is research to support both sides but I'm sure that you have personally seen evidence to sway your view one way or another. Well, I've read enough research that goes against the CDC, which is the authority for all the hospitals, to sway my opinion against many vaccines.

                  Anyhow, I know this is a loosing battle against the CDC or whoever. But in my view it's just one more right that "they" are taking away from us as a society. That's what this is really about for my me. It's more than a silly Flu Shot of which I probably administer about 5 a week.  (Great Hubs on your site Mr. Wilderness) see you around...

          2. Rochelle Frank profile image93
            Rochelle Frankposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I also do not get flu shots. The cashier at our pharmacy asked me if I had one this year and I said "no". Then she said my insurance would cover it , it doesn't hurt, only takes a minute-- and gave answers to all the reasons that she supposed might be holding me back.   I also  am healthy and don't like taking medicines.

            1. profile image0
              Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I take care of patients that take anywhere from 5 to 25 medications per day. Trust me, I have good reasons to stay away from that stuff as I'm sure you do as well.

  3. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Efficacy varies according to dominant strains of the season and is usual above 50%.

  4. Mekenzie profile image79
    Mekenzieposted 11 years ago

    The same thing happened to my son-in-law who works in a hospital.  The monkey-mask was given him ...  a great way to intimidate, don't you think?  He gave in and got the shot.  He also got the flu.  This has happened to him every time he has taken the shot.  Same is true with many, many people I know.  If people only understood what all is added to those flu shots they'd run the other way.

    1. profile image0
      Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So true. Most people listen to the TV and hear that the shot is safe. It's not their fault because we always learn that we can trust journalists and others in positions of authority. You said it best when you stated: If people only understood...."

  5. WriteAngled profile image83
    WriteAngledposted 11 years ago

    I am nearly 60 and I have never had influenza in my life. I was forced into having an influenza vaccine once about ten years ago, but have never had one since.

    Although I support vaccination in general, I am against this vaccine. The influenza virus changes so rapidly that new vaccines have to be churned out constantly. As a result, I do not believe they go through sufficient testing.

    BTW, I have a PhD in immunology, so I am not an uninformed person sounding off her mouth.

    1. profile image0
      Scott P Williamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I feel the same. Some vaccines are better than others. I don't believe in this one.


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