What is the most-effective workout for burning fat that you can do in 15 minutes

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  1. quicksamba profile image61
    quicksambaposted 15 years ago

    What is the most-effective workout for burning fat that you can do in 15 minutes or less?

  2. sarovai profile image76
    sarovaiposted 15 years ago

    Go for jogging for 15mts. That may burn some calories. Make it regularise.Review after 15 days.

  3. profile image49
    chris.severance@gposted 15 years ago

    The human body will deplete more readily available fuels first, fat stores will not be burned until glycogen (sugar) is burned.  This process takes longer than 15 minutes typically, perhaps closer to 45 minutes or an hour.  However, given that the total intake of calories equals less than the total burn within a given period fat stores will be consumed.  Consider your basal metabolic rate along with any other fitness activities to calculate total caloric burn.  All excess calories end up stored as fat, this is the body's storage system.  Fat is more  dense than carbs and protein, making fat a more efficient storage mechanism.  Watch the calories an sugar/carbs if your day is sedentary, and feed fitness with protein to rebuild damaged muscle tissue from vigorous workouts.  Consider long, steady workouts to burn fat without getting into a rote routine.

  4. H P Roychoudhury profile image39
    H P Roychoudhuryposted 15 years ago

    For fat burning you require a hard labor when your heart bit must increase. That is possible if you can run non stop or swim in a swimming pool non stop for fifteen minutes.

  5. bobbifitchick profile image59
    bobbifitchickposted 14 years ago

    You can easily create numerous fat-burning workouts that you can do in 15 minutes or less.  Here are a couple:

    1. Double-Doozie Circuit: set up a circuit of 4-5 compound exercises.  For example, squats, rows, push-ups, and clean & presses.  Have a list of 4 cardio activities also.  Such as mountain climbers, burpees, high knee runs, and squat jacks.  Perform the first exercise (squats in this case) for 45 seconds.  Then immediately perform the mountain climbers for 30 seconds.  Repeat. Rest for 30-45 seconds. Move to the rows.  Perform rows for 45 seconds, then perform the burpees for 30 seconds.  Repeat.  Move to the push-ups with the high knee runs.  Then the clean & press and squat jacks.  The whole workout should only take about 10 minutes.
    Use challenging weights on the strength exercises.  Warm-up prior to starting any workout.

    2.  Do It or Die: Choose 6 exercises.  Strength and cardio activities.  For example, weighted forward lunges, jump rope, squat jumps, clean & presses, plyometric lunges, and burpees with push-ups.  Grab a die.  Number the exercises 1-6.  Roll the die.  Do the exercise for 30-45 seconds.  Roll the die.  Do the exercise for 30-45 seconds.  Roll the die.  Do the exercise for 30-45 seconds.  After 3 rolls, take a 30-45 second break.  Repeat for 15 minutes.

    I hope this gives you some good idea.  Most importantly, have fun with it!  Fitness doesn't have to be boring and a chore!

  6. Suzie Parker profile image59
    Suzie Parkerposted 14 years ago

    You can go with the workouts that OCphysique are recommending, they will burn a lot of fat.

    The only thing that I would change is adding a cardio sprint between the weight training sets, something like running up stairs, jumping jacks, boxer shuffle or running on the spot.

    Another exercises that are excellent for fat burn is cardio interval training and any weight training. But do add a another 5 minutes and take your time up to 20 minutes - that way you will be burning even more fat.

    Good luck with your training!

  7. pinkboxer profile image60
    pinkboxerposted 14 years ago

    Run in place for 15 minutes. This can be done at home or at the office , especially during your lunch break. Also, get yourself to an exercise facility with a swimming pool. Even if you don't swim, instructors there will teach you how to workout in the water for 15 minutes. Greater resistance in water. Fat burning guaranteed.

  8. David R Bradley profile image69
    David R Bradleyposted 14 years ago
  9. neorane profile image60
    neoraneposted 13 years ago

    The most effective workout I have done in that period of time is doing punching and kicking drills on a hanging bag.  If that bag weighs about 80lbs+ you will get an amazing high impact workout.  I had to work up to doing it for 15 minutes non-stop though. If you do a combination of speed and striking drills you will get cut very quickly so long as you have a healthy diet.  Best of luck:)

  10. ultimatekboxing profile image61
    ultimatekboxingposted 13 years ago

    The tabata method is the most effective supra-aerobic method known. Don't engage in it if you're not used to regular activity or if you have heart problems, but if you're healthy and active, it's a fantastically efficient workout, which you can do at home. A full cycle takes 4 minutes, but you can repeat it if you wish.

    A tabata workout has 8 periods of activity; 20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest, repeated 8 times. if you'd like more information on it, I'd literally just finished writing a hub on it.

  11. 10in30 profile image39
    10in30posted 13 years ago

    There's this little article on a 12 minute morning workout that burns fat all day. : )

    http://hubpages.com/hub/Jump-start-your … at-all-day

  12. profile image48
    johnsilvester12posted 12 years ago

    What really is the P90X program? For virtually 120 us dollars (done in several payments of just about forty bucks every), you will get a dozen training Digital video disks, one hundred - paged training guide, a good food intake strategy, and a 90-day appointment setting for you to trace how well you're progressing. (You will need several additional tools -- pull-up bar, strength bands, in addition to exercising sparring floor.)

    The P90X training technique is actually distributed by Beach Body by means of their web site and also through tv ads. Beach Body gives a a hundred per-cent, ninety day pleasure , though you may nonetheless be required to pay shipping expenditures if you happen to end up giving back the P90X program.



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