What to do if you've been having a bad dream (waking up crying) several nights i

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  1. homesweetmanila profile image61
    homesweetmanilaposted 15 years ago

    What to do if you've been having a bad dream (waking up crying) several nights in a row?

    my daughter has been complaining about waking up crying, and having vivid horrible dreams (nothing gory but heavy negative emotions). I am getting worried. Any suggestions?

  2. tobey100 profile image59
    tobey100posted 15 years ago

    I would recommend some type of therapist.  Not that she's crazy or anything.  Sometimes a thought, emotion, circumstance will get locked in our subconscience and we aren't even aware.  My youngest brother spent about 3 weeks dreaming of a rocking chair that kept rocking closer and closer until he woke up in a panic.  Turns out he was stressing over his performance on the soccer team.  Weird but true.  There is a cause, finding its the key

  3. profile image56
    Tarek Coachingposted 15 years ago

    I would analyze it.

    Dreams are usually your unconscious mind trying to give you resolutions for a certain problem. If you're seeing the dream repeatedly, that means you've been thinking about this problem a lot.

    Be careful however. There's a lot of books and articles on dream analysis saying that this symbols mean that, and that symbol means this. That's nonsense. For each person, a symbol could have a unique meaning depending on the context. I won't go into the details here otherwise I'll end up writing an essay :-) But if you'd like more info get in touch and I'd be happy to help


  4. sasanqua profile image73
    sasanquaposted 15 years ago

    I would suggest she see her doctor to talk about this. There must be some underlying reason why she is having these dreams. Has something traumatic happened to her (recently or in the past)? Has she had bad experiences? Does she have mental health problems, or do they run in the family? In short, it must be very hard on her to experience these horrible dreams, and she should talk to a professional about it asap to get things sorted out!

  5. profile image54
    Mrs. Opinion Qun.posted 15 years ago

    Dreams are from your sub contious. It's thoughts that you have about life brought out in the form of images, monsters, ect. all developed around something bugging you in your real life.

    I use to have reacurrent dreams about my sister and I as pamper wearing babies sitting on a pole miles above the sea and without land for the miles we could see.  my sister would jump out and swing on the wire and have fun and when she tired I would help her come in but when I took my turn she would not help me and I would scream and hang, begging for her to help me until I could not hold on any longer and fall miles down to the sea. Needless to say I would wake up crying, heart pounding and feeling so scared and alone.

    It wasn't until years later, though my dreams stoped during my young teens those emotions stayed hard and heavy with me, not until young 20's that I began to read about dreams and the information I remember is what I speak of. I would suggest you work this out with a shrink and read books, knowladge is power. There is possibly someone in her life or something in her life that has her desturbed so you have to dealve into her life experiences.

    Allthough my dreams were pretty cut and dry it was the emotions that they cause me to grow up with, I could not trust and always had that terror feeling in the back of my mind.

    All I remeber of these books I read was that monsters, snakes, or scary intimidating creatures represent someone who you fear, don't trust, or just have a problem with, someone unhealthty.

    Children have a tendency to not want to talk so she should be taken to a profesional, someone who is not emotionally involved. It may help your child open up and reach an answer to bring an end.

  6. SweetiePie profile image80
    SweetiePieposted 15 years ago

    Telling people to go to therapy, well I wonder why so many think that is the solution.  Many functional and happy people never go to see a therapist, and whereas these can be helpful in many situations, you must keep in mind therapy is a money making business.  The business is predicated on the belief that people need to see a therapist for months or years to resolve various issues in their lives.  I understand why some people may opt to see a therapist under mitigating circumstances, but I would be highly skeptical of anyone that just says go to therapy.  Try and talk with your daughter and see what is bothering her.  I would only use therapy as a last ditch resort, and many happy and healthy people never need to use it.

  7. ftwells profile image60
    ftwellsposted 15 years ago

    Some causes of bad dreams:

    (1). Bad dreams can be linked with her emotional state. When an individual is enduring mental/physical stress, anxiety,upset and/or pressure, one way the body 'copes' is to have bad dreams. e.g., studying/worrying about exams. Give your daughter a journal to keep at her bedside so that she can write down her dreams.Sometimes, this activity can provide insight into the underlying problems causing the bad dreams;
    (2). What is she eating prior to bedtime. Food intake just prior to sleep can be a contributing factor for bad dreams, e.g., consumption of spicy food, chocolates or fatty foods has been proven to engender bad dreams. Also intake of caffeine and other stimulants prior to sleeptime increases the chances of bad dreams;
    (3). Certain medications such as beta-blockers, tranquillizers and anti-depressants can contribute to bad dreams. Other factors are recent cessation of drugs such as sleeping pills, side effects of certain drugs such as anitparkinson's drugs;
    (4) Check her Vit B levels. Apparently bad dreams may be an indicator for low dopamine levels, offset by increasing intake of vitamin B;
    (5) Illnesses accompanied by fever can cause bad dreams. Sleep apnea, a breathing disorder in sleep and other sleep disorders like Narcolepsy cause bad dreams. Nightmares occur during pregnancy.
    It is important to remember that our mental and physical health determines our dreams. Thus it is important for her to understand her dreams, since the dreams may be suggesting something,
    What to do:
    (1). If she is under severe stress, give her the support she needs;
    (2) Talking about what is on her mind can really help;
    (3). She should follow a regular fitness routine, with aerobic exercise when possible. She will be able to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and wake up feeling refreshed;
    (4) Learning techniques that will reduce muscle tension (relaxation therapy), that will also reduce anxiety can be helpful e.g., listening to quiet music before bedtime; not watching television prior to bedtime;
    (5). She should practice good sleep habits. For example, going to bed at the same time each night, and waking up at the same time each morning. If your daughter is an adult, avoiding caffeine and other stimulants will also help resolve the problem.

  8. Pamela99 profile image86
    Pamela99posted 15 years ago

    When I was a child I went through a period of having bad dreams and I really can't tell you why even today.  I can only say my parents were supportive and I outgrew them.  I had an active imagination and I read a lot of books. Some of my dreams were about witches but I had read some stories involving witches. 

    Kids have a lot of peer pressure and the dreams may be a symptom of some pressure she is feeling at school.   I don't know how old your daughter is but  i think I would be careful about what your daughter watches on TV and sees at the movies,.as there is so much violence today there and in the real world.  Children are being shot in schools and so forth. 

    Maybe sitting with her in her room talking for a while listening to her fears without making any judgment before she goes to sleep, giving her a hug and kiss and just letting her know you are right in the next room if she needs you.  It doesn't help to tell her that the dreams aren't real because to her they are at least when they are happening.  Communication is so important. 

    If these things don't work then maybe seeing a doctor of therapist is the way to go.  Get recommendations on a therapist before you go as they are not all created equal if you know what I mean.  I had one with my youngest son briefly and it wasn't a positive experience, but he is an adult now and turned out just fine.

  9. EnergyAdvisor profile image67
    EnergyAdvisorposted 14 years ago

    Very interesting....In my opinion I would start analyzing it right away. Start writing those dream in a notebook. Be very specific about them. All the details are important and so are the order of events. It really doesn't matter how old your daughter is but she should be part of this "investigation". Young people often have very vivid dreams or even lucid dreams. She should know that she is in control and that she has the ability to stop whatever is happening to her in that dream. Tell her that while having those dreams she could shout "stop" or "go away" or "I don't like you go away". You can even tell her that she could make a fist and punch forward if such a dream occurs. It all about the intention behind it. Maybe she has a hobby where she's really concentrated or focused, she can even use that. A very small moment of control can trigger a total change of the dream.
    What I would also do is to look at her behavior during the day. How does she react upon things. If there certain situations that she can't handle very well, encourage her to change that. It could be a unwanted habit that she has during waking state.
    Be careful with comforting her when she wakes up crying and telling her that it was just another bad dream. That will only make her think that she can't do anything about them. Also be careful with dream symbols and meaning of dreams, I'm just not a fan of those.
    I've written a Hub about dreaming. It's sort of another definition about dreaming. The kind of dreaming people have totally forgotten in this modern time. It's maybe interesting just to have knowledge of.
    http://hubpages.com/hub/Dreaming-The-Do … Other-Self

  10. heavenbound5511 profile image68
    heavenbound5511posted 14 years ago

    I advise you to pray over her.

    I had to pray over my child for the same type of thing.

    God promises us sweet sleep in the bible.

    Example prayer: I plead the blood of Jesus over my Daughter in Jesus name, and I pray sweet sleep over her in Jesus name.
    I bind up and do not allow night terror, witchcraft,familiar spirits and all works of the devil in Jesus name.

    Also if there are occult items, even innocent looking items that have to do with witchcraft in your house get them out so there isn't an open door to your daughter through these cursed items.

    This will work, it did for me. God is faithful.
    Your welcome to email me.
    God bless you!

  11. profile image0
    David99999posted 13 years ago

    I would, in such a case, recommend seeing a psychologist/ psychiatrist.  Dreams originate in the sub-conscious mind.  Generally, they are the results of reactions - good and bad - that we have had while awake.  A trained professional can diagnose the problem and prescribe whatever medication that will help resolve the issue.

  12. lostohanababy profile image57
    lostohanababyposted 10 years ago

    If your daughter can remember details from her 'nightmare' dreams, maybe it would help her if you ask her to tell you more.   It could have several meanings.  On the lighter side, it might mean, she has unsettled matters over some things, she hasn't resolved or is pending in her mind waiting for a decision from her, and maybe she is having difficulty to understanding what to do about a certain issue.  It could be about her shool work, making new friends or feeling rejection by a few of her peers, she may want to be friends.  It may not be serious, but you as a concerned parent, watch for suttle changes in her behavior.  If you determine she may need ''clinical'' help!  You can take it from there and get her the help, she may need!


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