Any good tips on losing weight quickly?

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  1. 1150kaylamichelle profile image59
    1150kaylamichelleposted 14 years ago

    Any good tips on losing weight quickly?

  2. alfredfox profile image69
    alfredfoxposted 14 years ago

    Go on an apple diet. Eat only apples for a few days, as many as you like. The weight should drop of but you will still get the calories that you need, you will still get sugar for energy and you will not feel that hungry. Start with a variety of apples as you may get bored with the same type.

  3. Marisa OConnor profile image65
    Marisa OConnorposted 14 years ago

    This isn't the tip you were probably looking for, but seriously, don't lose weight quickly.  It's very hard on your body and can contribute to serious illness. 
    The best way to lose weight is to make changes to your diet that you can sustain, long term.  If you're overweight it is probably due to too much sugar or fat intake.  Adjust your diet to whole nutritious foods and you're excess fat will drop.

  4. annettenasser profile image57
    annettenasserposted 14 years ago

    no rice at all, or less carbohydrates,, more on fruits, green veges & lots water & movements, instead of sleeping while relaxing do dancing or yoga ,,,

  5. Small town fella profile image65
    Small town fellaposted 14 years ago

    There are many ways to lose weight quickly, but unless you are extremely overweight you are likely to gain it all back if you lose it quickly.  Your best bet is to set a goal of no more than 1 pound per week until you have achieved your goal.  Good luck with your weight loss, I know it is always harder to take it off then put it on.   I have written a few hubs on burning belly fat, and boosting your metabolism if you care to look into them.

  6. countrystarr profile image61
    countrystarrposted 14 years ago

    The idea behind losing weight is simple:  burn more calories than you take in.  However, this is SO MUCH easier said than done.

    But, it is a simple equation...either eat less calories, burn more calories, or some combination of the two.

    Eating less calories can be almost impossible.  It often takes a super human will to do that.  So for me, I've focused more on the other side of the equation, trying to burn more calories.

    Since you'll likely only have so many hours during the week to exercise then it is important to spend that time doing exercises that will permanently speed up your metabolism.  A common resting metabolism might be, say 70 calories an hour, about 1700 calories per day.  Well, what if you could speed that up to, say 85 calories per hour?  That is over 2,000 calories per day!  That is 300 extra calories burned. 

    The best way to speed up your metabolism is to build up your muscles by doing weight training.  I'm not talking about becoming a body builder or anything, but I am talking about a regular regimen 3 or 4 times a week of good solid weight training.  Even resting, a body that has lots of muscle will burn more calories than a couch potato.

    Don't neglect your cardio exercises, these are also good, but spend a lot of quality time weight training. 

    I've been lifting weights regularly for over 10 years.  I usually lift about 6 to 7 hours per week.  On top of that I do about 3 or 4 hours a week of cardio, and I walk about 5 miles per week with my dogs.  Between the calories I burn working out, and my higher resting metabolic rate from weight training, I calculate that I burn about 800 to 900 calories more per day than my brother, who is the same height and build and only a couple of years older.  He almost never exercises and is about 40 lbs heavier than me.

    Finally, even exercising like that, it is still important to focus on the other half of that equation, which is proper nutrition.  Although I'm pretty good at exercising, I'm not exactly the poster boy for the best nutrition.  But simple things I've done include soda only once or twice a week (water the rest of the time), and don't have any chocolate around the house!   Good Luck!

  7. discount-handbags profile image59
    discount-handbagsposted 14 years ago

    Eat an apple everyday replace your lunch

  8. Research Analyst profile image68
    Research Analystposted 14 years ago

    I heard that drinking raw lemon juice, molasses and cayenne pepper mixed together for 30 days will help with losing weight by speeding up the metabolism.

  9. SteveoMc profile image71
    SteveoMcposted 14 years ago

    Eat less and excercise more.   Change to eating healthy foods.

  10. profile image24
    3afashposted 14 years ago

    This is what worked for me:

    1- switch to 100% raw food diet.
    2- Fasting. Read Rational Fasting and act on it.

  11. eatingright profile image76
    eatingrightposted 14 years ago

    I would first go for a detox to give the body a good internal cleanse. There are many ways to detox. Fasting for a day or two on water, no food (not for those with health conditions) every week. Drink a natural cleansing tea (such as pu-erh, choose organic ones). Juicing raw fruits and vegetables.

  12. Scott Atkinson profile image59
    Scott Atkinsonposted 14 years ago

    As a first step, I would recommend to drink as much water as you can. Green tea (with stevia) can be an alternative when you get bored with water.

    You will need to learn what to eat. There are foods that help to lose weight faster. You have to eat well balanced meals as well.

    Starting by walking 30 min/day is usually what I recommend. If you are motivated, you might want to join a fitness center and plan workouts with a certified trainer.

    Hope this helps!


  13. profile image48
    healthy chikposted 13 years ago

    You can lose between 2-3 in a week (if you are overweight and have excess weight to lose) by cutting out white bread, full fat milk, using sweetener instead of sugar, fried food (grilling is an healthier option) and any carbohydrates after 6pm at night. This works!


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