breast cancer awareness

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  1. nikki1 profile image61
    nikki1posted 15 years ago

    Thoughts, suggestions.. food that might help, survivors.. patients what do you think..
    Horrible disease..

    1. rmcrayne profile image95
      rmcrayneposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Are you looking specifically at prevention and natural cures?  Check out Donna Gates of the book and website The Body Ecology Diet.

      1. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        NO.. just ideas.. on we can all prevent this disease..

      2. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanx for your input.. check out my article on it as well.

        1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
          Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I actually found your breast cancer hub very irresponsible. It does not say how to cure breast cancer like the title says, it assumes that breast cancer is caused by diet and lack of exercise alone. None of the experts say that is so, there are still a lot of unknowns about this disease including the cause. You should also have a disclaimer saying how you are not a professional and for people to seek medical advice.
          Beer does not give you cancer...

          Also, 90% of your tags have nothing to do with your hub. If you have proper tags you will get traffic and will not have to spam the forums to get people to read your hubs.

    2. Luciendasky profile image59
      Luciendaskyposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      my best friend lost her mom when she was 10 years old to breast cancer and her sister is dying of it as well. My friend has been diligently checking herself every 3-4 days for lumps her whole life and have caught two very early on and have been able to remove them before they cause any real damage to her body.

      Check regularly.

      1. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        My sincere condolences to your best friends mom. :-(.
        My heart goes out to you, and your best friend :-(.
        I wish her sister the best of health as well as no breast cancer. Congradulations, to your friend for catching it early. Way to go.. high-5.
        THanx for sharing your input.. I appreciate it.
        Have a great day.. frienz4lif ;-).

  2. Valerie F profile image60
    Valerie Fposted 15 years ago

    Get all your screenings on time- earlier if necessary, if you or your doctor suspects anything wrong.

    1. nikki1 profile image61
      nikki1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Great idea ;-)

  3. anjalichugh profile image68
    anjalichughposted 15 years ago

    Be sure to have a yearly Mammogram & Ultrasound done. That reveals any growth in benign form as well. Its better to know before it turns malignant.

    1. nikki1 profile image61
      nikki1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Thanx for your input..

      1. Mark Knowles profile image59
        Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Not enjoying a spammer on this subject who knows nothing about the topic. Probably best if you let this one lie.

        1. anjalichugh profile image68
          anjalichughposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Mark, does this word 'spammer' have anything to do with me? If it does, I would want to tell you what makes me know something about this subject.

          1. Mark Knowles profile image59
            Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            No - it relates to the OP. But - what do you know about this subject?

            1. anjalichugh profile image68
              anjalichughposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Again I'm really not good with abbreviations. What does OP stand for?

              1. Mark Knowles profile image59
                Mark Knowlesposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Original Poster. And "again" would suggest that you already said this - which you did not.

                1. anjalichugh profile image68
                  anjalichughposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm not sure what Original Poster means in this context but let's leave it at that. Speaking for myself, I'm (sort of) going through this painful process (medical procedures) at this time so it's a kind of first hand experience as such. smile I should thank heavens that it didn't turn out to be cancer but I learnt quite a bit about this dreadful disease in the process.

                  1. Anti-Valentine profile image69
                    Anti-Valentineposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    He means the first one who posted in the thread- nikki1. He reckons she's a spammer, and I'd be inclined to agree, seeing as she's posted links on several threads that lead to her hubs.

  4. praisejoe profile image60
    praisejoeposted 15 years ago

    Breast cancer claims a lot of lives yearly. To prevent it, it is necessary to undergo a monthly Breast Cancer Self Examination which takes very little of your time and can be done in few minutes, say 5 minutes. Thanks.

    1. nikki1 profile image61
      nikki1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you. Along with mamagrams. And, with proper nutrition,. In my opinion, too much fat in your breast never
      is never could be dangerous. Check with your dr. about it.
      Have a great day my friend.. thanx for ur input.

  5. IntimatEvolution profile image74
    IntimatEvolutionposted 15 years ago

    Don't ya think that most people are breast cancer aware?  Are they pushing that slogan too far?  I mean seriously, are people still donating to it like they use too?  I know in my area it is way down.  The pink ribbon isn't so special anymore.  Now this is just constructive criticism, from someone who has walked the rely for life walk-a-thon five years in a row, and from someone who donates money to breast cancer research in my area. 

    I just think it might be time, to switch it up a bit.  People are losing the lusher, and appeal for the pink ribbon these days.  What do you all think?  I really think the word "awareness" has been played out.

    1. nikki1 profile image61
      nikki1posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      You may want to keep those types of opinions to yourself. This disease kills women daily. I just replied to a member whose friend was claimed by this disease.. and the pink ribbon is just as important. Shame on your for your comment.
      It is a constant reminder that there is hope in this world for this disease that kills MILLIONS every day. And, for you to actually write this.. it rather compromising, in my opinion.
      The victimes it claims do not feel that way. Or the families that are affected by this, they do not feel that way :-(.
      Matter of fact, I am wearing a double bracelet "SHARE THE CARE"  in loving memory of the member I just replied to you and others who are either going through this now or went through
      this.. I too have a pink ribbon pendant I wear ALOT. Not to mention pink purses I wear to represent the cause.

      1. Misha profile image65
        Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        And I thought we had a freedom of speech lol

        Build your own site, and condescend there to your heart content.

      2. IntimatEvolution profile image74
        IntimatEvolutionposted 15 years agoin reply to this


        My sister died at 26.  Leaving a 18 month year old daughter.  I'll say what I like....!

    2. Misha profile image65
      Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I think you are right IE, but this is the way people are. Inertia...

      1. IntimatEvolution profile image74
        IntimatEvolutionposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Misha.  I've had five family members die from breast cancer.  I think I have the right to an opinion.  Like it or not, I'm pretty invested in it.  BUT THAT should not have mattered.  Just because 1 person likes wearing that damn pink ribbon, doesn't mean the ONES DONATING MONEY- BIG MONEY, like it anymore.

        NO MONEY-no research.  Then what, I'll tell you what- I'm next!!!

  6. profile image0
    annvansposted 15 years ago

    Speaking of breast cancer, I read an article somewhere online that says that women who wear bras are more likely to get it.  I didn't remember if this was a big study or what, but it said that women who wear bras all day have a higher chance of getting breast cancer than those who dont wear them at all. 

    I can see this being true maybe since if you buy a cheap bra at a department store, most of them seem to shrink a lot.  I just bought one a few months back and I bought it really loose, now it is so tight I cannot wear it unless I put an extension on it.  I know I haven't gained that much weight cuz it was way too small after the first washing.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
      Uninvited Writerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe that. Probably 90% of women wear bras and most of them do not get breast cancer.

      1. profile image0
        annvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah, it may or may not be, but the article I read claims it is.

  7. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    I agree, just because you wear a pink ribbon does not make you special. I think people are getting tired of it. It has been massively exploited by companies who might give 1 cent of every $10 to breast cancer research.

    That being said I do visit the Breast cancer site every day and click to give women free mammograms.

    I see how you ignored my statements about your hub...

  8. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    That's why you have to be careful when reading article where people write things like that or when they write hubs entitled How to Cure Breast Cancer.

    1. profile image0
      annvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      lol, no, this was supposed to be a study or something.  It was really interesting.

  9. profile image0
    annvansposted 15 years ago is an article that says the same thing.

  10. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 15 years ago

    There are so many theories and we really still do not know what causes breast cancer.

    Reading that article, I don't know of any women who wear bras 24 hours a day, for me that would be so uncomfortable smile I get mine off as soon as I can...

    1. profile image0
      annvansposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah I used to wear one 24/7 and I am feeling it now.  A family member has breast cancer and I think I have the fibrocystic or whatever it is.  I haven't been checked yet, but will soon.

      I have heard that when people have fibrocystic breast disease (or whatever you call it) that they should go without a bra and it helps.  I have just read a bunch of stuff since a family member has it.  I don't know if the bra wearing ordeal means that it would pertain to the hormone related or the ones who have the positive genes or what.  It is interesting though.

      Sorry if this makes no sense, but I just read bits and pieces of things.

  11. shreyapandey profile image58
    shreyapandeyposted 6 years ago

    About 5 years ago, one of my cousins was diagnosed with breast cancer and fortunately, she got to know about it in the 1st stage of the disease itself. The chemotherapy if taken in the 1st or 2nd stage of cancer, can save the life of a person. She took the chemotherapy and is perfectly fine now with medication.

    Irrational fear of a disease can be more hazardous than the disease itself. It can cause unnecessary psychological damages. In order to adopt preventive measures, it is important to consult a doctor or a field experts. These days many doctors provide online consulting and its always good to have a second opinion. Portals such as Justdoc can help - … specialist

    Please get yourself checked at a nearest clinic or consult a specialist online.
    Breast Cancer is a serious illness & it is always important to be aware of the illness and its symptom. It is not accurate to form opinions or judgment from incorrect sources of information.

    Hope the answer helps!


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