How to get rid of a cough?

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  1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 13 years ago

    How to get rid of a cough?

    I have lingering couch and want it to be gone. Any home remedies that will help me recover more quickly?

  2. Wealthmadehealthy profile image60
    Wealthmadehealthyposted 13 years ago

    Read my hub on natural flu cure.  Cough will be gone immediately.

  3. Mr. Happy profile image72
    Mr. Happyposted 13 years ago

    I personally do not go to see doctors. I have not seen one in years and I do not plan on seeing one. For coughs and sore throats I drink tea loaded with honey. Sauna, hot baths ... such things help me.
    Although my father had a cough two years ago in the winter for several months. Nobody (including doctors and specialists) knew how to make it go away. He took two weeks off and went down-south (to Cuba I believe). I think something with the ocean water, hot weather ... not sure but he came back without the cough.
    Just my opinion.

  4. The Pink Panther profile image59
    The Pink Pantherposted 13 years ago

    I know how you feel, I have one too.

    I always find my bad coughs soothed with lemon and honey in hot water.

    Hope this helps!

  5. mysisters profile image59
    mysistersposted 13 years ago

    Hot water with lemon and honey works like a charm!!

  6. whitton profile image59
    whittonposted 13 years ago

    Hot water with honey and lemon works wonders!

  7. Dr. Amilia profile image39
    Dr. Amiliaposted 13 years ago

    Gargle on salt mixed in warm water, it always helps.
    Avoid resorting to cough syrups till you feel you need to.

  8. rexy profile image60
    rexyposted 13 years ago

    try eucalyptus oil....inhale a few drops in boiling water....a few times a day.....cont/ few days....

    ps - let me know if it helps.....

  9. cceerpp profile image59
    cceerppposted 13 years ago

    I don't like honey. Buy a cough syrup or just make some breathing exercise... also don't forget to pray. Prayer helps a lot. thanks.

  10. clicketyclacker profile image61
    clicketyclackerposted 13 years ago

    a spoonful of honey will ease an achy throat temporarily, but drinking lots of water and getting plenty of vitamin c will help clear up your cough in the long run. gargling with warm salt water really heals up a sore throat. vick's or other menthol salves feel great on your chest and throat when you've been coughing a bunch, but nice hot steamy baths are my favorite home remedy by far!

  11. thiruselvamk profile image57
    thiruselvamkposted 13 years ago

    If the suggested does not work, then there is only one way.

  12. Barbara Kay profile image75
    Barbara Kayposted 13 years ago

    OK, this sounds weird, but it works. If you are having problems coughing at night and having trouble sleeping, put Vicks Vapor Rub on your feet. No, kidding, it seems to work.

  13. stclairjack profile image76
    stclairjackposted 13 years ago

    first off, i tell th person who is coughing to please go away,... if that person happens to be me,... i drink and shoot pool,... not real sure it gets rid of the cough,.... but it does a fine job of making me not care about i so much.

  14. rocco071 profile image61
    rocco071posted 13 years ago

    Gargling with the salted warm water helps at early stage, but so far nothing other than cough syrups worked for me...

    There is a Propolis tincture, and if you put couple drops directly in a throat, it will create a thin coat that helps, but again I'm not sure that it completely stopped coughing for me.

    here is the link for propolis:

  15. gajanis786 profile image81
    gajanis786posted 13 years ago

    I would suggest you to read my following hub about getting rid of cough....may be it's useful to you.


  16. queen cleopatra profile image88
    queen cleopatraposted 13 years ago

    Hello Paul!

    I am very glad to have found this opportunity to thank you personally. smile

    I've always tried herbal remedies first for colds, coughs, and flu.

    Drink lots of calamansi juice. (Lemon is okay but calamansi is better if you could find it.)

    For really stubborn cough, boil several stalks of lemon grass or leaves of bitter melon for about 10 minutes. Drink the tea-colored water hot to help ease the throat.

    For stuffy nose: boil onions, black pepper, ginger in vinegar. Gently inhale the steam into your lungs.

    Hope these tips helped!

  17. cashmere profile image75
    cashmereposted 13 years ago

    Get rid of that stuffy head cold and cough using these home remedies. Simple home remedies that help you beat the flu. read more

  18. Ashantina profile image62
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    Echinacea, lemon and honey...............

  19. AngusNz profile image60
    AngusNzposted 13 years ago
  20. jeyaprakash84 profile image60
    jeyaprakash84posted 13 years ago

    Chew a betel leaf with a few cloves.. You shall get a good relief.

  21. Shalini Kagal profile image54
    Shalini Kagalposted 13 years ago

    The good old fashioned egg and brandy cure.
    For three nights in a row, last thing before you go to sleep, beat up an egg white, add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of brandy and drink.

  22. profile image52
    mark9.netposted 13 years ago

    1 spoon of ginger juice mixed with honey will certainly improve
    if it is throat infection related cough.

  23. artist101 profile image65
    artist101posted 12 years ago

    See my hub many helpful tips, i personally use zinc, and oil of oregano. Yes it works. If the cough lingers longer than 2 weeks, it could be an allergy.


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