If you could ask one question to someone who died...who would you ask and what w

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  1. Sunshine625 profile image82
    Sunshine625posted 12 years ago

    If you could ask one question to someone who died...who would you ask and what would you ask them?

  2. Victoria Lynn profile image88
    Victoria Lynnposted 12 years ago

    To my 3 year old nephew--Was there a reason you were taken from us or was it just dumb, random chance? (It makes me feel more at peace to think that there was a reason. I have my suspicions, but it would be comforting to know for sure.)  Maybe that's not the person or question I would ask for sure, but it's the first thing that came into my head.

  3. profile image0
    SJmorningsun25posted 12 years ago

    I'd ask my little sister what heaven is like.

  4. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    This is an easy one......although It took me a little while to decide between 2 loved ones......"The Love of my Life"...and first husband, father of my first 2 sons, who are now 44 and 42.....(they were barely 3yrs and 6mos., when we lost their Daddy)...I'd ask him a million questions....but at this point and time, I feel I would most like to know that he is exceptionally pleased and very PROUD of his wonderful & loving sons.....who have grown into beautiful, successful men, married to women we would have hand-chosen for our sons....they are such ideal & happy couples.  I would want to know that he approves of how I raised them and kept his memory alive in our hearts.....how he likes being a Grandpa....  And then, I suppose, in keeping with the ME that he remembers.....I'd ask him if he has loved me and missed me as desperately as I have him, for all these years.....and if he'll be picking me up at the Pearly Gates in his '67 Chevy Impala........on TIME!!

  5. xethonxq profile image67
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    I would ask my brother why he couldn't talk to someone before ending his own life.

  6. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I would ask my mother if I really made her life miserable. I was a very difficult, neurotic little girl living in fear something would happen to her.  Something did when I was 15 and I wish I could ask her now if she was miserable with such a high needs daughter.

  7. KimberlyLake profile image89
    KimberlyLakeposted 12 years ago

    I would ask my father "what is it like?" I would ask him if we will see each other again. I miss my father so much, he was one person in my life that had unconditional love for me and me for him. He has been gone since 1994 and I still want to share good news and bad with him. RIP Dad. See you on the otherside.

  8. PurvisBobbi44 profile image92
    PurvisBobbi44posted 12 years ago

    Abraham Lincoln ---  Did Mary Todd Lincoln help you more politically than hurt you?

  9. billybuc profile image87
    billybucposted 12 years ago

    I would ask my dad if he is proud of how I turned out....not so much the trip to this point, but how I am now. He was such a huge influence on me until he died, and I  think I'd like to know his impressions now.

  10. Jrandol62 profile image68
    Jrandol62posted 12 years ago

    Well, I was 21 when my father passed from a massive heart attack.  It hit me hard, and I wasn't myself for a long time after that.  He was my best friend, and I thought he was as strong as an ox, and could do anything in the world.  His downfall was his smoking though....He was 59 when he passed, and he never went to the doctors for anything.  I thought he was in excellent shape, but the silent killer caught up with him one early morning in 1984, after we moved mom and him into their new home, which mom still lives in today.  My question to him would be the first of many......... "Dad..........why didn't you stop smoking when we asked you? A part of us died with you dad, and we ALL still miss you. I looked up to you more than you know, and I've never touched a cigarette in my 49 years!! Why? Because YOU told me not too.  One other thing....You have a great grand daughter, and another on the way!! Your grandson Chris is one hell of a man now dad, and he's just like his dad's dad....a great human being that served his country.  He followed my footsteps, as I followed yours dad, and has been serving in the USAF for 7 years now.  I hope we've made you proud dad.....I love you and miss you very, very much! Your humbled son.....Jeff

  11. urmilashukla23 profile image67
    urmilashukla23posted 12 years ago

    I would ask my older sister why she left us so soon. She was not sick or anything and one day all of sudden was gone. No one ever found out.

  12. Sunshine625 profile image82
    Sunshine625posted 12 years ago

    So many sad stories of loss.
    How about if I lighten the mood with my answer. I would ask Nicole Brown Simpson if the glove actually did fit?

  13. profile image0
    susanm23bposted 12 years ago

    I would ask a question of my father.  He died when I was a teenager, so he never had the opportunity to know me as an adult.  I would ask him if I had lived up to his expectations of me and if he thought I had been a good parent to my own children.

  14. AnnaCia profile image78
    AnnaCiaposted 12 years ago

    To a very dear friend who died 2003.  Did you really want to die?


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