How To Quit Smoking?

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  1. PhoenixV profile image65
    PhoenixVposted 12 years ago

    How To Quit Smoking?

    What is your best advice on how to help someone quit smoking? How long did it take you to quit smoking? Has anyone ever tried hypnosis, home remedies or herbs to help quit smoking? Unfortunately I have smoked for years and cannot seem to break the nicotine addiction any tips will help.

  2. tlcs profile image64
    tlcsposted 12 years ago

    Hello PhoenixV,

    Firstly, you've taken the first step by asking for advice! If it's in your head that you know what it is doing to your health then now is the time to really give it a go!

    I smoked for years and one day decided that I should no longer do it as I felt constantly unwell.

    My advice would be dont just give up, plan to give up.

    I planned to give up one year before I actually kicked the habit.  Every time I lit a cigarette for that whole year I would tell myself that they were disgusting, and actually making me ill.

    I continued this for the whole year, and two weeks before the day finally came I went to my doctor told him that I was going to give up on the date I had decided (happens to be 23/3 last year) and would need whatever he could give me to help.

    Firstly he put my on Champix, I had take tablets, something I dont do very well, though I did take them for one week which helped immensely, secondly, he put me on the nicorette patches, highest level and then gradually took me down to the lowest level, I am glad to say that I still do not smoke.

    The best other advice other than using your GP is phone a friend whenever you get desperate, walk your socks off when you get desperate, try not to eat more, this is my biggest challenge now, losing the weight that I have gained.

    Whatever you do make sure that you really are ready to give up, I tried twice before and didnt plan just stopped smoking and lasted 6 to 8 weeks on both occasions, but this time I have succeeded and I know that I wont smoke again.

    Take a look at my other hubs regarding quitting smoking they may help and please let me know if I can help further.

    Good luck and set your date sooner rather than later if your serious about giving up.

    1. tlcs profile image64
      tlcsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      How is the no smoking going? Check out my hubs if you need inspiration! tlcs

  3. profile image0
    alexsaez1983posted 12 years ago

    Do you associate smoking with any particular activity? I used to smoke half a pack a day, but by avoiding activities that make me want to smoke, I reduced it down to 2-3 cigarettes a day (I only smoked at work with fellow smokers). I still smoke, because I like it. If you're a compulsive smoker like I was, you may notice how you don't crave cigarettes that much, but are rather addicted to a certain routine that makes you THINK you need a cigarette. Hope that makes sense, lol!

  4. KathyH profile image84
    KathyHposted 12 years ago

    My Dad had been a smoker for YEARS and was finally successful in quitting by using hypnosis. He recently celebrated his 75th birthday, and I honestly believe that quitting smoking allowed him to be with us for this many years. smile He swears by hypnosis. He said that whenever he would pick up a pack of cigarettes, he would "see" something awful like snakes coming out of the package... and it would make him put it down. He never touched a cigarette again. I never smoked, I'm so thankful I never developed the habit! GOOD LUCK on quitting, I wish you success! smile

  5. oldersister profile image72
    oldersisterposted 12 years ago

    The best way to quit smoking is to quit cold turkey.  Find things to do, other than eat, at times when you would normally have a cigarette,

  6. Cynthia Perkins profile image60
    Cynthia Perkinsposted 12 years ago

    Nicotine addiction, like all addiction, is caused by disrupted or depleted neurotransmitters in the brain. Nicotine mimics our natural neurotransmitters, which tricks the brain into thinking it has enough, so it's quit producing them. It is quite easy to quit smoking when you focus on restoring balance to the neurotransmitters.

    This is done by providing the brain the nutrients it needs for healthy neurotransmitter production and function, which includes lecithin, amino acids, B complex, glutamine, and minerals, and following a healthy diet plan that is void of addictive substances like sugar, caffeine, and refined processed foods and living a green lifestyle that is free from common every day chemicals that disrupt neurotransmitters.

    I used to smoke 2 packs a day, and I have been nicotine free for more than 23 years following most of the principles I've just mentioned and I never experience cravings.


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