How important is a doctor's 'bedside manner' to you?

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  1. GoodLady profile image94
    GoodLadyposted 11 years ago

    How important is a doctor's 'bedside manner' to you?

    Would you change your doctor if their 'bedside manners' didn't suit you, even though their reputation is good?

  2. carol3san profile image60
    carol3sanposted 11 years ago

    This is a very important issue for me, and I suppose for most people...if they are aware of it or not.  I believe that my doctor should be friendly, but professional with a clean appearance.  My doctor should ask about my over all health, and not just focus in on one issue of concern.  I need to be able to like my doctor, in addition to trusting that he or she is well qualified to do the job.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do agree with you. I need to like my doctor too.

  3. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    This is a very relevant question. I have heard some of my friends complaining about this, you know what I mean. They were not comfortable with the doctor's mannerisms so they referred to another doctor. There must be a comfort level between the doctor and the patient.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There has to be a comfort level between the patient and the doctor, I agree.

  4. fancifulashley profile image68
    fancifulashleyposted 11 years ago

    I feel that the bedside manner of a doctor is very important. I need to be able to trust the person, and if they are being rude, inconsiderate, or not asking questions about to make me comfortable, I will not be able to trust them to give my needs the full 100% attention they deserve.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely.  They must show that they care and not ever be rude or inconsiderate.

  5. Goody5 profile image62
    Goody5posted 11 years ago

    Bed side manor is very important for both doctors and dentist. A matter of fact I just recently switched dentist because of the extremely rude & ignorant people behind the receptionist window. There's some things that we just simply don't have to put up with in life. Keep on hubbing.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think that administration is one thing but doctors and dentists are another consideration.  Often admin is rude, but a doctor or a dentist really must not be rude.

    2. kathleenkat profile image83
      kathleenkatposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Both my dentist and my chiropractor have less than friendly receptionists. I wonder how they got the jobs; perhaps because they also do the booking, and need some math whizzes. Anyway, I keep going because the practitioners themselves are kind.

  6. Dr Pooja profile image60
    Dr Poojaposted 11 years ago

    I am a doctor and if I remember correctly respecting the situation of the patient and being kind and sympathetic was a part of the basic training as a doctor(Trained in India) .Words of a doc have a great healing impact on the patient .However,at times lack of time and fatigue due to long hours makes us loose our patience .Not an excuse but just an explanation that at times patience wears out.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your contribution - of course doctors get tired.  I think we forgive them for this.  I like what you said about their words being healing and I think that it is true.

    2. KelliFreeman profile image60
      KelliFreemanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I would love to meet more Indian-trained doctors. Losing patience after long days is understandable in any profession. I am beginning training to become a neurologist here in the states after Pre-Med, of course. I love your philosophy!

  7. kj force profile image60
    kj forceposted 11 years ago

    Beside manners are VERY important...and helpful to the healing process..if you like and feel comfortable with your physician chances are you will follow his directions regarding your health..attitude plays a big part in this relationship...There are many doctors out there , and you have a choice, so seek out one you like..this pertains to your primary physician..when it comes to a Surgeon, don't bother as you probably won't see him bedside at all..there's always been a joke about that " when a doctor is rude, tell him he should have been a surgeon, cause he has no bedside manner "...At times Doctors are overworked and long hours cause fatigue..making them loose their patience and end result loose " PATIENTS "...
    Retired from the Medical Profession...

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Feeling comfortable with a doctor does encourage healing through their suggestions.  My oncologist has become my friend because he was so very kind when i was ill.

  8. Michelle Hawkins profile image60
    Michelle Hawkinsposted 11 years ago

    A doctor's bedside manner is very important regardless of how good or highly recommended they might be. My mother recently had surgery with a doctor she knew, in fact this was her second surgery with him. In the past, he was for the most part courteous and professional. However this time he was quick, rude and just plain difficult, to put it lightly. I'm not sure if he was having a bad day or what, but regardless of his personal issues, he should have atleast acted like he cared. I discussed my concerns with 1 of the nurses who brought in the head nurse and to make a long story short I made a formal complaint. I received several calls and even a couple of letters letting me know that something would come of this situation and how deeply sorry they were that we had to encounter these problems. My Mother had a follow up visit not long after and she said he was a different person. He was kind and empathetic but she still wouldn't have him if she had to have another surgery in the future. I don't blame her 1 bit! You're going through enough already and that's the last thing you need to be worrying about. There are plenty other qualified, caring professionals out there.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So sorry your mother had a tough time with someone she trusted.  It's very hard to re-build trust and intimacy.  Glad her doctor changed his attitude though.

  9. kathleenkat profile image83
    kathleenkatposted 11 years ago

    I will not return to a doctor with poor bedside manner, or even apathetic bedside manner. When I am sick and vulnerable, I am not comfortable being cared for by someone unless that person is showing kindness and sympathy for me (even if it is just acting, as long as I can't tell, that's fine).

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It helps to feel better to have sympathy and care, for sure.

  10. molometer profile image80
    molometerposted 11 years ago

    Treat the patient as a human being rather than a bunch of symptoms to be 'cured'.

    Listening carefully to the patient and taking the time, to get as full a picture of the patients condition as possible.

    Sadly many doctors in the UK are under tremendous time pressure to get through their client list, and it can be a case of write out a prescription and on to the next patient.

    I have had experience with good doctors who do take the time to listen. I feel much safer in their hands.
    I feel they have paid attention to our comments.

    Other doctors who have not listened, I feel may misdiagnose through misunderstanding the condition. Therefore I do not feel safe in their hands.

    The doctors maxim. 'First, do no harm'.  comes from listening carefully.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've had some wonderful experiences with doctors who take time, listen and care.  My GP was awful though and I wish I'd changed him though I don't think he 'harmed'.

  11. TempusFugit profile image60
    TempusFugitposted 11 years ago

    Very, Being surrounded by caring individuals is a part of recovery. To take it one step farther, a Doctor using terms the patient understands is very important as well.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this


  12. MrsHumple profile image60
    MrsHumpleposted 11 years ago

    I need my doctor to understand my concerns and listen before asking a bunch of questions. Most patients explain better if the doctor isn't constantly interupting. Personally my OB asks me the same line of questions every time I see her. I understand she has a very large client base but when some one is in your office 3 days a week you'd think she would know my face. I changed from her with my 1st son and went to a midwifery. The midwifery was very different!! I loved it! Although I wasn't as informed as i should have been being a first time mother. Im not thrilled to have her as my OB and looking for a change. (but shes the only woman OB in my county) hmm

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it's really important that a doctor listens.  Frustrating when they have a different method.

  13. KelliFreeman profile image60
    KelliFreemanposted 11 years ago

    Speaking with your doctor without feeling nervous, ignored, rushed, or being lectured about anything is something that is an absolute must in a doctor-patient relationship.
    During the past two years, I have lived in five different states due to my fiance's change in universities and employment. The money I have paid being uninsured is incalculable, however, I must always have a primary doctor and a neurologist because I have Epilepsy and one of the rarest neurological disorders, Palatal Myoclonus/Tremor.
    The initial visits are always the most expensive and important. One reason I must absolutely have a primary care doctor coupled with a neurologist is the fact that some family doctors are too phobic to prescribe my medications to me. Without these medications, I could die. However, because I am prescribed benzodiazepine medicines for the treatment of both of my neurological afflictions, some primary care physicians simply do not take the time to review my medical history because it is above their heads, fail to listen to my complaints, they disregard my financial situation and lack of insurance, and sometimes resort to comparing me to the average street junkie.
    I have been able to keep my prescriptions consistent by seeing a primary care physician on a regular basis, though it has been extremely rare.
    I just moved to my new home in Annapolis, Maryland in August 2012 and immediately scheduled an appointment with a very intelligent and caring family physician. Through the discourse of the prevalence of my neurological disorders, I had never met a family doctor or a neurologist who had been as thorough, kind, knowledgeable of my disorders, and so caring that he insisted I see a team of the best researchers and doctors in the world about my disorder. He had no problem with the simple fact that a narcotic was used in my treatment and I looked forward to seeing him regularly. After two months, my check-up was due and my doctor left the practice  abruptly. I was forced to see a female doctor. She disregarded the notes of my doctor who had quit her practice, tried to find a way to kill me by looking for any reason to not refill my medicines, and even used an otoscope to investigate my nose to make sure I did not snort pills. I had never been as humiliated. She even scoffed upon showing her my correspondence with Johns Hopkins specialists, saying I was too poor. Psychology courses have taught me females treat females badly in professional relationships. I concur.

    1. GoodLady profile image94
      GoodLadyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like a very hard roller coaster ride.  It would be great to settle down and put your health needs first, so lets hope you can do that soon.  The last experience you had was unforgivable and I'm so sorry.

    2. KelliFreeman profile image60
      KelliFreemanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, GoodLady! There's no need for anyone to be sorry, other than the doctor with the atrocious bedside manners. She told me to find another doctor after establishing a relationship at that business, making it quite expensive. All will be well!


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