Flu vaccine worthless this year?

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  1. tngolfplayer profile image72
    tngolfplayerposted 11 years ago

    Flu vaccine worthless this year?

    Why do they keep pushing the flu vaccine when they just admitted on the news that the strain going around is not in the vaccine?

  2. Jlbowden profile image91
    Jlbowdenposted 11 years ago

    The CDC just does this as precautionary measure each and every flu season. But of course the news media has to add to all of the hype by basically worrying less educated individuals on the flu virus. And in addition making it seem like the end of the world is near at hand. Or who knows maybe it is? But never the less,  this year's virus that is circulating seems to be more of the H3N2 strain that many were not expecting, probably based upon last year's perceptions of a very low incidence of the flu circulating in a majority of the states. 

    Your best bet is to ask your doctor for some Tamiflu capsules. And ask him or her to write ten capsules for ten days.  Taking one capsule per day for that period will definitely protect you and your family more so against the flu this year, then the vaccine will. Besides you still can get the influenza virus even if you have received a flu vaccine.  This is just some friendly advice based upon  what I do know about Prophylaxing against the flu. Especially if one, or more of your friends or family are already ill, it will protect you and the remainder of your family in such circumstances. Hope this info. helps all who are concerned during this years influenza season, which has already affected at least fourty-two states.

    1. tngolfplayer profile image72
      tngolfplayerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah.  I pretty much load up on vitamin C.  It just irritates me when they push for a vaccine they admit isn't effective.

  3. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    I've never had the flu vaccine, and I can't recall ever having the flu. So I'm not going to start now.

    1. tngolfplayer profile image72
      tngolfplayerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The only time I ever had the flu was after getting the vaccine.  Never had either since.

    2. lburmaster profile image72
      lburmasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ow.... I'm sorry you had to go through that.

  4. cat on a soapbox profile image92
    cat on a soapboxposted 11 years ago

    Flu vaccines are in production before the upcoming season hits. They are usually formulated based on the most virulent strains from prior years and the likelihood that it will be a variation of it. Some years are not as successful as others although it is still believed that the vaccine will reduce severity. I began getting flu shots when my child started school. The one time I was unable to get a shot because of a severe vaccine shortage, I caught it from my daughter and never want to be that sick again! Once you are over 50, the flu hits very hard!  The vaccine contains a dead virus, so it doesn't cause the flu. One has to be either allergic to the shot or had exposure to the bug before innoculation.
    I am fortunately healthy and take my vitamins, airborne, wash my hands, etc, but the flu vaccine is still in my annual arsenal and is worth it.

  5. Li Galo profile image78
    Li Galoposted 11 years ago

    The only time I had a flu shot was the time I ended up sick for 5 weeks BECAUSE of the flu shot.  I was allergic to it!  They didn't tell me beforehand that it was an egg-based shot.  I thought the doctor's first rule was "first do no harm."  Well, they harmed me pretty good!  No thanks to that. 

    My kids don't get it either and they are the healthiest kids in their group of kids, usually never getting anything more than the common head cold for a day and carrying on without missing class.  Each teen has only had the flu once.  I have only had the flu once.  My youngest (8 yrs) has never had the flu.  I attribute that to us eating well, taking vitamins, exercising, sleeping 9-10 hours a night, keeping the house clean, and washing hands.  We also stay out of flu conventions in the winter - like malls, grocery stores, and department stores.  We do our shopping online in the winter months, which is delivered by mail, and have the groceries delivered, too.  When we go out in the winter, it's for outdoor pursuits, like the town tree lighting, the holiday parades.  Being outside reduces our exposure to airborne illness.  Between limited exposure and a healthy lifestyle, we stay healthy. 

    I consider these shots helpful to those with a medical need, like a lowered immune system.  Another exception would be for a deadly flu strain that actually kills a type of population.  That would also be a good reason to get the shot.

    1. cat on a soapbox profile image92
      cat on a soapboxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Crazy that your doctor didn't tell you about the allergy to eggs! You must have gotten terribly sick:(  We always have to read and sign the information sheet before getting a shot and even then we are asked again if we have any allergies to it. Sorry


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