What do you like or dislike about American medicine?

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  1. BkCreative profile image67
    BkCreativeposted 12 years ago

    What do you like or dislike about American medicine?

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    What I very much dislike is the high prices the pharmaceutical companies put on these medications that people need to stay alive. This is an utter moral disgrace.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree! You can get the same medicines overseas for a fraction of what they cost us in the US.  It is a disgrace.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Christin.

  3. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 12 years ago

    I wish there was more effort put into finding (cures) for diseases.
    It seems as though we haven't found a "cure" for anything since the days of polio.
    Comedian Chris Rock once joked that the reason we no longer have "cures" is because there is no money to be made. The "real profits" comes from making medicines which help people live (with) diseases!
    The other thing that bothers me is the advertising of medications on Television commercials. Clearly the goal of the pharmaceutical companies is to have the consumers tell the doctor they want to use their drug.
    Last but not least it seems we have a lot of drugs that are "safe" today only to be pulled 5 years later after causing several deaths. In other instances there are drugs in Europe or other places that have been used for several years which America is slow to bring into the country to help people that would benefit from them. And finally why does the same drug sold in the U.S. cost a lot less in Canada and Mexico? As Chris Rock indicated, pharmaceutical companies are "profit based". Their goal is to have (lifetime customers) and not to provide "one and done" cures. American medicine is big business!

  4. timorous profile image82
    timorousposted 12 years ago

    Actually, Chris Rock has it right. The pharmaceutical industry is a business, that needs to maintain their profits, etc. There will never be a 'cure' for anything as long is profit is the main motive, despite money being poured into studies and clinical trials. Disease management is the name of the game. Finding the root cause of anything is just not the way most doctors are taught.

    There is a natural, inexpensive and safe cure for almost any malady, but the the big pharma companies consistently go out of their way to prevent these natural substances and info from reaching consumers. Do a little digging, and you'll find the info you need. But one of the best cures is eating a healthy diet. Leaving all the junk food, snacks, and packaged food behind. It works for me..I haven't been sick in years.

  5. JimTxMiller profile image76
    JimTxMillerposted 12 years ago

    American medical practice has been corrupted to the point that it is more about making money for investors than it is about keeping people healthy. As one example, health care costs could be slashed substantially simply by switching emphasis from cure to prevention through nutrition and other health maintenance practices. Americans pay less for food and more for health care than any other culture in the world, which is totally reverse of what it should, and could, be.

  6. MissJamieD profile image56
    MissJamieDposted 12 years ago

    The fact that there are more deaths via medical malpractice than any other predatory means. There are millions of people on prescription drugs in the world, unnecessarily. There are people that take one prescription to offset another prescription, therefore some people take dozens of pills a day. Most human ailments could be combatted with natural diet/exercise/correct intake of vitamins and minerals. Technology has made us lazy and overweight, that is where most of our illnesses stem from. Of course there are diseases out there that do need medication, I'm not denying that for a second, and if my child was suffering and could benefit from a medication, I would be on board all the way. I'm talking about the millions of people on prescriptions that are merely on them as gineau pigs and drug addicts. If there was any way to eliminate these criminal drug acts, the world could be/would be a better, healthier place.

  7. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    I can't really compare as I have never been treated in another country. But I think that our regular physicians see so many patients they tend to overlook way too many danger signs.

    Our medical care is too expensive.  Even with good insurance, three are huge expenses so the person with no insurance doesn't have a chance.

    Let's say a person is having symptoms that require a colonoscopy. The last one I had was 5 years ago and it cost $2100 and that didn't cover the cost of the surgeon who did the procedure.  We have insurance but it still cost us quite a bit  out of pocket - so what chance does the person have that has no money?

    Something needs to be done about medical costs. They make a big deal about having insurance but they need to start with getting medical costs down.

  8. Little Grandmommy profile image59
    Little Grandmommyposted 12 years ago

    Synthetic medicines.  Medicinals in times long ago past were products of nature and I'm sure less damaging to the body.

  9. multiculturalsoul profile image70
    multiculturalsoulposted 12 years ago

    This story may best illustrate my frustrations with American medicine:

    I sprained my ankle on the job. My employer sent me to the doctor. Normally, I'd prop it up with some ice and fuss at myself for being so clumsy. My employer insisted that I go ... so I went.

    I arrived at 1 PM. I filled out the same forms I fill out every time I have ever gone to any doctor. I checked off the same boxes. A nurse called me back.

    "Do you think I could get some ice?" I asked.

    "I have to weigh you and take your blood pressure first."

    "Why?" I asked.


    My ankle is throbbing, all I need is ice, and yet my employer will have to pay this woman to weigh me and take my now rising blood pressure.

    "Wait out front," she tells me.

    I wait.

    A long time.

    I still need ice.

    They call me back. I sit in an examining room.

    I wait.

    A long time.

    I still need ice.

    A man comes in. Is this finally a doctor? "How's it going?" he asks.

    "Not so good," I say. "Could I have some ice, please? It's only a sprain."

    He then prods and pokes my ankle until I squirm. "Yep," he said. "It looks like a bad sprain. We better X-ray it just to be sure."

    A different nurse makes me get into a wheelchair. "I can walk," I say.

    "Procedures," she says.

    She wheels me to X-ray. She takes eight pictures of my throbbing, won't-somebody-please-get-me-some-freaking-ice! ankle. She wheels me back.

    I wait.

    A long time.

    The doctor returns. "You have a pretty nasty sprain."

    I want to yell, "YA THINK?"

    "I'm prescribing some Percocet for you," he says.

    "I don't need Percocet," I say. "I just need some ice."

    "Oh, don't worry about it," he says. "Your employer is paying."

    "No thank you," I say. "May I go now?"

    "Not yet."

    I wait some more.

    A man enters and shows me how to put on an "ankle sleeve" to reduce the swelling.

    It hurts worse now than when I initially sprained it.

    He hands me a set of crutches. "Use these in good health, my man."

    I hobble out.

    I get home.

    I remove the ankle sleeve.

    I put my foot in a bucket of ice.

    I am cured.


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