Pick up any magazine and notice how many advertisements there are for drugs. Watch television and notice how many advertisements there are for various drugs. Go to any drug store and notice how many over the counter drugs there on the shelves. Anytime we get a sniffle, sore muscle or a slight headache we reach for an over the counter medicine. Not because we really need it but because we have been told by the drug companies on television, print media and radio that we would be better off if we took them.
As a teacher I am always interested in behavior management for students who are ADD/ ADHD. When I first moved to Georgia I was excited to take a class on students who are ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Hyperactive Disorder) as I knew that there is a lot of research going on about ADD/ADHD. The class was about specific medicines used to treat ADHD/ADD. I was appalled. I learned that to obtain medicine for the treatment of ADD/ADHD all a parent has to do is to go a doctor and say my child can't behave, sit still, stay focused or pay attention in school/at home and a doctor will prescribe medicine.
At least right now we cannot go in to the doctor's office and say "I have a sore throat stuffed nose and runny eyes I need medicine" and expect to get medicine without at least a cursory exam. You may still get whatever medicine the television, radio or print media is telling us to ask for but not without at least a basic examination.
Some of us worry about illegal drugs but we have a much bigger problem...legal drugs. I have a friend who took her own life because she could not get free of her prescription drug addiction, an addiction that was encouraged by society as a whole and her doctor specifically.
I have chronic back pain but I refuse to be a prisoner of the drug companies. I will only take pain medicine if I hurt so badly it limits my daily activity. I err on taking not enough or soon enough but when I err this way it's on my terms not the pharmaceutical companies. It's time to tell the pharmaceutical companies we will not be held captive by them any longer.
I have been told that My left leg has no circulation and soon will have to be amputated! I have been given the opportunity of having many kinds of pain medication! I refuse to indulge in such medications. As I know that they will alter my mindset and ruin my life as I know it!!
I cannot allow my children to see my personality altered due to medication! Nor will I submit to something that is only a temporary resolution to have it become a long term nightmare!!!
Yes I hurt badly most of the day, and at night I am up and down because of the grave pain! However I know that the alternative is getting addicted to a legal form of a drug that will only cause my life to be ruined!
Sooner or later I will have to come off of the medication! The chances of the withdrawal being less is slim! I know the power of addiction and will not see myself get well with one illness and find myself going down another spiral downfall!
I feel that our government should have a national database that alerts medical personnel of suspected narc abusers! Doctors often freely give these medication are do not realy care of the outcome!
If you have an addictive personality the likelihood of becoming addicted is greater! A doctor that spends very little time with a patient does not truly know the personalities of their own patients!
Our government must set provisions in the knew health reform limiting the usage of prescriptions that are mood altering!!
And setting stricter penalties for doctors that create a patient to become addicted to said medication!
Pain is never pleasant however their are many alternatives than taking an addictive medication!
I am not on any prescription medication. I mean, not that I am the picture of health, but I consider myself healthy. Really, it's crazy the amount of people who are medication and don't need it.
Every time I go for a checkup they tell me I forgot to list my prescriptions and medicines. They do a double take when I say I don't take any. I guess that makes me odd.
I agree that too many people take too many. As I grew up, I was never aware of any children who took medicines on regular basis. The only thing I can remember taking was that cherry syrup when I really had a bad cough and sore throat.
I agree that folks never used to take so much meds.There is so little preventative care that could build up our body's defenses. The pharmaceutical companies have conditioned us to think there is something wrong with us if we don't take med!
I agree with you both. I do not take any prescriptions or pills for
hardly anything.
Glad to see there are other like minded people
It is essentially meth amphetamine. Kids have to have an EKG before they can take vyvanse, adderall, or ritalyn. It's all speed.
Adderall and other stimulant drugs prescribed for ADD can cause among other things, increases in heart rate and blood pressure. Solution? Psychiatrist told me it was perfectly acceptable [for adults with ADD on stimulant meds] to take both Adderall and Atenelol. Atenelol is a blood pressure medication, a beta blocker, which can decrease BP and HR, and who knows what all else. With a straight face! Acceptable to whom? Like the time an ENT told me nose bleed was an acceptable side effect to nasal inhalants for sinusitis/rhinitis. MDs are definitely brain washed in the whole concept of Western medicine. Amazing that this crap doesn’t strike them as crazy when it comes out of their mouths don’t you think?!
What you wrote is so true.
We are a consumer driven "instant gratification" society and the extremely profitable drug corporations have very successfully sold us a bill of goods telling how much better they can make our lives.
Health care lobbyists outnumber congress members by 6 to 1. So much money is thrown around and contributed to campaigns that the laws will never change, or if they do it be will in ways that favor the drug corps.
Addiction is a real problem and many, many people are addicted to prescription meds. It's pretty under the radar but becoming more evident. I'm in the addictions field and you'd be amazed at how many seemingly "normal" people abuse prescription medications. We're seeing much younger addicts now than ever before.
I did not realize how may lobbyist there were for HC. What the health care industry is doing to the American people is criminal.If the government can't or won't stop them the American people must!
Largest selection Ive seen in my whole life ,and some that are not allowed in the country I came from too.
On the streets, easy peasy
America has always been well known for the large number of people with prescription drug dependancies, the UK is getting a little worse too... same situation with the ADHD stuff (Ritelin?) I am cynical about that condition even existing, many scummy parents in the UK actually TRY and get their kids diagnosed so that they get extra state benefits.
I would be more worried if I was in America about the rising illegal drugs trade, stuff like Crystal Meth.... something like 4% of your population are regular users of Crystal Meth - now that is crazy shit. I have encountered many users of recreational drugs e.g. ecstacy, cocaine, ampethimine.... but thankfully Crystal Meth hasn't become a problem yet in the UK, but I am certainly dreading the day.
As a teacher who used to work in a heavily drug infested area I have witnessed students using crystal meth and worse ecstasy. This is bad enough but now students are stealing other students ADHD drug but our country is at least claiming to wage a war on illegal drugs. On the other hand legal drugs are being forced on the American people by the pharmaceutical companies and no one says it's wrong!
Drug addiction and dependency enables the Pharmaceutical Companies as well as the illegal drug pushers. The more need and call for these drugs, the more money is to be made.
A child gets just a small sniffle and he or she is rushed to the doctor's office and given antibiotics. Even parents are known to insists on medications for their child if the doctor advises to "let it run it's course." If no prescriprtion, then over the counter medications. Sometimes this is unnecessary.
The human body in most cases can build up it's own self-defense to certain viruses, heal itself from colds with the right care, not medicines. It builds an immunity system which is needed. We are in a hurry to get well, so we don't have time to wait on our bodies to heal and we buy a short-cut with medications. It's faster. But what about in the long run?
There are cases where extra help is needed with meds, depending on the illness, but too many never allow their bodies the chance to work. Later in life one is always having to take more and more medicines. We are dependent on these medications since our bodies never had the chance to build it's own self protection.
Pharmaceutical Corporations wants you to take a pill for everything,even if you really don't need it. The ads are glorified to get your attention. There are pills for everything you can think of. Pills for diet, hair loss, hair growth, better thinking (hmmm), better skin, stamina (and not just in the bedroom),strength, and so many more. We ignore the risks. The doctors are paid to urge you to take these pills. Its about the money for the industry. It's about impatience for us.
I want to be well, now! I don't have time for this! Give me my pills, now! Got a problem? There is a pill for it. Need an answer? Probably a pill for it. lol
Yes, they are. There are pills for everything, from weight loss to sleeping. Nevermind America's addition with pain killers. Michael Jackson was not alone.
Hopefully his death will put a spotlight on this problem
I hope that too. Our country needs a wake up call!
all the pharmaceutical companies are vying to keep control of the healthcare system through our congress and administration.
It is such a nasty web of deceit between government and big companies, the US people are not at the top of their lists of concern...except for keeping their hand in their pockets .. keeping them drugged up and mindless...
There are many valid legal drug users, that need what they have, but there are many more who have more than they need and don't know how to care for themselves anymore...drugs do that to you, legal or illegal.
We have an internal intuitive connection to guide us in our individual health, but the drugs twist that natural connection up.
If we took even half of the money spent on pharmaceutical drugs and used it to help people learn wellness and prevention lifestyle changes, we would all be better off. I have seen stats that show the majority of drugs used are for chronic conditions...which eventually become cancers and diseases becuase of the drugs, in most cases. If many of those conditions were handled in more natural ways they would not develop into worse case scenarios.
There were 164 million prescriptions for antidepressants last year ! 27 million Americans on drugs . I wrote a hub about It like a week and a half ago .
How sad! I will read your hub today, thank you for bringing that to my attention.
My son is ADHD/ODD, with a couple more disorders thrown in to round it off - he only takes medication for the ADHD, and that is bad enough. I also worry about the addiction, so whenever possible, he is medication free and damn the torpedoes lol
You might look in to diet. there has been research suggesting that at least some people who are ADD/ADHD are allergic to certain foods. When taken off those foods they no longer needed their meds. Also try coffee. Had a student when i was student teaching back in the mid 90s who drank 2 cups a day in our teacher's lounge and it was very effective.
I am not saying that meds are bad what i am saying is that as a society we are over medicating. To me if someone is put on meds for ADD/ADHD there should also be behavior management help. Diet/allergies should be considered. Meds should be used as a last resort.
What concerns me about ADD/ADHD, especially in children is that it is so easy to take a very hyperactive child and "dope" him or her up just to calm them down. I am sure this may not be the intent of any parent (at least I hope) who really cares about their child, but sometimes I do wonder. I have heard parents speak of taking a child to a doctor and see if they could get their child of meds because they are too hyper.
I was extremely hyper as a youngster. My mother took me to the doctor and he suggested finding whatever caught my interest the most and pursue it! Even if it was not what the parent wanted.
I was already playing piano and sports. My parents bought a piano for the home (placed it way back in the house...LOL) and I would spend hours upon hours at the piano.I was involved in sports. I was always finding ways to create ways to enjoy myself. (Lived out in the country)
Nowadays...kids are put on medication!
Some kids just need direction with their energy. Find a way to use creativity in finding what works before medicating.
But of course, it is more profitable for pharmaceuticals and the industry to "hook" these kids on meds and lead them to a life of dependency. And I dare say easier to deal with the child!
I agree with you and as a teacher it makes me very ill when I think of how we are medication away our dreamers, our architects, our scientists, our writers, our inventors.
Yes, when I moved here I was really shocked at how much an average American depends on meds. However, blaming pharma companies does not look like it's gonna solve it. Like in other areas, people need to take responsibility for their own decisions...
I agree to a point but like anything else the problem is not one sided. In the last 3-4 years the pharmaceutical companies have bombarded the public with advertisements encouraging the public to take meds. That being said it's about personal choice even as I shared that I rarely take meds in spite of chronic back pain! It's time for the American public to fight back!
And don't go with the flow to self destruction
Now this stuff should be legal at least for terminally ill folks!
There are some needed drugs. Not all are bad. I am 'addicted' to my heart meds. Without them I would not be here. I am grateful for the drug company that created them. I was on powerful pain medicine for my cancer pain for 7 years and quit that chit and now just put up with the pains I still have from not only the cancer I still am fighting but the effects of various treatments to keep me living. Soon I will be on another regimen of treatments to put the cancer back into remission and hopefully live for another year. I guess what I need to say is, not all medicine is bad. Not all addiction is bad, at least not my addiction.
That's not an addiction That's life for you. But a lot of people take medicines just because. Chemicals are not good for our body and should be taken only if needed for a good reason as yours
I agree with you. Meds for those who need them are a Godsend,a miracle. Meds are able to help so many live productive lives when without them that would not be possible. My complaint is when meds are used without real reason except to give the pharmaceutical companies and lazy doctors more money. Meds should be used after all other resources have been considered.
Of course not ALL Americans are Becoming Drug Addicts.
Don't buy into the hype of Hubpages Titles or any other headlines. It's these alarmist headlines that give the wrong impression along with their narrow slice of life in America.
My family doctor expects me to exercise and expects me to have a low blood pressure and overall good health. But when I'm sick or injured, if needed, I get the appropriate meds and/or medical procedure.
Quite frankly that seems to be the way most people I know live.
Not intended to be "alarmist headlines"...but wake up calls to those that may need to regroup, and to their doctors to get more knowledge and get off the treadmill of drugs.
It is intended for others to help bring things back to an acceptable balance for life...The Creation has given us everything we need to be balanced and healthy, it is too much interference by the egos of man's desires to be powerful and have money in their pockets, that has created the problems
Unfortunately where I have lived (4 corners of the USA) many doctors are not as good as yours and I guarantee especially not for treating ADD/ADHD. There is no assessment to indicate weather or not a patient suffers from or does not suffer from ADHD/ADD.
Most people would agree that many drugs are indeed a lifeline for treating pain,short term and long term illnesses.
The problem is probably born out of a political decision some years back that allows drugs/medication etc to be traded in such high volumes etc.
Drugstores are almost a part of the American culture (at least through the eyes of a foreigner).Sometimes convenient ,but not always necessary. I guess its a mindset.ButI agree it is difficult to avoid these drugs since their prescence is in many stores ,not just a 'pharmarcy'.
Marketing and advertising are aggressive, and Pharmaceutical Companies push the consumer hard to first suggest the veiwer/shopper/listener has a problem ,second that its not normal ,3rdly ,they care and have a product that will solve your (new) problem.
Then the battles on between the trader for those $$$.
Im not sure what the answer would be.Like Obesity ,should by-laws limit fastfood places ,or would that suppress free marketing, lessen demands on the health sector, less revenue.
Its a never ending circle, no doubt driven by money.That after all is what a business is geared up to do ,make money ,not friends.
One thinsg for sure ,those billions of drugs are not sitting on the shelves for decoration. Someones buying them and using them.
A city ,nation of zombies lol.
Kinda makes me curious: (and Im not judging)
But why do people want to alter how their mind thinks?
Dont they like their mind ,thoughts ,emotions ,?
Is life unbearable ,or rather do they feel it has become so.
I remember a discussion I had with my brother years ago and he said Religion is like a crutch ,some people need it ,some dont.
And as he stood their with his brandy ,I grinned to myself.
Is that not exactly what alcholol, tobacco, marijuana,narcotics are...a Crutch ,support, something to lean on?
Not all of us like our thoughts. Some of us have thoughts that are close to uncontrollable. Everyone's mind operates differently. What works to balance one person out will not always work on the other. Much like religion. You either have a believer or a non believer. Boths minds operate differently.
Thanks for your explanation ,no doubt a discussion all on its own too
Happy to explain. Glad I made sense. lol
Sometimes mental illness makes it impossible for our minds to think clearly and meds are necessary but more and more often over the counter and prescription drugs are taken unnecessarily.
I'd say it's not just America, obviously. I've yet to come across anybody who isn't addicted to some sort of drug.
At first I thought You are wrong a few of us aren't addicted to anything and then I thought yes I am. I have a caffeine addiction though I don't drink it a lot. Sad isn't it?
As long as doctors continue to get kick backs, there will be addicts. How many times have you been to see a doctor, and they give you samples? Many trust thier doctors, and automatically assume they have their best interest at heart. Even teachers are now being trained to 'advise' parents to put children on somekind of behavior modification. Sad, corrupt, but true.
I come from the same kind of background as you. You decide.
I am not in a position to decide anything.
Yet you never sounded like a socialist, hence the remark
I am quite the opposite. I made a statement, but do not approve of these behaviors. Misha, I come from a communist country also, and unfortunately feel the wave of it again.
My earlier statement was short because I was heading out, sorry if my answer seemed trite.
I know you are not the one, I saw enough of your posts. Yet this particular statement sounded as coming from a socialist mindset, as I just explained in the post above. I never meant to call you a socialist, just made a friendly remark. I am sorry if it did not sound friendly.
I've worked for doctors, and do they prescribe medications because of drug reps, occasionally yes. However, the doctors I have worked for, and the PA I am shadowing, never ever would prescribe a medication unless they felt a need for it and felt that the medication would specifically suit the patient and the patient's ailment. They request and hand out samples because they understand how much prescriptions cost, or would like a patient to try a medication before an unnecessary prescription is written.
Except if I came to the doctor's office and suggested my child is ADD/ADHD............there is no test for that and somehow doctors are prescribing meds!
Why is that socialist? All doctors give out samples. The pharmaceutical reps get paid big bucks to push certain meds. Me thinks you worry to much about socialism. If we cover our eyes our problems do not go away. If we wait too long to fix our problems they can't be fixed. I am no socialist and i am not suggesting govt. take control of this. I am suggesting that we get out of the control of the pharmaceutical companies. I am saying if we really need meds go for it. I am saying just say no to drugs as Nancy Reagan taught us. Or are you suggesting big business can do no wrong........
Thank you for the explanation. My sentaments exactly.
It was not about government involvement per se, but rather about a mindset that leads to increasing government involvement. Taking responsibility off the people and putting it elsewhere does exactly this. Nothing wrong with doctors giving out samples, but I disagree with blaming med addiction on it. Sorry i was not too clear.
I saw this today, it is mind boggling and about the rules to become law in December of this year. We will be eating stuff you won't believe if they get this though!
Taking responsibility away from the doctors is just as wrong. Another example of bad doctors is a psychiatrist who with out really examining my son prescribed meds that had side effects that were my son's symptoms. Was that my son's fault? He was only 8. I can give you lots more examples and they are personal examples. So don't tell my friend who commmited suicide did not have help from her doctor. He knew what she was battling and prescribed the meds any way. You must think all doctors are only in the business to heal the sick and none make mistakes. If you do then think all teachers are in the business to help students learn...sheesh you live in a dream world.
Many psychiatrists are in the drug pushing business. If you have insurance and $25 bucks, you can get a prescription for pretty much anything you want. I live in a small town, and there are probably four or five psychiatrists within a five minute drive. If you want real therapy, go to a psychologist, or therapist. If you want meds, go to a psychiatrist.
I would appreciate it if you stop putting words in my mouth.
And I can't comment on your personal situation, cause I don't have enough details from independent source.
I agree with you. In the west coast teachers were warned against suggesting to parents that their child might suffer from any medical condition. In the south I have witnessed teachers doing just that.
I used to drink coffee a lot, and I would get nonsense for it by, guess who, potheads.
It's been years since then, and I don't drink caffeinated coffee anymore, only decaf occasionally.
well its like anythink in life you always have a choice, nobody ties you up and sticks them down your throat, to many people live by the tv and papers, and all these do is tell you this is not good this is, we all take drugs in one way or another.england has enough drugs, just like greece its everywhere, if your doctor who may i say these days are un trained and un educated, years ago your local doctor never tryed to sell you pills, but people are stupid and belive what they hear just to feel good i say get a life folks, drugs are here always have been have always cost money and always will, if they save someones life then thats great if people just pop them because some tells them to then let them do it, its their money and their life.
where all addicts in oneway or another?
Until those same people that spend their money on legal drugs that a doctor hooked them on take their own lives and or the lives of others, fill emergency rooms and cost you tax money to take care of them because they have run out of money buying drugs. It goes beyond their lives doesn't it?
I'm on birth control. Other than that, no medications. Some people rightfully so should be on medication. However, many many people don't need to be, or shouldn't be at all. The reason why so many drug advertisements are everywhere is because the laws regarding advertising prescriptions changed. I think maybe that wasn't such a good idea because they should allow patients to be diagnosed by their doctors and the ads cause self-diagnosing.
LOL Yep, I stayed late last night. And thank you I am enjoying it quite a bit
Hello Georgia Kevin. S.C. Rose Mary here. My compliments on your excellent writing. Your forum post prompted me to bookmark one of your hubs so I could go back and read some of your stuff.
I have worked my entire adult life in health care. The first time I realized I had been failed by Western medicine was in the late 1990s. Over the last ~5 years, I have seen more and more of my own clients (I’m an occupational therapist) failed as well. It sickened me to hear their frustration and hopelessness, and their stories of being treated dismissively and disrespectfully by their primary care doctors. Many have said through their tears that they felt like I was the first provider to listen to them and believe/trust them. I could honestly say I knew how they felt. My medical record is full of their references to my “multiple psychological issues”. If a doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you, then nothing is wrong with you.
While still on active duty and getting my medical care and prescriptions 100% paid, I went outside of the system. And what a crazy system it is: Doctors identify symptoms, discount some, and give pharmaceuticals to cover up others! Those symptoms are important clues! Doctors diagnose “diseases”, and know next to nothing about achieving and maintaining optimal health.
I have dabbled in alternative medicine strategies since the late 90s, and have embraced alternative medicine for the last 3 years. I pay 100% out of pocket. I take fistfuls of natural supplements, supervised by a Naturopath who has practiced for 40 years, and can say I often feel good. Three years ago I was taking 14 prescription and over the counter meds recommended by my provider, and always felt awful. One of my meds by the way was Adderall for ADD. I had no life except work, couch potato, and sleep. This started to change week 2 of beginning supplements and starting to tapper and eliminate the prescriptions.
I truly believe that prescription meds cause more problems than they cure. Most people will not even consider going out of pocket for wellness care. I tell my friends, go in debt if you have to. Let your kids pay for their own college. Don’t get the luxury SUV. Go to a naturopath, homeopath, herbalist, chiropractor or a combination of these. If you die 10 years prematurely, then what? Congratulate yourself that at least you stayed within your healthcare plan?!
It makes me angry that the entire American culture is brainwashed by the AMA and Big Pharmaceutical, and that I can’t have my Alternative Health Care paid by my healthcare plan.
You have some good information and passion to make this into a hub rmcrayne
EagleKiwi, Thanks for the encouragement. I am indeed full of passion and info about this and many other topics. Shared verbally with friends and clients, but at 12-15 hour work days, didn't do much writing. Neither did I do much writing my first 6 months of retirement. Now I think I'm ready! Thanks again!
This forum could easily be tied to the forum on healthcare reform.
One of the biggest problems America faces with its healthcare is the rapidly rising costs of healthcare provision, you pay more for it than anyone else.
All that advertising costs money, lots of money. Businesses are happy to spend it if they keep making a profit.
The decision to allow the promotion of prescription only medication is truly astounding. I am unaware of any other country that thinks this is a good idea. Medications and their interactions are so complicated that panels of experienced doctors and scientists often take years to find out the true effects of some drugs.
Glossy magazine ads promoting only the 'upside' of drugs to the average layperson while brushing over side effects and interactions seems to me as the victory of capitalism over common sense. How does this work? Do you go to your doctor and tell them what you want to be prescribed - "It looked so great in Cosmopolitan"
Over 50% of America is on one or more prescription medication and the number 1 category is anti-depressants.
The obsession with treating behavioural conditions with medication - like ADD - should be worrying people but the opposite is happening. It is nearly a status symbol to be on anti-depressants.
There is definitely a role for these drugs in clinically indicated cases but it seems the criteria 'clinically indicated' is rather loose.
10% of American women are on anti-depressants. Thats more than 15 million people
Do you really think they all need to be?
With a market that big, no wonder there is advertising everywhere
I personally do not take any medications on occassion I will take aspirin for a migraine. As for the children I still believe in discipline so instead of parents grounding there children or giving them an occassional spanking the doctors are giving them drugs to sedate them, just my opinion.
I see meds come and go continually and some of the children I have seen need discipline, guidance and love not drugs to calm them down.
Only time I will ever take pills is if I have a headache or if I am suffering from back pain (stupid Kyphosis). But other than that I don't take any meds. Though I do take vitamins sometimes...when I remember... lol
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Remarketing Pixels | We may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. |
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