What makes the human spirit so resilient?

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  1. brittvan22 profile image76
    brittvan22posted 10 years ago

    What makes the human spirit so resilient?

    Why do you think the human spirit is so resilient? No matter how many times we seem to be knocked down for some of us we bounce back even better than before. Is it genetics, environmental, or individualistic?


  2. tsmog profile image84
    tsmogposted 10 years ago

    I giggle a tad brirrvan22. The question grasped my attention, and the pic caused a thought more. I pondered the question while wondering if those in the background are of resilience. They seemed tuned into the TV or Widescreen or whatever.

    The child causes me to ponder more of Maslow and the need to belong. Does that child with the appearance of a plea expressed feel unconnected? I think the first two needs are met - #1 basic stuff of life and #2 needs of safety. I giggle thinking though a captive image presentation says safe enough to scream a plea.

    Going a step further is that plea resilience? I will get there attention no matter the consequence? Is there there the #3 need of belonging at bequest. Or, as part of a family is that met? In that case I ponder the #4 being self esteem in essence lacking and needed. Yet, that only describes those things surrounding the visual and says not of the human spirit being resilient.

    I kinda' think the next step for that child would be resilience if entered upon. Seems more the cause seeking the action of resilience is what that child presents to the audience. A mystery presented with that image of wondering of the what next? Will it be resilience? The returning to a state of normal what ever that may be. And, then if more is desired a step at a time with maybe fortitude?

    I ponder if returning to a state of normal means rejoining them at the couch. Watching TV as a member of a group offering belonging as equals. Or, with jest does that child just not like sitting next to his obvious younger sister? Or, does the view from that spot on the couch really a bad place to see from. Maybe mom and dad might do some rearranging seeking better equality of view with seeing and all would be better. Who cares what the another may think of the Aesthetics.

    Personally I recommend a good book on basic Feng Shui may make a fun and exciting family project full of learning while allowing for individual creativity. Or, not . . .

    This was fun brittbvan22. I don't know what I said. I'm hungry so I will return to read later. Otherwise have fun, fun, fun . . . one smile at a time . . .


    Or, will the next step be rigidness. Memory brings images of crossing the arms, a scowl, and firmly entrenched, saying, "I won't move an inch until . . ."

  3. ytsenoh profile image61
    ytsenohposted 10 years ago

    brittvan, what a good thoughtful question.  I think it's a combination of factors that lend themselves to making people resilient.  Years and years ago, when I was in an abusive relationship/marriage, in writing about it later, one thing I mentioned was the fact that my own spirit could never be torn down. 

    If we're raised by parents who provide lessons that say, "never give up," and we pass that lesson down to our children, it's adhered to and it's meaningful.  It becomes a mantra in our minds when something in our lives may have turned to mush.  That voice inside us says, "try, try again!"

    I also think it's part of a person's character.  Some people have a defeated response and just give up or say continually, "I can't do this," before having tried again. 

    Some of us are also self-competitive which causes us to keep reaching.  We don't have to be over-achievers to keep reaching and trying.  When we know we can do better, when we know we want to change something, when we know we don't want to "just settle," then we try, try again and again. 

    In some instances, there may be a correlation between not giving up and having an inherent survival instinct.  If we have our backs against the wall, we will reach for solutions.  That's an essence of survival. 

    Good, good question to make your readers think.

  4. WalterPoon profile image69
    WalterPoonposted 10 years ago

    I think it is all due to the desire to live... pure and simple. In "The Desire to Live", Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan said: "The desire to live is not only seen among human beings, but it is also seen continually working through the most insignificant little creatures creeping on earth and living in the ground."

    Thus, human beings is not unique in its resilience. Through the harshness of existence and natural selection, Nature has weeded out the weaker species, leaving behind only the fittest.

  5. Ericdierker profile image44
    Ericdierkerposted 10 years ago

    I do not know why exactly. In my house foul language is not tolerated in any degree, unless you burn yourself in the kitchen or hammer your thumb ;-).
    But the one word that will get you as close as possible to corporal punishment is:
    Can't. As my eldest daughter says now that she has her own home--- we can't do can't.
    The greater the hardship the more we can do.

  6. profile image58
    atheistchickposted 10 years ago

    I believe all three;Dr.  Maria Montessori believed that parents and the family were the primary teachers of young children, then the early childhood educators, with the third group being the environment; I do believe its individualistic, how the human spirit is so resilient... but there are some people who are not. Some people are born with resiliency, others are not just like some people are natural leaders, and other prefer to follow. The environment can liberate you or constrict  you which can ;lead yo the downfall of resiliency or spark a new growth in resiliency. It can just be a personal choice too...what I'm saying is, resiliency is genetic, individualistic and based on the environment, which is why we need to continue fixing all the early childhood classrooms. That's where this all begins

    1. Ericdierker profile image44
      Ericdierkerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      wow that was a great comment/answer I have much to contemplate as to why my children are resilient.

  7. artist101 profile image61
    artist101posted 10 years ago


    There is innate, and adaptive response. Resilience is innate, and adaptive. It was instilled in us to survive, from the very beginning. Adaptive, in your own self worth. To overcome adversity, because you feel your worth it. Numerous people have been told they are useless, or unimportant, don't believe it. You are valuable. You are here for a reason. It is up to us to figure that out. You serve a purpose. That purpose gives you the power, and drive to survive, and thrive.
    I've suffered many set backs, my reason for living? My children.
    I push myself to set an example. We can talk all day about resilience, determination, disciplining ones self, but the true testimony is your actions in the face of adversity. I lean on my maker. He guides me in the path.
    The true heroes are those who face adversity, and triumph. Be it an illness, disability, or circumstance, to come out on the other side, with no regrets, no self pity, only strength, courage, and wisdom  to face the next hurdle.
    Can you imagine the courage it takes to face cancer? those who are disabled, or challenged in some way? For some climbing stairs is a major feet, and worth praise. Those who lost limbs, and still persevere? Artists with no hands? Now that is true resilience!!


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