Define "healthy" as it pertains to you personally.

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  1. Laura Schneider profile image81
    Laura Schneiderposted 11 years ago

    Define "healthy" as it pertains to you personally.

    Do you consider yourself to be healthy, given the genes you were born with and the lifestyle you lead and your environment? (Regardless of outside information, such as what the doctor says.)

  2. kj force profile image59
    kj forceposted 11 years ago

    I consider myself  "healthy" even though I lost my ability to walk 5 years ago , and horrendous pain accompanied the disorder, after two years of MRI/Cat scans/  X-rays/Dopplers and extensive Lab work, Doctors could not find answers.They told me my chances of ever walking again were zero to none... however being in the Medical field for 38 years, instead of giving up I went on a quest to change diet and take charge of my life.Fruits and veggies, no processed food ever and everything in moderation. Excercising 2 hours everyday, morning and afternoons, I can now walk with a walker, in a swimming pool I am
    " normal " and I have NO pain...thanks to meditation/Yoga.
    I take no medications. So this is why I consider myself healthy. I feel alive again.
    Very interesting question.....

    1. Laura Schneider profile image81
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting and admirable answer,  kj force! You are, indeed, a force to be reckoned with. :-) I admire your dedication and hard work to improve your lot in life. I will honor that by going for a walk now and pondering your answer.

    2. stanwshura profile image71
      stanwshuraposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations, kj!  Thst is quite some grit you have there.

  3. stanwshura profile image71
    stanwshuraposted 11 years ago

    OF course a healthy body is conducive to a happier, more active life.  For me, however, a healthy mind is paramount.   You can be the most physically fit specimen on the planet, but if you are or become depressed, it can be crippling.  Let alone what impact it can have on you, physically; if you are burdoned with mental illness, it controls your life, or stops you from living, really, altogether.

  4. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image78
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 11 years ago

    I consider "healthy" to be a lifestyle that you choose that will give you some protection from illness and disease.  This means listening to your body, eating the right foods, avoiding the bad foods and avoiding risk as much as possible.  It is not a total answer to life, but it helps me to live better most of the time.

    1. Laura Schneider profile image81
      Laura Schneiderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      TimeTraveler2, you bring up a very good point that's rarely considered I think by some "healthy" people I know: "avoiding risk as much as possible." I know a lot of "healthy" people who take tons of risks. Good for you for staying safe! :-)

  5. connorj profile image69
    connorjposted 11 years ago

    Although I can participate in most every sport and I do play some (i.e. ice hockey) and I still can run (all be it with a wee-bit of joint pain) I would have to conclude that I am probably more unhealthy then healthy. I survived a comatose experience 10 years ago; yet they really have little idea why it happened.
    My genetic make up may indicate a life span that begins to end rather abruptly around 65. My father died of pancreatic cancer at 67 and my brother of a strong and less than 5% fat body (athletic his whole life) who just turned 65 is undergoing chemo for cancer. Now my mother lived to see her 90th birthday so I am hopeful that I am more of a "mama's boy..."

  6. tsmog profile image87
    tsmogposted 11 years ago

    An interesting question Laura. I will attempt an answer of shortness. Most who know me know I practice in the answer section writing seeking less for more. With this answer I share I differ "Healthy" with "Well."  Some say synonymous, yet for me 'tis not.

    I tend to lump healthy into the physical element within the six elements of wellness I prefer to follow. Sharing is I am not always a great follower said with a smile. I include mental with physical. I use as a guide the Six Dimensions of Wellness of the National Wellness Institute today. I use to use something from a Health / Wellness class from an excursion going back to finish a college degree around 2000 - 2003. They taught a 10 point system. Too many to remember today at my age said with a giggle with others, maybe.

    Also, having a poetic mind at times, I like to think metaphorically and with allegorical views seeking compare and contrast for learning. Or, having been in the automotive field for a career lifestyle including the high performance industry allegorically I compare a healthy engine with a healthy body. Works for me.

    The vehicle of a car, let's say is a family car, a performance cruiser, a high performance restored hot rod of nostalgia (hint, hint), or even a race car has systems, thus the six elements of wellness. A healthy engine to me means the engine or the actual mechanical portion, the air induction system, the exhaust or waste system, the fuel system, and of course the ignition or computer system today for the engine as a whole. Systems within the element of the physical.

    Today's on-board computer for everyday cars since, say, the early 90's is probably ten times more sophisticated than the on-board computer of the Apollo Series capsules that went to the moon. For me, I ponder with this allegory the on-board computer system for physical wellness. Or, the brain as a healthy organ. The mind is different. A whole new subject. Just for interest, did you know a car actually kinda' does fly?

    The National Wellness Institute considers emotional wellness as a different element. Again, the mind, well, as being healthy or not, with this allegory is not the physical, or the brain, nor is it the element of emotional wellness. Different altogether . . . ponder . . .

    With the allegory, well, my engine is a little worn out. Genes are Levi's, environment is natural gardening, and lifestyle is changing today. Or, Restoration for this next year . . . Ponder the hint, hint . . .


  7. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    Interesting question and equally interesting answers!
    I consider myself healthy because I am cheerful, live life with a positive mind, want to learn like a child, even at this age when my children are old enough to have children.
    Needless to say this that I follow a healthy lifestyle, with healthy food, walks and yoga. And I do pray to keep myself mentally strong.

  8. DDE profile image46
    DDEposted 11 years ago

    I consider myself to be in  good health, energetic and always up for an active lifestyle, prevention is better than cure so I try my best to lead a different lifestyle the healthy one which keeps me fit always.


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