When you're annoyed with someone, what do you do? How do you react?

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  1. Daisy Mariposa profile image73
    Daisy Mariposaposted 11 years ago

    When you're annoyed with someone, what do you do? How do you react?

    Do you confront the person? Do you let it pass? Do you go into the gym, put on boxing gloves, and picture the person's face on the punching bag?


  2. Sunshine625 profile image83
    Sunshine625posted 11 years ago

    It depends on the person. I might confront them, I do like an occassional confrontation if I have an extra few minutes. I also might let it pass, if they aren't worth the time. Chances are I'd just push them aside and let karma take over smile

  3. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    I'd have to reiterate Linda Sue's comment....It definitely depends on WHO it is.  It also depends on what it is they've done to annoy me.  I don't annoy easily, so it would probably be something fairly serious.
    If it's a member of my immediate circle of loved ones.....simple.  I would swallow my pride, put it out of my head, say nothing and just go forward.
    On the opposite side of that....someone I really don't care for, to begin with?  They're not worth my time, energy or concern.  I can literally laugh off anything they do.
    The group in between there....well, then....it would depend on my mood.  If they annoyed me on an already bad day......we have a problem.

  4. profile image0
    Sri Tposted 11 years ago

    I remain unconcerned. It is their problem. Disturbance is caused by thoughts that arise in the mind, not by other people. If nothing physical has happened, nothing but thoughts are happening. If you ignore the thoughts in your mind, nothing at all is happening. The silent, no thought state is the reality. If there are no thoughts, there can be no disturbance. Therefore, no one has any power to disturb you. People are only annoyed or disturbed by their own thoughts and feelings about what appears to be happening. In truth, nothing is happening. It is only their imagination or projection of thoughts at others. All slights or wrongs are imaginary. They are only concepts passing through the mind. They do not exist anywhere else. They are not external.

  5. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
    ChitrangadaSharanposted 11 years ago

    It depends upon, who has annoyed me. If it is someone close, I do try to make matters clear. Normally the matter gets sorted out, because within family, we do understand each other's concern.
    But socially, I do avoid argumentative people, because I am not very good at it. Moreover, there is no point reacting to a  person, who annoys others, understanding very well, what he/ she is doing. It would be a waste of time and effort and we may frustrate ourselves by doing so.

  6. DrBill-WmL-Smith profile image58
    DrBill-WmL-Smithposted 11 years ago

    Initially I try to just ignore it. Usually it goes away. If not, need to clearly think through a strategy. That takes into account the person, the current situation, and future impacts of possible courses of action.
    That sound kind of stiff... but, it is what I try to do. ;-)

  7. bravewarrior profile image83
    bravewarriorposted 11 years ago

    If someone has annoyed me, I just leave the situation. If, on the other hand, someone has verbally attacked me, I will confront them, offer my point of view and defend myself. There are too many annoying people in the world to allow them to get a rise out of me.

  8. profile image0
    cjaroszposted 11 years ago

    If I'm annoyed with someone most of the time, I just walk away. If that doesn't work, then I just ignore them. Also, I just tell them that I need a little space.
    I have learned telling someone that they are annoying is a lot worse than the alternatives. Eventually, they will get the hint, or they will give up. Making them feel bad is not a good solution.
    Especially, if they are not meaning any harm by what they are doing.

  9. teaches12345 profile image77
    teaches12345posted 11 years ago

    I breathe deeply and hold my tongue while trying to understand why this person is annoying me. Believe me, this has come after years of maturing.  I used to just pop off without thinking how it affected the other person, or myself.  Usually, I ignore it, but if I do say something I try to make it postiive for both.


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