Do you think it is best to argue or just walk away?

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  1. GDiBiase profile image67
    GDiBiaseposted 12 years ago

    Do you think it is best to argue or just walk away?

  2. Blond Logic profile image92
    Blond Logicposted 12 years ago

    It depends with whom I am arguing. I tend to stand my ground if it is something that I feel is important. I will say though sometimes, I should just let it go and walk away.

  3. Docmo profile image92
    Docmoposted 12 years ago

    It's a hard one( yeah it's me again, ye olde butt-in-ski... You ask such good questions you see,can't resist them) . There are times when a good debate shows we are passionate to fight our corner and shows fieriness. On the other hand arguments can degenerate into personal digs and aggression that can be detrimental to a relationship.

    I also think that there are some people who have a type of personality that can turn any conversation into an argument ... It's hard to converse with them and make a point.

    I think it's best to chose when to debate( not argue) and when to walk away - especially when the other party stops listening and is just looking for ammunition to throw backatcha.

  4. robie2 profile image73
    robie2posted 12 years ago

    Like Blond Logic, I think it depends on the circumstances.  But I would add that it not only depends on how important the issue is to me, but also on how combative and explosive the other person is and what the emotional cost to me will be of getting into a tussle with them.

    I'm thinking of a dispute with a difficult neighbor or family member or someone at the office I have to see every day.  Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor and it is better not to ramp up the rhetoric when there is zero chance of changing the situation.

    I'm assuming we are talking about simple differences here and not criminal stuff-- In a case of, let us say, child abuse or theft  obviously the appropriate authorities need to be involved and confrontation may become more important.

  5. profile image0
    Starmom41posted 12 years ago

    It depends on the situation, but in most cases I think "just walk away" is the best approach. 
    My reason:  because some people just enjoy arguing, and others see arguing as "trying to win" or "trying to gain the upper-hand"--  and I don't like to waste my time on argumentive or arrogant people.

  6. TheRightWord profile image74
    TheRightWordposted 12 years ago

    Walk away long enough to figure out "why" you are mad / upset and to figure out a productive way to discuss and resolve your anger and hurt feelings. You don't have to we plain every nuance of your reaction to your "adversary" but if it is someone you must love and live with it is important to work as a team and resolve. Others just aren't worth the negative energy they create and leave in their wake.

  7. Pamela99 profile image90
    Pamela99posted 12 years ago

    I am agreement with most of the others as I think it depends on the circumstances. I have learned to try not to react too quickly with anger and try to think before I speak. It is too easy to say something you regret.

    I have health problems and I have learned when I get really stressed my health deteriorates. So,I try not to take things too personally. I guess almost all close relationships are going to have some differences and I've read marriages are healthier when there are a few arguments. I don't know if that is true, but I don't like to get stressed, so I avoid conflicts when I can. For instance, I have found with my husband if he gets upset to just leave him alone, give him some time and then we usually have a productive talk. We are really close and communicate well most of the time. When it comes to others, again it depends on the circumstances.

  8. profile image0
    kelleywardposted 12 years ago

    I like to refer to it as stating my own opinion rather than arguing. I don't think arguing solves anything but rather discussing how we both feel and then either agreeing to disagree or gaining a different perspective. Sometimes it's good to just walk away if both or you or one of you is not ready to discuss the issue in a way that is respectful.

  9. LaThing profile image61
    LaThingposted 12 years ago

    I wish I could just walk away, and most of the time I do..... When it is someone other then my husband! lol..... We are both stubborn, and try to have the last word..... Says a lot, right? But we only argue about silly little things so it doesn't mount to much smile

    And I agree with Kelleyword, it's more like stating my opinion rather then arguing!

  10. salvationarmy profile image60
    salvationarmyposted 12 years ago

    Morning, I have found it best to walk away, due to the fact some people haven't learned the word-(Tactful) yet. By experience, every battle is for a reason, every battle is for a season. One may feel targeted by hell, by walking away from a trouble situation-but, don't ever yield to self pity.  Keep that person in prayer daily.  And you, yourself will be blessed in the end.

  11. wewillmake profile image60
    wewillmakeposted 12 years ago

    Its depend on the person and topic you are going to argue about..If i want to argue i straightly shoot my point to person. We have to make understand the person who can't accept your opinion. Don't make a seen in front if others. Keep patient always while arguing and take time to hear what others are telling. These are my concepts...

  12. ipen profile image60
    ipenposted 12 years ago

    never argue with an idiot.... argue with a wise person but not with a fool.

  13. JessicaSmetz profile image81
    JessicaSmetzposted 12 years ago

    I think it depends on the situation. If it is just a little arguement over something stupid, it is best to just walk away. If you are fighting over something you really care about then you should argue but not with any profanity. I am one to always want to be right and stand my ground. I think it depends on who you are too and your personality.

  14. profile image0
    rmcleveposted 12 years ago

    In cases of frustration or argument, I have learned over the years that I need peace and quiet to manage my feelings. If we can take a break for 10 minutes or so, I'll usually get over whatever was upsetting me and move on. I know for many other people that this is not the case and most of the people I've found who react this way are men. Women, according to my high school psych class and a very brief survey of my friends and family, prefer to talk out frustrations to confirm that the relationship is still strong.

    Therefore, I think it is best to find a middle ground between both parties. Everyone handles things differently. If you feel the need to talk it out, you need to make sure the other person understands that. If you like to let it go and walk away like I do, you have to make sure you're giving the other person what they need, too.

    Personally, I think it is best to walk away and avoid falling to debased levels.

  15. jennzie profile image69
    jennzieposted 12 years ago

    An argument produces plenty of heat, but not much light.

  16. internetgeek profile image60
    internetgeekposted 12 years ago

    It really depends on the circumstances and the person you are interacting with.

  17. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 12 years ago

    To me, it would depend upon who you were going to interact with what the problem was.  If it is one of my grown kids, we usually talk about whatever the problem or situation may be, and normally continue discussing it until it is resolved, or until we decide not to talk about it more.  Or, until my youngest daughter says "I need some time alone right now" - and when this happens, I know for sure, that I need to leave her alone.  Then later on we may discuss it some more or realize that it wasn't even that big of a thing & we'll laugh and let it go and forgive eachother.

    At work, I normally walk away if after trying to address a person's complaint or suggestion doesn't work out amicably..  I do try to avoid conflict at work, because it is so different from discussing something with your own family and close friends.

  18. HarperDavis profile image60
    HarperDavisposted 12 years ago

    It depends, but you should see how enraged some people get when you refuse to argue with them. Now THAT'S funny!

  19. deannachase profile image59
    deannachaseposted 12 years ago

    Stating clearly your concern or need is a necessary part of communication.  Typically when people argue they are focused on their hurt feelings or thoughts  and not able to listen well enough to the other person to come to a helpful conclusion.  Walking away is helpful temporarily if things are too heated or people are unable to listen.  Helpful Hint to prevent arguing extensively, don't bring up one topic after another.  Try to resolve one issue and take a break.

  20. Agnes Penn profile image60
    Agnes Pennposted 12 years ago

    Arguing for argument's sake has no purpose.  But if I can clear a doubt or misconception in someone else while remaining at peace I don't miss a chance.


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