Tell me your thoughts; can recovering alcoholics truly stay sober?

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  1. Genevieve Cooley profile image60
    Genevieve Cooleyposted 9 years ago

    Tell me your thoughts; can recovering alcoholics truly stay sober?

  2. liesl5858 profile image87
    liesl5858posted 9 years ago

    It depends on the individual but I think if the person really wanted to give up alcohol for life they can stay sober. I have a colleague who told me that she used to drink heavily and then one day she gave it up as sometimes she finds it hard to get up in the mornings when she goes to work and also her Mother told her something that kind of woke her up or shook her that she was determined to give it up altogether and up to now she is sober, so I think it is possible to stay sober but I think you need strong will to do it. Nothing is impossible.

    1. Genevieve Cooley profile image60
      Genevieve Cooleyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I absolutely agree with you, as a recovering alcoholic myself I had to make that decision that alcohol = poison to me. It had destroyed my life in so many ways. As well as hurting those I love so deeply!!! Well said!!!

  3. passionatelearnr profile image81
    passionatelearnrposted 9 years ago

    Ofcourse.anything can be achieved if you are determined.

  4. FatFreddysCat profile image61
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

    My late father gave up drinking and was sober for the rest of his life

  5. Larry Fields profile image68
    Larry Fieldsposted 9 years ago

    Conventional wisdom has it that once you become an alcoholic, you are an alcoholic for life. However you can choose your type of alcoholism: active alcoholic, or recovering alcoholic.
    An alcoholic acquaintance tells me that even in the recovery mode, powerful cravings can come, seemingly out of the blue. However there is always a reason, even though that reason may not be apparent at the time.

    I think that there's more to recovery than willpower. It would be very helpful to identify one's triggers, and then to avoid them, like the plague. Obvious example: hanging out with one's former drinking buddies. Instead, make new friends, who are high on Life.

    You will discover other triggers on your own. You may also discover healthful things that decrease alcohol cravings.

  6. Doug Cutler profile image67
    Doug Cutlerposted 9 years ago

    I quit cigarettes in 1975. Started in 1966, when 19. Wife smoked too. Quit together and didn't go back. Nicotine is documented as the hardest substance known to quit doing. Alcohol is easier to give up. I drank for a while two different periods in my life. It is much easier than cigarettes to give up.

    Glen Beck, of the Glen Beck show, gave up drinking and such years ago.
    Unless someone else has proof of something else being harder than cigarettes I will say alcohol is easier. Easier than some of the other substances, I don't know.

  7. profile image0
    thegeckoposted 9 years ago

    I know several people in my family that have given up smoking or drinking. They've been free of those substamces for decades. So, yes, its possible. I also don't adhere to the label "alcoholic". I don't think abstinence is a solution for everyone or that consuming alcohol will always be a problem for someone. I think for many its a problem of will, self control, and their emotional well-being. Not necessarily the alcohol.

  8. fpherj48 profile image61
    fpherj48posted 9 years ago

    Jennifer.....Welcome to Hubpages.  You don't say how long you have been a recovering alcoholic, but Congratulations on taking that step and welcome to the world of sobriety 24/7.   If you'll excuse me and my perspectives on so much in life, I despise "labels" of any sort.    Although I jokingly refer to myself as a recovering Catholic of 40 years, I would prefer to think of you and others who have quit drinking as "formerly addicted."

    I don't believe there is a person living who is not a bit "addicted" to, gambling, shopping, drugs, sex, Video games.....this list can be endless.  Wouldn't you agree?   Certainly some are more harmful and/or damaging than others, but they all have their price to pay unless and until we defeat them.

    Please know that you can do anything you have made a vow to do.  You have the will, support and strength.  Believe in yourself and the love of your family.  Now that you have joined the HP "Family," I can promise you, you have just become a member of a Community of the most awesome, loving, helpful & giving people in the world.  Not just fluffy words, Jennifer....this is fact.   The best part is that you will experience this for yourself.

    Please share your feelings with us by writing your first hub.  We look forward to your contributions......Peace, Paula

    1. Doug Cutler profile image67
      Doug Cutlerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The new addiction for many is the internet and hand held devices. Researchers say people use them and get highs similar to drug highs and lows when they are away. I have a desk top and don't think I am addicted to anything. Safe but boring lifestyle.

  9. Morgan Anthony profile image59
    Morgan Anthonyposted 9 years ago


    Just like many physical ailments can be cured, so can mental ones. I never understood why people don't understand that.

    To stay sober though, you really need to dig as deep as you possibly can. The moment you discover the most bruised, damaged part of yourself, you will understand why your Mind has been using the drink to escape.

    I personally encourage natural plant medicines.


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