high Cholesterol

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  1. Stacie L profile image86
    Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

    Hi has anyone here reduced high cholesterol with just diet and maybe baby aspirin?
    I'm wondering  what peoples' actual experiences have been? hmm

    1. mortaine profile image62
      mortaineposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Why would you use aspirin to lower your cholesterol? Aspirin works to lower blood pressure. Not cholesterol.

      In the past, I lowered my very high cholesterol (WAY above 240) to normal by diet and exercise. I was on a low-fat diet rich in whole grains (think rice and quinoa, not "whole wheat bread"), vegetables, and lean meats. I was also exercising-- usually walking 3-5 times a week or hitting the gym. In less than 2 months, I went from a cholesterol of 240+ to under 190.

      It can certainly be done. However, every person is different. You have to look at why you have high cholesterol, and where you're starting from. Unfortunately for me, I am pre-disposed to high cholesterol. I had it when I was 12. My dad has it. My grandmother had it-- it's not like something is particularly "wrong" with me that can be fixed. But fortunately for me, when I pay attention to what I eat and focus on a healthy, low-fat, high-whole-grain diet, my cholesterol plummets. As I get older, I am sure it will be harder to lower my cholesterol. Also, I'm lucky that my total cholesterol, including the "good" cholesterol, is high, so my ratio of good to bad cholesterol is not dangerous to start out.

      My advice, if you're looking for ways to lower your cholesterol naturally, is to replace bread with whole grains and eliminate all fat except 2 tablespoons of olive oil from your daily diet. And walk for 20 minutes every day. Start with a fasting cholesterol test before you change the diet. Take another test 6 weeks later. If your cholesterol hasn't lowered significantly, go to the doctor to get a prescription. If it hasn't changed after doing all that for 6 weeks, it's never going to respond to diet and exercise.

    2. Ronnie Lotts profile image61
      Ronnie Lottsposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Stacie, I'm new to Hub but I couldn't let your question go by without responding.
      With that being said, I've been using this little known product that has the driving force of
      MORINGA OLEIFERA in it. Since using this product my cholesterol has dropped dramatically,
      and my natural energy levels has risen like you wouldn't believe! If you get a chance Google
      MORINGA OLEIFERA, it has a lot of valuable content on this miracle plant.
      Good luck.

    3. KutWrite profile image62
      KutWriteposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      A couple of points from my own experience over 5 years:

      1. Aspirin won't lower cholesterol.  It makes blood less "clotty" to lower the chances of stroke or heart attack due to a blockage.

      2. Statins work on cholesterol, both raising good and lowering bad, but have evil side-effects.  They have even been shown to give false diagnoses of Altzheimer's disease!  ("My brain, that's my second-favorite organ," Woody Allen).

      Plus, they made me achy all over, like rheumatism.  I didn't connect it with the statins 'til I stopped taking them (over my doctor's objections).

      3. Niacin works very well in lowering bad and raising good.  But, do NOT take the timed-release type (a capsule). It has minimal effect on cholesterol and BAD effects on your liver.  I took some for a few weeks to try it, and my MD (Minor Deity) sent me for a CAT scan, thinking my liver was cirrhotic! 

      Prolonged release Niacin (caplet - slippery, elongated tablet) works, and is good to start out with if you don't like flushing.  But, it won't make nearly the difference that full Niacin will.

      4. What worked best for me was graduating to full-strength Niaciin, 500mG pills.  Note that most people have to take at least 1,500mG (1.5 g) per day to see ANY effect. You'll probably have to build up to this.  I found that 2.5g a day worked best with minimal side-effects.  You can spread out the pills to minimize flushing.

      5. The flushing will almost disappear as you get used to Niacin.  After a few weeks of prolonged (not timed) release Niacin, I went to a smaller dose of full Niacin.  I went up to 3g/day in about 2 months.  Due to side-effects (see below) I reduced it later to 2.5g.

      6. Taking more than about 3g (3,000mG) of Niacin per day is not recommended.  You'll see an effect on your liver enzymes, plus it made me nauseous, not a good sign. 

      7. Be sure and get regular liver enzymes checked if you take anything for cholesterol.  Most of the cholesterol in your body is made in your own liver, not ingested.  To inhibit this will affect your liver.  Be careful!

      8. Yes, diet and exercise helped me too, plus losing weight!  I was about 40 lb overweight, now about 10 lb.  Slimming down helps in other ways, too!

      That's my free advice, based only on my own research and experience.  Try it and be aware of what your own body tells you and the important numbers which affect it. the high-fiber diet, etc. mentioned by other Hubbers is helpful, for sure.


      (gee, now I'll make the above into a Hub!)

    4. bcampbell23 profile image60
      bcampbell23posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Stacie- As a personal trainer and Doctor of Pharmacy, I can tell you that diet and exercise can have a fairly large impact on lowering of your cholesterol.  However, hereditary factors certainly play a role as well. 

      Have you tried fish oils at all?  You may want to speak with your doctor about this, as many people experience lowering effects from this OTC product. 

      Best of luck to you- hopefully you can avoid being placed on the infamous "statins", which are the gold standard for lowering LDL and raising HDL (good) cholesterol.


      1. Stacie L profile image86
        Stacie Lposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Brad,I was placed on a stain;Crestor and had side effects for the short time I took it.
        i researched rigorously and think i found what works for me.
        Fish oils give me indigestion so i switched to flax seed oil
        my doctor only believes in prescriptions;time for a new doctor

    5. hopalopa67 profile image61
      hopalopa67posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      TRhe best thing you can do is to simply wathc the sodium intake that you are consuming on a daily basis. Avoid canned foods and everything on the inner ailes of grocery stores. Shop around the perimeter of the store to find the right foods to eat. Also make sure you are getting plenty of rest.

  2. ParadigmShift... profile image77
    ParadigmShift...posted 15 years ago

    I've been drinking a product called MonaVie Pulse that is supposed to help with lowering cholesterol and keeping it low, as well as promote overall heart health. They say to drink it for 6 weeks and then get tested and compare. Apparently, it has the same FDA rating as Lipitor, but since it's all natural (19 fruits and berries) with added plant sterols and Omegas, you don't get any of the side effects.

    It's only been 2 weeks so far, but I do feel a lot better just because of the nutrients I'm getting from all the fruits and berries. It has the Acai berry in it. Plus, it tastes really good, like strawberry pineapple. You can only get it through independant distributors because MonaVie is a network marketing company.

    1. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      well that sounds like something good; I don't want to take any synthetic medications due to the side effects

    2. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

      Years ago there was a fad for the Oatbran diet.  It really worked - I had a friend who got down from 7 to 4.5 using the diet alone.

      It's difficult to follow in Australia, though, because you need to take slow-release or sustained-release niacin as part of the diet, and you can't buy it here.

      It must be real niacin - not synthetic niacin, which goes by various names like nicotinamide, niacinamide etc.  The trouble with real niacin is that if you take it straight, it can cause unpleasant side effects like hot flushes - which is why you need a slow-release one which feeds the vitamin into your system gradually instead.

      As well as the niacin, you need to eat oats - as much as you can.  That means porridge or oat bran muffins for breakfast every morning, oat breads, oatcakes or oatmeal cookies, etc.  Any kind of soluble fibre will also help (check out some of the fibre supplements that dissolve in water).

    3. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

      thank you to all the suggestions.
      My doctor and I agreed to try lowering it naturally by eating low fat meals,exercising more and taking omaga 3, co-q10,and low dose aspirin...I have lost some weight in the last three weeks so it is working.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Out of that list, the only thing that will work directly to lower your cholesterol is the low fat diet, because your body manufactures cholesterol from fat.  Eating lots of oatmeal is also a natural remedy and even if you don't take the niacin, it will help.  However niacin is also natural - it's Vitamin B3.

        Losing weight and taking regular exercise will help lower your cholesterol but they're not enough on their own.

        http://www.healthbrands.com.au/glossary … niacin.htm

    4. ParadigmShift... profile image77
      ParadigmShift...posted 15 years ago

      I forgot to write why MonaVie Pulse works. It has plant sterols in it. Plant sterols look like cholesterol to your body, and your body will absorb the healthy plant sterols instead of the cholesterol. MonaVie also has Omega 3, 6, and 9, dietary fiber, the highest antioxidant ORAC score (of anything tested to date), is a heavy duty anti-inflammatory, trace minerals, and the protein profile of an egg. All in a four ounce serving, and that's just the Acai berry! And again, it's all natural. 

      Check out thejuicefacts.com/facts.html

      Good luck on your journey towards better health and keep us posted on your positive results!

    5. profile image53
      tvesta77posted 15 years ago

      Hi Stacie,

      Just wanted to let you know about an interesting study on lowering cholesterol.  It was done at the Hanover Medical School in Germany.  They decided to test lovastatin (trade name Mevacor) against an amino acid L. Arginine.  No one really thought that agrinine would measure up to the statin but to their suprise it not only did, but surpassed it as well it  in lowering cholesterol.  The study was published in the August 1997 issue of Circulation magazine.  If you want to know more about L. Arginine you can visit MyCardioGrade.com.  it has a lot of information about arginine, lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health.. 
      Niacin (b3) has also been used to lower cholesterol.  It aslo gives me a calm feeling after I take it.  You have to get used to the flush though....I agree with the earlier commenter about using niacin not niacinamide.  Omega 3 has been shown to be great for our cardiovascular health and  MonaVie should help because it is a powerful antioxidant.  Dr. Ignarro explains why anti-oxidants work on the video that appears on the mycardiograde site.  Hope this helps along with your exercise program and diet....Much success!...tvesta77

      1. Stacie L profile image86
        Stacie Lposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        hey thanks for the input..I have excellent blood work results and organ function(post chemo) but because I was on a high protein diet to lose inches ,my cholesterol jumped.
        i'm taking a lot of what you mentioned already,but I will not take a prescription.
        I may try the niacin though .

        1. Stacie L profile image86
          Stacie Lposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          well I have an update on my cholesterol situation.
          After  two and half months and taking niacin,flax seed oil gel tabs,,co Q10 tabs and cutting out red meals, and low fat dairy products,my  total cholesterol level has come down 20 points!
          I didn't use any dangerous prescriptions.
          Now I have to stay vigilant because I'm not out of the woods yet.

    6. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

      well I'm a little bummed out.
      I just got my lab work back and I haven't lowered my cholesterol enough so I have a prescription to try for a month to see if that help.

      I really have tried to avoid this,but it runs in the family and no matter what I did I couldn't get it to a healthy number.
      Since my mom has heart disease and my dad died form a stroke,I guess I shouldn't be so valiant.
      I'm hoping to get off it when the numbers are better
      color me sad   sad

    7. knolyourself profile image61
      knolyourselfposted 15 years ago

      My doc tried to put me on cholesterol durgs. But since there is a chance however slight of kidney damage I said no way. He said you are so thin you need fat, so take the meds. So I tried the flax seed, soy milk and such, and
      no fat, that was a killer, but did not work. So the last time I was in he suggested Red Yeast Rice. So am taking that in pill form. Will get tested again in a few months.

    8. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

      thanks for the reply. I have stopped all red meat,drink low fat milk or soy milk  in coffee only,eat skinless broiled chicken and turkey and occasional pork fillet
      real cooked oatmeal,green veggies and only dropped 20 points in three months.
      Everyhting else is good...
      I also take 500 mg non flush niacin,1000 mg omega -6(flax sees oil),co Q10 , multivitamins.
      I have heard and read about red yeast rice.
      Heredity is the problem
      Don't know what else to do. I'm going down fighting.......sad

    9. profile image0
      C. C. Riterposted 15 years ago

      I had trouble with hight cholesterol until my Endocronologist told me to either drink one beer a day or one shot of whickey or 8 oz. of wine. It does work. i don't drink it evry day, but close to it. That and walking daily have helped me temendously.

      1. Stacie L profile image86
        Stacie Lposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I was drinking a glass of wine each night but it was a sweet wine. Even though my Triclicerides are good, the carbs and sugar didn't lower the numbers. I think i need to switch to the earthy red wines. hmm

    10. britneydavidson profile image61
      britneydavidsonposted 15 years ago

      i need some proper help for this...

    11. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

      My doctor put me on Crestor for a month trial; I didn't stay on it.
      instead I found an herbalist and ow take cholestoril (pantethine) and
      olive leaf tabs.along with the rest of my supplements.
      why aren't western doctors  educated in natural remedies?I'm tired of telling them about what the research shows.
      and why does my health insurance only cover western medicine and practices?
      i hope things change soon..

    12. Marisa Wright profile image84
      Marisa Wrightposted 15 years ago

      Stacie, you don't mention exercise and weight?

      My cholesterol is only slightly elevated so I haven't bothered with the niacin - instead, I've been using the cholesterol-lowering margarine and taking daily exercise.  It's working, even though I haven't been as conscientious as I should be with my diet.

      I'm told that being even slightly overweight can make a huge difference, too.

    13. profile image47
      badcompany99posted 15 years ago

      Go see your Doctor and get put on a Statin, I did and mine has been reduced from 5.7 to 3.7 but regular exercise does actually reduce it as well.

    14. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

      thanks for your comments Marisa wright and badcompany99;
      I DO exercise daily for 30 to 60 minutes daily

      and  don't have a weight issue. It's within normal limits.
      i also use Smart balance.
      i just took down a 24 " swimming pool over the last 2 weeks. if that isn't exercise i don't know what is! LOL

      I don't like the stains due to long term effects.Statins cause muscle deterioration;that includes the heart

      Crestor at 5 mg is still the strongest statin on the market.
      Read up on olive leaf.

    15. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years ago

      Grapefruit? You can be healthy and have high cholesterol due to genetics. This is the case with my sister. The doctor told her she would have to go on medication and natural remedies wouldn't help. I think that's crap and I would still try all you could.

      I'm a vegetarian and my cholesterol (bad) is extremely low and my good cholesterol is WNL. But I understand that isn't an option for everyone. You can only get cholesterol from an animal with a liver.. and I guess I ruled that one out! Not completely though, I eat eggs every once in a while, or use butter, things like that.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I'm afraid that's an old wives' tale!   The cholesterol you eat (e.g. in an animal's liver) is digested like anything else - it doesn't stay cholesterol.  So it's irrelevant to your own cholesterol levels.

        The cholesterol in your body is manufactured from the fat you eat, not from the cholesterol you eat.

    16. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years ago

      Yeah of course. But we are animals with livers. Our body itself only manufactures about 1g of cholesterol a day. I know that our body produces it. However obtaining it other ways would be from an animal with a liver. Cholesterol is not found in plants, so fruits, veggies, rice, grains, etc don't up your cholesterol level.

    17. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

      I was on a high protein diet for many years.
      probably my fault to some degree.
      As we age the cholesterol level rises and I have changed my diet dramatically.No more red meat,smaller portions of chicken,some lean pork,less carbs. Simple carbs and sugar do also raise ldl levels.
      I don't have any other health issues. Triglycerides,good cholesterol ,liver function,blood pressure are all good. It's a bit unusual.

    18. K.D. Clement profile image70
      K.D. Clementposted 15 years ago

      If your triglycerides are in good shape then it might be alright to have an elevated cholesterol level. 

      I lowered my cholesterol and triglycerides in a matter of months by eliminating dairy, sugar, and gluten from my diet.  Now my LDL is considered super low and my HDL is in a nice high range.  You already have a lot of good advice on this thread but you might want to check out Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live diet.

      My only advice would be to look at your refined sugar and starch intake.

    19. caderade2 profile image56
      caderade2posted 15 years ago

      Yes diet will affect your cholesterol a great deal! 
      The consumption of cholesterol is not the problem in 95% people, it's the consumption of saturated fat.  Cut down saturated fat and increase consumption of flax seed and fish. You need to eat fish at least twice a week.  Take fish oil pills also.  The more you can raise your HDL (good cholesterol) the better!  So make sure you throw some exercise in as well.

    20. Kyanisunrise profile image60
      Kyanisunriseposted 15 years ago

      Someone has already mention L-arginine but it has been proven to lower cholesterol. I take a product called Proargi 9 that is an l-arginine and l-citruline complex for my diabetes. It has lowered my cholesterol, my A1c and helped with my energy levels. Look up Dr Joe Prendergast on the web. He is an endocrinologist and has been using this product in his practice.


    21. Stacie L profile image86
      Stacie Lposted 15 years ago

      Ok i have some good news. I visited a Reiki practitioner and herbalist and she recommended Pantethine 300mg twice a day and olive leaf 2x a day.
      I also take niacin 400mg and coq10.
      My total cholesterol dropped from 256  to 230 a over 7 weeks.I'm now borderline.I started out in Jan at 270.
      i feel it will continue to drop as long as I keep to my low fat diet fruits and veggies,no red meat and a glass of red wine.Gotta have some vice!smile

    22. ivanzen profile image59
      ivanzenposted 15 years ago

      try to drink a lot of water

    23. Ron Montgomery profile image61
      Ron Montgomeryposted 15 years ago

      My first question in response is, "why in the world would you want to lower your cholesterol?"

      There is no proven link between high cholesterol and heart disease, in fact a total cholesterol level below 180 is very dangerous. http://hubpages.com/hub/Heart-Disease-- … -a-Culprit

      1. profile image47
        badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Interesting article, cheers for posting !

    24. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years ago

      Umm yeah there is Ron. http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guid … terol-risk

      My cholesterol was 163, last time I checked. smile

      Your body makes about 1 gram of cholesterol a day, so you can be healthy without having a high cholesterol diet.

      1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
        Ron Montgomeryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Cole, coincidentally the link you sent me leads to an article that I disagree highly with in my hub.  It certainly has been stated by many groups that there is a connection; many, though not all doctors continue to believe this, yet no proof is ever offered.  I reference the relevant studies in my hub and why I, and others who are much more qualified, disagree with the theory.

        1. Colebabie profile image60
          Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Agreed that there are multiple factors that contribute to heart disease. I just know for me personally, I have a low cholesterol level and I'm healthy. While in my family high cholesterol levels are prominent, both genetically, and through lifestyle choices. The high cholesterol level has correlated (not saying it is a direct cause) to heart issues. After my dad lowered his cholesterol he didn't need to have heart surgery. So that's a pretty strong correlation to me. But I'm sure I could always learn more about the subject.

      2. Ron Montgomery profile image61
        Ron Montgomeryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, your body in fact make cholesterol.  Mine has actually lowered inadvertently by consuming more animal fats in my diet.

        1. Colebabie profile image60
          Colebabieposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          I'm a vegetarian. smile

          1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
            Ron Montgomeryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Not vegan?  Do you eat any animal products? 

            My point on the whole matter is that the unknown vastly outweighs what is known or assumed to be known.  I think we are just scratching the surface when it comes to the genetic link to heart disease, cancer, etc.  Many of us know pack or two pack a day smokers who live long healthy lives.  It defies conventional thinking, and it's the exception to the rule; but some people seem pre-progammed to good health.

    25. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years ago

      No I'm not a vegan. I occasionally eat dairy products as a part of my diet. But I also don't exclude them from recipes, when I eat out, etc. Which is where I get most of them.

      But I don't eat what comes from an animal. Like soups, recipes, etc. I won't eat anything that has like chicken stock, etc. I hate the taste and it makes me sick.

      1. Ron Montgomery profile image61
        Ron Montgomeryposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I should have scrolled further up so you wouldn't have to re-post.hmm

    26. Colebabie profile image60
      Colebabieposted 15 years ago

      Its all good smile

    27. pddm67 profile image60
      pddm67posted 14 years ago

      My husband reduced his cholesterol by changing his diet - or rather me changing his diet. We wanted to make sure that it was in fact his diet so after his initial doctor's appt. I did some research, made the necessary changes to his diet (he was not happy) and viola! - when he went back for the follow-up (3 months later)it had lowered by about 20 points and is now within the "healthy" range.

      Don't know if this is an option for everyone but he's only 44 and did want to avoid taking any medication if possible and now he doesn't have to. Good luck smile


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