Protecting Children From the War Torn and Conflict Areas
Protecting Children From the War Torn and Conflict Areas
"I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?" by Eve Merriam
"The facts of life are that a child who has seen war cannot be compared with a child who doesn't know what war is except from television" by Sophia Loren
In celebration of the International Children's Day on on June 1 and with International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression on June 4 -- join me in celebrating the sector of our society which need most our love, guidance and care --the children.
Protecting Children From the War Torn and Conflict Areas. I have seen wars from conflict areas when I was young living in the Philippines. I remember it so vividly, it was 70's and the Communist Party of the Philippines is continually increasing in numbers and at war with the forces of the government which was then led by the former President Ferdinand Marcos. It was no way to live a life. I don't want to remember it -- the terror it caused to us before was devastating in terms of the curtailment of a happy life of a child -- just being free to play and roam around and greeted by the smiles of the people and their parents who are sure where to get food in the next meal.
I hope nobody will eperience the consequences of a war specially amongst children, but alas, all over the world, wars are continously waged in every areas. I dream of a world where there is no war and all you can see are the smiles of children. Another hubber here, if you have time you can visit her hubs, they are well written hubs about children and the wars they fought everyday -- Myownworld.
-- You can donate to children's causes by reading this hub -- Where to donate for children's causes, but before donating you may want to read this -- How to Avoid Schemers When Giving to Charities.
Other HUBS About Protecting Children
Protecting Children From the War Torn and Conflict Areas
In every war, the first casualties are women and children, of course the men too, but then women and children are the first one to be left out in homes, defenseless and they are the ones who are the first casualties when there is war -- feeling hungry and have to take care of each other while the men goes out and find jobs which are rare and non existent.
Seeing dead people at a young age have psychological effect
I remember seeing a dead man in the gutter, his neck is cut off, until now it is still vivid in my mind. I should have been a nurse but couldn't pursue it, I am scared of blood and that image keep on coming back at me, our neighbor which was the village chief was killed by the other forces on the other end - the guerrillas -- they lived mostly in the mountains and upland as they are outlawed and in hiding. The village chief fails to give monthly donation and don't want to give anymore. This was during the height of the conflict between the Communist Party of the Philippines -- they call them guerrillas against the forces of the government.
The loss of lives of children are high in war torn and conflict areas.
Protecting Children From the War Torn and Conflict Areas
Consequences of Wars and Conflicts to the Lives of Children
In some parts of the world like Iraq, Afghanistan and some African countries where there are conflicts, everyday they have to deal with the war in all facets of their lives. As I have said when I was a child and when there is conflict in our place -- mostly by the New Peoples Army - Communist Party of the Philippines against the government forces
The Scenario in War Conflict Areas
Food is expensive and are not available -- many people go hungry -- specially the children
When there is conflict or war in the area, people cant have peace of mind to have livelihoods like planting or nourishing their own produce as they are scared to go out, they might be in danger of being killed in the area. Sometimes the people rely on what is given to them by neighbors but then the neighbors run out of food and they become hungry. When we were young, as we are located in the northern tip of the Philippines -- Luzon where it is considered the rice basket of the country -- meaning it is the main source of rice to feed the country -- it was an area of conflict -- people cant plant three times a year because of fear that they will be the target in the crossfire between the conflicting forces. prices of rice increased and people horde rice like what my parents did.
Future Is unknown
Nobody can predict the future when an area is at war. In terms of economic conditions, nobody will trade in full blown with a place when it is at war. No new businesses are formed, no new investments thus there is no employment for the people except to rely in what is left behind. Buildings are destroyed and there is no infrastructure, forces destroy bridges and the government is hard up.
Social lives are totally disrupted, you have new neighbors always, you cant go out at night -- freedom is curtailed and we have curfew
Schooling and education are interrupted
These have severe consequences to children -- their future is compromise -- you see education is deemed very important specially to developing countries as it is the sole determinant of getting a good placement for a secured job later on in life. I can remember my parents were crying at that time because they told us that in order for us to have a better life shall get the best education, When there is conflict, teachers can't go to school and teach, they keep safe their children first scared that they might be caught in the crossfire. Luckily the war and conflict between the Communist Party and the government subside in the 80s until it dwindle as it is affected by the overall state of communism all over the world.
Internal migration is high -- people moved form place to place with the children in tow
Internal migration is high, people moved from one place to another in search of food and employment plus a more secure place and peoples lives are disrupted. I can see my parents moved us from the slopes in the mountains to a different valley where there is minimal conflict. But many people are moving there so we have to compete with the people, it helps when neighbors share but still it affects the children most specially -- they have to live with what is available -- and yet there is scarcity for food, jobs, prices are high. Even the most innovative people are affected.
People are uprooted from their place and begin a new life anywhere else and this is a repeated process. Sometimes you get tired in moving that we always asked our parents when are we moving again.
How do you protect children from wars or conflict? -- by not creating wars or not supporting those who promote or create wars.
Conclusion :
All wars or conflicts have negative consequences in the lives of people in the area, but the effect is devastating on children which should be enjoying their childhood. Most of all, the children are robbed of their childhood forcing some to work -- child labor -- stopped schooling and there is the uncertainty factor -- all of these affect them psychologically. I don't think there are necessary wars -- wars against child abandonment poverty yes -- but not to wars wage by people who have other motives.