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Top 10 Ideal Gifts for Kids

Updated on November 15, 2019

I created this hub; Top 10 Ideal Gifts for Kids because I think some are worried and stressed out thinking what gifts they will buy for kids who will celebrate their birthdays or gifts that they can give this Holiday Season and other occasions where you need to buy gifts for children. I just compiled some gifts that I think will be a good choice of gifts. Of course, it’s up to you if you will follow my gift ideas.

I believe that children love gifts. They love the idea of opening a gift; even if it is big or small it does not matter. But no matter how much they like the gift, some kids get easily tired of it. So we must think of a gift that not only will they like and enjoy but also gifts that will help them while playing with it. Some gifts listed here, eventhough may be easily forgotten by them, will first help kids develop their brain, creativity, strength and skills. So here are the Top 10 Ideal Gifts for Kids that might help in choosing a gift not only this Holiday Season but also in other occasions that will come. Again, I did not include any electronic device or gadgets on my top 10 list like what I did in my other hubs about Top 10 Deal Gifts for Women and Top 10 Ideal Gifts For Men

1. Crafts

Crafts are a good choice as gifts for kids. There are various ways to craft. They can use their imagination, skills and creativity. Kids will benefit on crafting and would surely enjoy doing it. They can help build self-esteem; they can be proud of their work and improve their skills. It is wise to let kids play and at the same time learn from the toys they are playing. Nowadays kids are fond on exploring new things. Giving them crafts to keep them busy and productive is a nice idea.

2. Building Toys

Although toys are given to kids for them to enjoy, you can also give them toys that will improve their patience, logic and skills. Giving kids building toys like Lego, Mega Bloks, K’Nex, LiteBrix and Nanoblock would be a good choice. These will explore their imagination and promotes healthy brain development. Let them build houses, buildings, empire, animals and cars or their favorite things. This will really keep them busy. The advisable age is above 3 years old because small children might swallow it and children below 3 years of age may not appreciate this kind of stuff.

3. Games and Puzzles

Games and Puzzles are fun and educational. It is like building toys, they are a good choice for giving gifts to kids because they promote healthy brain development. There are many games and puzzles available in the market from junior crossword, Sudoku for kids, children’s maze, spot the difference and many other games and puzzles which children would really enjoy doing. They can seek help from their parents if they are already having problem solving it or their parents may accompany them while doing this puzzle games so it’s a double purpose gift. Family bonding and playing at the same time.

4. Musical Instruments or Music Box

Musical toys are also a good choice when giving gifts to kids. Mini guitars, drums sets, kiddie piano, saxophone, flute and guitars are some of the musical toys and instruments that you can give to a child. It’s good to know that kids appreciate music even if they are still young. I remember a 3 year old little boy who joins a contest in T.V. and his talent is playing drums. He played the drums and I’m amazed that the little kid plays the drum pretty well. The Advisable age is above 3 years old, because toddlers might not yet appreciate this kind of gift. For kids lower than 3, you can give music box that they can listen to that is good for their brains and brings enjoyment to them. And for those kids who loves to sing, you can give them microphone.

5. Cap or Hat

Caps or hat is I think is a practical and good idea to give as a gift. This gift is a 2 in one gift because caps and hats do not only serve as a fashion accessory to kids but it also serves as a protection from the heat of the sun and rain as we often forgot and some are lazy to bring their umbrella. Caps or hats are easy to bring and wear.

6. CDs/DVDs

We know that kids love to watch TV and movies. Especially if they are watching their favorite cartoon characters they are not tired watching it all over again even if they had watched it a couple of times. They can even memorize the lines and the sequence of scenes in a movie because they always watch it repeatedly. Giving them CDs/DVDs with the collection of their favorite movies will be a good idea. They would surely love and enjoy it and they will surely use it over and over again.

7. Books or E-Books

Giving Books or E-Books is not only a good idea but also a helpful and practical one. Books or E-Books will help enhance and develop their brain and ideas. They will learn from their books and they can keep reading it for as long as they want. They can also lend or share it with their friends. And for the kids who do not know how to read, their parents can read it for them. Another two way purpose gift; bonding with their parents and learning at the same time.

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8. Personalized Items

Personalized items like frames, door sign, pillow case, pencil case, bag, rubber stamp, wall sticker, lunch box and other personalized items are not only cute but also unique kind of gift for kids. Even the adults’ love personalized items; we love to see our picture or names in the things that we use. With this kind of stuff you will be sure that the items will not be claimed by others.

9. Basketball Ball or Soccer Ball

Because of the new technologies and the internet, kids nowadays seldom play outside. This gift encourages physical activity. Giving them basketball and soccer ball helps them burn some fats and help them develop their muscles and strengthens their bones. An ideal gift for kids who seldom play outside and are always in front of their computer. We must encourage kids to learn physical activities that we enjoyed before when we are still young.

10. Costume Dress

Kids love to go to parties and play with their friends. Some kid parties require costumes so giving them a costume dress with their favorite cartoon character would be a nice idea. They will surely love it and they will not be left behind. Just make sure that the costume dress you will give them is their favorite cartoon character so that they will be happy wearing it.

Additional Gift Ideas

If you are still unsure of what to give, here are 2 additional gift deas you can choose from.

11. Piggy Bank

Piggy bank or sometimes called penny bank for me is a good choice to teach children how to save. Encouraging and teaching them to keep those pennies left from their allowances will be a good training for them so that if they wanted to buy something they will have to save to be able to get it.

12. Cook Books with Apron

Kids nowadays love and enjoy cooking. We are already seeing game shows that promote cooking to kids like Junior Master Chef. And because of the exposure of kids to these kinds of shows, kids are being more interested in this kind of stuff. Giving them cook books with apron if they are fond of cooking will be a good idea.


Giving gifts especially to kids during Holiday Season is common especially if you have Goddaughter or Godson. When we buy gifts for kids, think if this gift will be an ideal gift for them. Will it help or benefit them? We must be intelligent and practical. Anyway kids will never look at the price of the gift but how they are going to use it. I hope my hub helped you decide what gifts to buy.


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