If you could give your Mother anything for Mother's Day, what would you give her

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  1. dwilliamson profile image60
    dwilliamsonposted 15 years ago

    If you could give your Mother anything for Mother's Day, what would you give her?

  2. Cla305Judy profile image56
    Cla305Judyposted 15 years ago

    If I would give my mother anything for Mother's Day. It would be me. All mothers want to know that they are still loved and cared about. You can go out a buy something that she likes. After a while it just gets packed away. I would give my mother memories that will stay with her forever. Memories can't be packed away and forgotten. So think of something that you can do to make her Mother's Day special. Even if it’s outside for a walk getting to know each other more then what you do now. Ask her what dreams and goals she has in life. Maybe you can help her make her goals. A friendly face and kind words makes the world go around. I would also tell her how special she is to me and why. So before you go out and buy something. Think with your heart. Don’t forget to let her know how much you love her. Mother’s do so much and the greatest enjoyment is to see their children smile.

  3. carolegalassi profile image60
    carolegalassiposted 15 years ago

    I would give my mother financial freedom. She is not as mobile as she used to be so I would also get her a 24 hour caregiver and basically whatever else she needs to let her live the remaining years of her life carefree and in peace.

  4. Anamika S profile image60
    Anamika Sposted 14 years ago

    If I could give anything to my Mom on Mothers Day I would choose a personalized gift, something which i would have personally made for her with my own hands. I am good at crafts and painting so that woould not be a problem. I would also appologize to her for my wrong doings and misbehavior and promise her to be a good daughter always.

  5. Spider Girl profile image55
    Spider Girlposted 14 years ago

    My answer lies in my latest hub dedicated to my mother for this Mother's Day.

    http://hubpages.com/hub/20-Great-Ideas- … others-Day

  6. Joni Douglas profile image77
    Joni Douglasposted 14 years ago

    I would give my mother satisfaction and congratulations.  I would let her know that she did a good job, that her mothering was purposeful and that the life lessons she taught me, through word and deed, I have passed on to my own children.

  7. profile image51
    miklanderson2posted 14 years ago

    I would give her happiness. She has everything she could want but still isn't happy. I wish I knew where her unhappiness stemmed from...

  8. FabLiz86 profile image63
    FabLiz86posted 14 years ago

    If finances didn't matter I'd buy her a house.  In my present situation I find that spending time together, even in the most mundane situation, is what she wants most.

  9. WannaB Writer profile image87
    WannaB Writerposted 13 years ago

    I'd give her the ability to come back for a week and spend it with my brother, so she could see the answers to the prayers she prayed for him and his family. We lost mom eight years ago, but it was only last Christmas I saw what I wish my mom could have seen -- a happy functional family enjoying their guests and being good hosts. It hadn't happened that way in many,many, years.

  10. chspublish profile image80
    chspublishposted 13 years ago

    Good health. For most of her life, bar her first few years, when nature probably protected her with a boost from the growth hormone, she has suffered low energy, due to a blood condition. She raised six children and did a good job, in spite of her low energy levels. She's in her late eighties and how she has managed to keep going on such low levels is beyind me.
    She doesn't ask for much and she is genuinely surprised if anyone does anything for her.
    So has anyone got a magic wand to lend, so I could wave it over her head and have her enjoy energetic filled days and nights to come for as long as she can? Thanks for the question.

  11. manjubose5 profile image68
    manjubose5posted 13 years ago

    I would like to give something of her choice.

    I will choose one from http://hubpages.com/hub/unique-gift-ele … ea-kettle, as she loves to have a good cup of tea any time.


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