Which gift ideas would be great for her kitchen?

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  1. manjubose5 profile image67
    manjubose5posted 14 years ago

    Which gift ideas would be great for her kitchen?

  2. Specialk3749 profile image62
    Specialk3749posted 14 years ago

    I love getting new utensils...spatulas, serving spoons, etc..  If you want something nicer, how about a stand up mixer.  I use mine all the time!

  3. Dee aka Nonna profile image61
    Dee aka Nonnaposted 14 years ago

    I have a small food processor that I used when I don't want to use the larger one--and I love it.  I also love little gadgets and things that make cooking a meal easier and fun.  Whether she loves cooking or not--a great set of knifes.  Most people have their "good china" , but a really pretty set of everyday dishes is wonderful.  I like tea and someone gave me a wonderful set of cups with sauces---they are beautiful and I love drinking coffer, tea or hot chocolate in those cups.  A pretty vase for the table where can have fresh flowers.  This is just a beginning... I know others will have great ideas.

  4. s.carver profile image67
    s.carverposted 14 years ago

    How about a counter top composting bin? These are easy to find at kitchen stores or Bed, Bath & Beyond. Or else a kitchen herb growing kit?

  5. billyaustindillon profile image65
    billyaustindillonposted 14 years ago

    Try the Mezzaluna - I did a hub on it - something different and great for anyone who loves cooking. Check it out and see what you think. PeggyW has some great cookwear and book hubs too

  6. Jean Bakula profile image87
    Jean Bakulaposted 14 years ago

    A smoothie maker? She can make yummy fruit drinks that are healthy, or use it to make fancy drinks with alcohol if friends are visiting.

  7. photographybyar profile image82
    photographybyarposted 14 years ago

    First I would find out what theme or color scheme the woman has going in her kitchen. One really cute idea that you can customize is to find a basket and make a little personalized gift set. You can spend as little or as much as you want to on the gift.

    To save money I would go to thrift stores or yard sales and find a cute used basket that you can use to put the items in. Then I would visit a store that sells kitchen items. You can either go to a high end department store like Gottschalks, an everyday store like Target or Walmart, or if you are on a budget you can even find items at your local Dollar Tree or 99 Cent stores. My three favorite places to buy items to make gift baskets are the Dollar Tree, Ross, and Michaels. If I was making a kitchen basket I would pick up things like pot holders, kitchen utensils, kitchen towels, timers, small little gagdets to make cooking easier (egg seperator, flour sifter, apple corer, etc.) and anything that might go with that person's kitchen theme. For example if they had a cow themed kitchen I might try to find a cute little cow magnet or figurine.

    Making a gift basket is such a great idea because you can completely customize the gift for your friend and by doing this your friend will feel very appreciated. Your friend will also enjoy looking through and using all of the little things that you picked out for her.

  8. Variety Writer profile image60
    Variety Writerposted 14 years ago

    Cookbooks, good pan, margarita maker,  cappuccino maker, nice serving platters.

  9. profile image0
    hemustincreaseposted 14 years ago

    A breadmaker or A beautiful apron or Luxury soap with some matching luxury handcream.

  10. drdspervez profile image69
    drdspervezposted 14 years ago

    I think the real question is that does she really want kitchen ware as gifts?


  11. manjubose5 profile image67
    manjubose5posted 14 years ago

    All cook lovers desire to add modern, time-saving  appliances to their kitchen. They look for good-looking, well-priced and healthy food making cookware on their kitchen counter. See our collection. read more

  12. profile image53
    Nadia Eggertposted 11 years ago

    As per my opinion you should gift her Emma Bridgewater pottery for kitchen. And it should be purchased from Algram.co.uk


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