Is Jesus still the reason we celebrate Christmas?

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  1. retellect profile image71
    retellectposted 13 years ago

    Is Jesus still the reason we celebrate Christmas?

  2. Borsia profile image38
    Borsiaposted 13 years ago

    Xmas, actually the winter solstice, was celebrated for thousands of years before there was a Jesus.
    There has always been a celebration when the shortest day passes and the world begins to move closer to Spring, summer and the food and warmth that comes with them.
    In fact very few of the things that are associated with Xmas are Christian. Really only the nativity scene.
    Trees were decorated by Pagans and wrapped gifts go back to the Druids.
    The indoor tree comes from ancient Germanic beliefs and was only brought into the Christian world by Queen Victoria.
    Even Santa Clause isn't originally Christian, also taken from ancient Germanic beliefs.
    So, for a majority who have different beliefs or no religious beliefs, Jesus has never been the reason.

  3. peterxdunn profile image60
    peterxdunnposted 13 years ago

    Borsia is perfectly correct.

    One of the main deities worshipped by pagans at the winter solstice was the great goddess: variously known as, Ishtar, Isis, Ostara, Eostre and Asherah (wife of the Hebrew god: Yahweh). She was personified as the constellation of Virgo and the planet Venus and worshipped as the goddess of crops and childbirth - amongst other things - and pagans knew that a child conceived at this time of year would be born when the sun rose in Virgo nine months later.

    The Christmas tree symbolised the axis munde (the axis of the mound or world tree) and was once adorned with an effigy of the winged goddess holding a sheaf of wheat in the crook of her arm. The iconography of Virgo the virgin mother was stolen by the early Christian church and is now represented as a female angel - despite the fact there isn't a single angel with a female name mentioned anywhere in the Bible.

  4. profile image0
    fit2dayposted 13 years ago

    I think many churches say Jesus is the reason, but there's no mention of Christmas in the bible. I've been reading Jeremiah lately and came across Jeremiah 10 verses 2-4, which speaks of the pagan ritual of taking a tree from the forest and decorating it with silver and gold. I'm not anti-Christmas, but I don't like to associate it with being Christian anymore than Halloween. The only holiday that I've seen point to Jesus was Passover, seeing as He represents the blood over the doorposts.

  5. Jonesy0311 profile image60
    Jonesy0311posted 13 years ago

    Jesus was never the reason for the celebration. Most of the traditions were taken from Pagans and Norseman. Rome adopted these traditions so that Pagans would more easily convert to Christianity. It has never had anything to do with Christ. Why do you think we celebrate his "birthday" months after it supposedly took place?

  6. engelfantasydream profile image58
    engelfantasydreamposted 13 years ago

    YESsss!!! JESUS CHRIST is the reason why i/we celebrate is a celebration of our LORD SAVIOR is more important than my own birthday and i am always looking forward to this season!!! CHRISTMAS is magical and it is different even the wind that embraces you feels so good..people become a bit nicer at this season hahaha smile

  7. Slc1Emc2 profile image61
    Slc1Emc2posted 13 years ago

    Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season!

  8. stone soup profile image61
    stone soupposted 13 years ago

    One would like to think so but with all the Black Friday, Cyber Monday, peppersprayers and rioters it's hard to stay positive.

  9. Silver Fish profile image70
    Silver Fishposted 12 years ago

    Christmas is a very pagan celebration where I live, we have santa, christmas trees, stockings, holly, yule logs. No-one who lives around here even would visit a church at christmas, our school has no religious celebrations.
    Just the way we like it!!


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