Why are so many people critical of how others celebrate Christmas?

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  1. Uninvited Writer profile image76
    Uninvited Writerposted 12 years ago

    Why are so many people critical of how others celebrate Christmas?

    Christmas is what you make it and you have every right to celebrate it the way you wish. It is not only for Christians anymore. It is a societal tradition that will not go away as religions decline. It is a time to be happy, to appreciate your loved ones, to wish for peace, etc.

  2. WriteAngled profile image81
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    Christians can celebrate their December festival however they want. The festival is not unique to Christianity. Mithras was born in a cave of a virgin mother, and his birthday was celebrated at the same time in December.

    Even more ancient is the celebration of the Winter Solstice, which marks the rebirth of the Sun and is celebrated on December 21. It seems to me as though Christians are trying to take over an ancient festival of the rebirth of the Sun, by substituting a celebration of the birth of a son....

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
      mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't have put it better myself. Well said smile

  3. Petra Vlah profile image61
    Petra Vlahposted 12 years ago

    Negative people will be critical of about everything.
    Christmas is an important day for Christians and they have every right to celebrate it any way they see fit. There are many different religions in this world and I don't see anyone being critical of the way other celebrate their holy days, so I would expect them to be tolerant of our Christmas.
    There is one thing only that may give them a reason to be critical about Christmas and that is the consumerism that comes with it. I would much prefer if Christmas would be celebrated the way it was supposed to be - a joyous reunion of family and friends, welcoming the birth of Christ.
    Unfortunately for all of us, lately it become very commercial and people feel presured into spending money they don't have to buy presents others don't need - that only takes away from its intended meaning

  4. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years ago

    Quote: Winter festivals were also common in Greece and Rome, as well as in the British Isles. When a new religion called Christianity popped up, the new hierarchy had trouble converting the Pagans, and as such, folks didn't want to give up their old holidays. Christian churches were built on old Pagan worship sites, and Pagan symbols were incorporated into the symbolism of Christianity. Within a few centuries, the Christians had everyone worshipping a new holiday celebrated on December 25.

    Source: http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/yulethe … istory.htm

    1. profile image0
      paxwillposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You expect children not to know these things, but I'm always amazed to meet adults who think tree decorating, mistletoe, etc. started with Jesus.  The pagan origins of Xmas traditions should be taught in Sunday schools.

  5. Lady Guinevere profile image66
    Lady Guinevereposted 12 years ago

    I agree with Misty and with Uninvited Writer.

  6. lburmaster profile image71
    lburmasterposted 12 years ago

    I love asking how others celebrate Christmas. If their memories are just as special as mine, then the way they celebrate Christmas is just as great as mine.

  7. Jewels profile image83
    Jewelsposted 12 years ago

    I'm no longer critical.  I'm pleased that more and more people are waking up to the commercialism that Christmas has become.

    This most wonderful of pagan celebrations has been knocked about a lot over the centuries; but moreso now in this modern era where the true spirit is lost to credit card bills and cheap plastic garbage.

    People can celebrate this time of year in any way they like, but I do hope they become more mindful of what is important - the latest iphone or human kindness.

  8. Everyday Miracles profile image86
    Everyday Miraclesposted 12 years ago

    The most important holiday in the Christian Calendar should be Good Friday, since Messiah told His people that they were meant to celebrate His death, since His death is what brings salvation and NOT either is birth or his resurrection. This gets overlooked a lot by Christians, including those who say that Christmas is the most important holiday in the Christian year.

    Every year on Facebook, I watch the dive bombing by other Torah believers (like myself) as they knock around the people who make statements like "Keep Christ in Christmas!" Not only is the winter holiday celebration pagan in its origins, but the practices of Christmas as we know it today is entirely pagan. The Bible tells us that we are not to bring into our house an evergreen tree and to decorate it with silver and gold. It's RIGHT THERE in the scriptures, and yet the same people who condemn homosexual marriage (or unions) will happily decorate a Christmas tree.

    This is the primary criticism that I've seen; the difference between the Old Testament believers and the New Testament believers. However, I've noticed a trend in Christians to say that this is "their" holiday and that others have no place in celebrating it. People belonging to this group need to do their research and find out more about the celebration of the winter holidays.

    Jesus was probably born in September, at Sukkot, considering the prophecies point to this and that he was born in a Sukkah. The early Church adapted the holiday in order to make integration easier for their pagan converts.

    Celebrate Christmas if you want, and in any way that you want. I'M not going to stop you. And I identify as a Torah-Believing Christian.

    1. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry, everyday miracles, but Christ's death does nothing for us. Without His resurrection He is just another false prophet and deceased demi-god. Yes, His innocent, bitter, suffering and death is important to remember, but it pales in comparison

  9. hireMEin profile image60
    hireMEinposted 12 years ago

    yeah December was the right month when Mithras was born in a cave of a virgin mother, and his birthday was celebrated at the same time in December.

  10. i scribble profile image71
    i scribbleposted 12 years ago

    Great question.  I have Jewish and Muslim friends and acquaintances who are not critical of Christmas celebrations and even incorporate Christmas traditions into their own family lives, because they are now American traditions, as you pointed out.  I am in my fifties, and I've seen cards that said Happy Holidays and Season's Greetings for as long as I could read.  There is no war on Christmas, as far as I can tell.

  11. CrescentSkies profile image67
    CrescentSkiesposted 12 years ago

    Same reason people are critical about other people's religion. It's not "their" way of doing things. And being the depraved fools they are, they think their way is the only way.

  12. Gary Holdaway profile image86
    Gary Holdawayposted 12 years ago

    You know, I say this from a completely unbiased perspective, we all need to stop criticising each other. If we cannot focus on the positives of our similarities and instead dwell on who did what first, we're never going to get any where. I wasn't there when Pope Gregory ordered the cover ups of Pagan tradition, and neither was anybody alive today. We weren't around when the very first winter celebrations were held. We weren't around during the wars, or the witch hunts, or the development of these traditions, so how can anyone claim bragging rights over them?

    I myself am Pagan and so other Pagans can slate me if they want, but going around a die hard Pagan claiming that you have more entitlement to a celebration than a Christian or any other religion is sadly ridiculous, we live on the world as it is today, the fighting has been done!

    As a Pagan, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Witness, Sikh or any other religious practitioner, you should be able to respect others beliefs and enjoy the fact that they exist in this day and age, when nothing else is certain. Our traditions and our UNITY is what is most important. Of course, differences among us is a great thing, but lets stop focusing on the 'negatives' of those differences and instead try to learn from them.

  13. Shanti Perez profile image86
    Shanti Perezposted 12 years ago

    People are critical of what others do in their own homes, just as they are judgmental of others for not following "their" beliefs. The small judgment is indicative of judgments made on a larger scale and expresses, almost metaphorically, the intolerance of humans no matter their belief systems. For any one religion or group of people to claim any celebration and defend it in an exclusory way, whether or not the celebration was born of that belief system, most likely goes against the belief systems very own tenets, which are hopefully to be kind, giving and tolerant.


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