Do you like someone to say, "Happy holidays," or "Merry Christmas?" Why?

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  1. bayareagreatthing profile image62
    bayareagreatthingposted 13 years ago

    Do you like someone to say, "Happy holidays," or "Merry Christmas?" Why?

  2. rajan jolly profile image95
    rajan jollyposted 13 years ago

    I like to hear "Merry Christmas" or prefixing  any festival by name by the proper adjective. It gives me more satisfaction.

  3. xXRaelliaXx profile image60
    xXRaelliaXxposted 13 years ago

    Happy Holidays as it's non-discriminatory in my opinion.

  4. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    The modern festival is Christmas so it should be termed, Merry Christmas.  Happy holidays is just a pathetic cow-towing to all those precious politically corect wimps

  5. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 13 years ago

    Merry Christmas.....why?   Because Christmas is about Christ.

  6. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    Merry Christmas is my favorite. it's part of my countries tradition and to me changing it , means changing my country.

  7. possum lover profile image48
    possum loverposted 13 years ago

    Always Merry Christmas, and I'd like to make a friendly suggestion to everyone to visit this lost hub -  It's worth the time.

  8. Millionaire Tips profile image86
    Millionaire Tipsposted 13 years ago

    I prefer Happy Holidays because it is more inclusive rather than exclusive.  The spirit of the season is to be festive.  Since there are many winter holidays, I prefer to include them all, Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's, Winter Solstice, any Muslim holidays, whatever anyone else celebrates, and the December birthdays!

  9. furniturestorenyc profile image60
    furniturestorenycposted 13 years ago

    being who not celebrating christmas, i still love christmas songs.  if  someone told me marry christmas,  i have no problem with that, but myself, i try to say:  happy holidays, 

    and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you.!!

  10. TUCKER1938 profile image56
    TUCKER1938posted 13 years ago

    The word holiday comes from the term HOLY DAY, and Christmas comes from the term CHRIST MASS, so either one would be appropriate. However, I prefer Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. After all, it is Jesus Christ's Birthday we are celebrating. If we are grateful to God for the great gift He gave us, so we exchange gifts in honor of Gods great love and mercy. Even if Dec. 25th the actual date of the birth of our Savior,  not knowing the correct date, it is appropriate to set aside a day to glorify God, and honor His Son for His sacrifice.isn't

  11. Nancy Owens profile image73
    Nancy Owensposted 13 years ago

    I prefer Merry Christmas because that is the tradition I grew up with. If I don't know people well, I try to remember to say Happy Holidays just in case that particular person doesn't celebrate Christmas in the same way I do.

  12. Jewelz1313 profile image67
    Jewelz1313posted 13 years ago

    I will say Merry Christmas. Even though where I work told us not to do so. I actually just a couple of days ago wrote a hub about it. … y-Holidays

  13. doubleklm profile image80
    doubleklmposted 13 years ago

    Being a Catholic, Merry Christmas is how I greet everyone and how i want to be greeted. That's the holiday that I celebrate in December, Christmas.

  14. profile image0
    alazani67posted 13 years ago

    Happy Holidays, because Christmas is only once a year.

  15. toys-everywhere profile image59
    toys-everywhereposted 13 years ago

    Merry Christmas...I guess it just sounds more friendly, intimate. I feel like one would say, "Happy Holidays" to a coworker or... someone like the president. It feels uncomfortable.


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