How To Build A Squirrel's Nest- by Squeaky Squirrel
Micky Dee interviews Squeaky Squirrel.
The hunter rises early to get every advantage!
He moves in the shadows without a whisper.
His prey is merely a target as he stalks.
He freezes! Has he been spotted?
Now...he carefully takes aim... and...
Yo Micky! What in the heck are you doing?
Oh- hi Squeaky! I was actually looking for you. I want to do a hub about you. I see you've built a new home.
I know you "see" I built a new home.
I've seen you taking pictures with your camera.
You ever think about asking folks if you can take their picture?
Do you?
Well, no. I figure the moment will be gone and it's better to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission.
Yeah? What if I run up your shorts and ring your bells?
I'll ask for forgiveness later!
You're a nosy man Micky!
So what's this hub about?
I was thinking that there were a lot of squirrels who might need to know how to build a squirrel's nest.
Why don't you teach them how to eat nuts?
Well actually- I have a video that I'll put up that will answer that very request!
May 20, 2010 Squeaky Squirrel Eats Pecans
So what color is the sky in your world Micky?
After teaching squirrels how to build squirrel's nests, why don't you make a video about climbing trees?
One thing at a time Squeaky.
I'm putting some data together for a tree climbing hub.
So, what's in this for me, Micky?
Well Squeaky, I'll give you the semi-fresh pecans sealed in a plastic bag from Young's Pecan Ranch in Florence, SC!
How's that?.
As many as you want!
In addition to the sunflower seeds?
Done deal!
Let's get it on!
I've got stuff to do!
What's pressing?
I have some finishing touches to apply to the new home.
Really?! You've been at it for days! I was surprised how much you had gotten done the first day. You were flying! Hey- I didn't mean to pry, much. But you were so crazy fast I couldn't catch you in a picture!
So why build a new home? Your old home is merely 2 years old. Here's the 2008 video of the building of that one:
Squeaky Squirrel Building A Nest- 2008
Well Micky, I loved that first house but it was small. Squishy and I had our honeymoon year there and raised a litter of kids and the memories are wonderful. Up to a point.
Have you lived in a house with four other squirrels? Can you imagine the clean-up all the time? And Squishy won't pick up a nutshell!
And of course Squishy has his friends over every week-end.
More NUTZ and nutshells.
Believe me- the honeymoon is over!
I see. But the kids are out of the nest already.
I've been keeping my eye on them.
So if the kids are gone, why build a bigger nest?
Micky- I'm pregnant - again!
Gee whiz Squeaky! How on earth did that happen?
You think you're funny! Don't you Mick?
How many times have you told that joke?
You're a regular Phyllis Diller!
I'll tell you how it happened!
I was picking up a peanut!
I was picking up a peanut!
Squishy had been chasing me for weeks.
I wanted to travel and see other trees.
But you made a remark earlier about how FAST we squirrels are.
Well, squirrels are so fast-
a girl can't eat a PEANUT!
Well someday I know you'll...
Yeah, yeah, yeah! I'll love these too and before I know it they'll be grown and picking up PEANUTS!
Let's do this thing- and edit all this stuff out of the hub, okay Micky?
Uh, sure Squeaky.
Hi everyone. My name is Squeaky.
Today we will be learning "How To Build A Squirrel's Nest"!
But first I would like to take a moment and address the disfavor to which many of us squirrels have fallen.
Yes, there are many squirrels who eat seed that is meant for birds.
We are sorry but there are food shortages and we are just trying to supplement our diet with quick and healthy food.
I would also like to draw attention to the ever growing obesity problem we are seeing with so many birds today.
You can help birds attain better fitness by feeding more squirrels.
Thank you!
Location, location, location.
There are a lot of factors that need to be considered for the location of your home.
Safety is the number one priority.
There are so many concerns with safety.
The tree has to be thriving, sturdy, and tall.
Ideally, you want a triangular joint or "fork" of limbs to hold the nest and the better support means a better or bigger nest.
The tree I have chosen is excellent. No one knows the name of this ornamental mistake pear tree. But- it is tall. The fruit is terrible but nourishing and there are seeds for protein.
Also, this will be a great year for pecans. There is a Pecan tree right next door. And they are wonderful!
Yes! We have hit the jackpot!
Fruit, pecans, and that macaroon, Micky Dee, puts sunflower seeds out that we eat with impunity!
Recon the area to make note of predators.
Build your nest close to the food sources!
Make sure you'll have safe routes to surrounding food.
Make sure you have alternate escape and entry routes.
The more limbs that are in your environment- the better!
In my house tree there is a myriad of avenues to enter and escape.
September 22, 2010 Squeaky Squirrel Builds A New Nest #1
Break off small leafy limbs no more than you can carry easily.
Do not break off and use branches too close to your home.
Leave as much foliage as you can around your home for camouflage.
You'll find some limbs will suit your construction needs better than others.
Gather fragrant branches, occasionally, as you are living in close quarters in the winter!
You're going to weave the limbs and foliage as though you're making an all encompassing basket. Weave the branches in and out, crossing over, and interlacing throughout.
Are there any materials more of a fluid and adhesive nature, to help hold everything together and add insulation?
Micky, there is a "secret sauce", but some things should remain a secret.
September 22, 2010 Squeaky Squirrel Builds A New Nest #2
Now the time, of course, for building the nest is fall.
You want a great home heading into the colder seasons.
A brand spanking new nest can last several years if you have lots of air-freshener.
Sometimes we just claw our way to fresh air.
Well, I believe this wraps up my little talk.
I'll leave you now with,
"An Ode to the Squirrel's Nest"!
Wherever a squirrel may roam,
There's no place like Home,
Crowd on in with your warm squirrel butts,
But if you're coming, bring lot's of nuts.
We stick together in any weather,
But we do hope, we don't stick "together".
Even if mites and nits infest,
There's no place like our nest!
A squirrel may fly from tree to tree,
But there's no place he'd rather pee,
copyright - Squeaky Squirrel
Thank you Squeaky! One question before you go? How does Squishy help with building the nest?
Squishy helps by getting and staying from underfoot!
The last I saw of him, he was going out for some PEANUTS!
Yes Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am!
September 10, 2010 Squeaky Squirrel Builds a New Nest #3
Those squirrels can fly!
Yo! Micky!
I need my pecans now, please!
Yes Ma'am. But would you show everyone how you walk upside down?
Sure Micky!
September 26, 2010 Squeaky Squirrel Walks Upside Down
Yo! Squeaky Squirrel! You rock!
Looks violent to me!
September 26, 2010 Squeaky Squirrel The Acrobat
July 02, 2010 Squishy and Squeaky Squirrel- NUTZ
May 20, 2010 Squishy And Squeaky Squirrel at 100 ft.
Don't look Ethel!!!
July 2, 2010 Squirrels find a way. And a place.
Well Squeaky- I've got to say - it looks like you and Squishy still enjoy...
uh...each other!
It's the greatest 8 seconds in a squirrel's life!
July 2, 2010 Skippy On Deck
It's a wonderful world!
Here are two more hallucinations about squirrels:
July 2, 2010 Squishy and Squeaky Squirrel On Deck.
Poems By Micky Dee:
Great hubs by great hubbers!
Nice work with that cluster of pecans!
You are smart!!!
Yo! Brother Micky!
Yeah Man! It's me, Squishy Dude!
How about some of those pecans Bud?
What do you you say?
You and I are tight!
We'll be alright!
If we take it To The Light!
But give me some pecans, Brother Man.
You know Micky you- Take My Heart
Write on People!
Aloha everybody!
There's no other animal that gives us a reason to slam on our brakes while driving at full speed more often than this one. They also give our tail wagging, four-legged, man's best friend, something to...