Happiness Redeemed ~ Haiku Style
In haiku nothing is absolute just like in life. It requires learning, experience and balance. Even the weather need some balance and changes.
Here's to celebrate the changing of the season. Hello Fall!
The color of Fall
From yellow, orange and red
Soon, birds will fly south.
God's wonderful works
We see everywhere we go
Amen, says my soul.
Wind chills my spine
Soon, Thanksgiving time I vow
Happiness redeemed.
The beauty of Fall~
Fall is one of the four temperate seasons, when the arrival of the night becomes noticeably earlier and the wind gets colder. It signals transition from summer into winter. It is the most colorful season of the year, when we experience leaves from the trees transformed into a rainbow of colors before the winter weather bites us and everything become bare and stark.
What is your favorite season?
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- Poem: Tail of winter
Toronto is Canada's largest city and the capital of Ontario, located northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. Winter in the city, which starts from December and usually ends by early March could be extremely cold and often snowy. Here's a glimpse. Enjoy! - Haiku ~ First Attempt
While some of us go for a walk to find inspirations to write a poem, I found my inspiration at my own backyard on haiku style. Have fun!
Copyright@CrisSp~TM/ 10- 2012/ "The heart of my soul speaks to the soul of my heart by writing." ~
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© 2012 CrisSp