The Craven And The Crag: Introduction
So what does a middle-aged, single, socially-challenged African American woman do in her spare time, you ask? In my case, between reminiscing about my good old days and trying to relive them, I wrote a book! And why should I trouble myself to do so? Because looking back, I realize how much those good old days helped me then, and are still helping me today.
The Craven and The Crag is about the experiences of an inner-city African American girl attending a Seventh Day Adventist camp, between the ages of nine and twelve. Like many African Americans, Raven Quincy lives in a dysfunctional home in the middle of a violent city. However, unlike a lot of children in her situation, she discovers through books that there are other ways to live, and she longs for escape. So when she gets a chance to spend three weeks at a summer camp 200 miles away, she sees it as the opportunity she was looking for. Sure enough, the experience transforms her from a nervous, high-strung loner to a courageous person who embraces new experiences in a healthy, wholesome environment.
Like Raven Quincy, I attended a Seventh Day Adventist summer camp; her experiences come from mine. I also attended a Seventh Day Adventist high school. When I tell that, most people act like they feel sorry for me, but it proved to be a major lifesaver. I credit my excellent health, youthfulness, and lack of addictions and vices to what I was taught in high school. In fact, that’s why I set up this website Say Yes To Life in the first place; to promote these values.
Seventh Day Adventists are a protestant religion that keeps Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, like the Jews. They are very much into healthful living; they practice vegetarianism, believe in abstinence from smoking and alcohol, and operate a worldwide network of hospitals. They place a very high value on education; they have the second largest church school network in the world (only the Catholics have a larger one). They love adventures, especially in the mountains, so they also run summer camps.
Though Pinecrest Camp is long gone, its wonderful memories remain, and the good influences it promoted live on. May you readers benefit from it, as much as the children who attended there.
Table of Contents for Stories About Raven
New World Discovered Part 1
New World Discovered Part 2
New World Discovered Part 3
Unexpected Lesson
Jacob's Visit To Heaven
When Love Is Stolen
Rhapsody and Remorse Part I
Rhapsody and Remorse Part II
Rhapsody and Remorse Part III
The Summer Camp Handbook
© 2012 Yoleen Lucas