Who is your favourite author?

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  1. Adamowen profile image68
    Adamowenposted 11 years ago

    Who is your favourite author?

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    Harper Lee..... Better known for writing "To kill a Mockingbird". Fabulous book and movie.

    1. J. Frank Dunkin profile image61
      J. Frank Dunkinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Turns out that's the only book she ever wrote, but it was an all-time dandy, I certainly agree!

  3. MarcusJ profile image59
    MarcusJposted 11 years ago

    Hard to pick a favorite but favorite all time writer would have to be Mark Twain.

  4. GoodLady profile image93
    GoodLadyposted 11 years ago

    Jean Rhys is the cleverest authoress.  I love the way she writes and often look at her work, just to remind myself how good you can get.

  5. uNicQue profile image71
    uNicQueposted 11 years ago

    It is so difficult to pick a favorite author. My favorite books are Fountainhead and Anna Karenina, so I'd have to say my favorite authors are Ayn Rand and Leo Tolstoy... but then there are the Bronte sisters... I could never choose smile

  6. J. Frank Dunkin profile image61
    J. Frank Dunkinposted 11 years ago

    Ernest Hemingway, who damned the torpedoes, and told more story by what he left out than by what he included.  He respected his readers and let them fill in the gaps from their own experiences. He denied his use of terseness, yet he'd been shaped by so many years as a foreign correspondent and had learned how to manage his wordcount.

  7. wetnosedogs profile image61
    wetnosedogsposted 11 years ago

    Mary Roberts Rinehart. She wrote mysteries with a romantic touch, but it wasn't gross romantic. Maybe she'd be catagorized as a cosy mystery writer now.

  8. profile image0
    Starmom41posted 11 years ago

    Truman Capote.

  9. zsobig profile image81
    zsobigposted 11 years ago

    I guess you will never hear the following name ever again in this question's answers: Lőrincz L. László aka Leslie L. Lawrence.
    He is a fantastic writer, I can't wait for his books since I was 14 years old!
    I can recommend reading him to anyone who loves science fiction.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A1szl … C5%91rincz

  10. Eric Calderwood profile image79
    Eric Calderwoodposted 11 years ago

    Definitely Mark Twain.  I love the way he writes and paints his word pictures.  I love the time period that he writes about.  And, I especially like his humor.

  11. Sage in a Cage profile image81
    Sage in a Cageposted 11 years ago

    My favourite author is Isaac Assimov. I started reading his science fiction books in my teens and I still enjoy them now. It's amazing how his books haven't aged that much with time.

  12. Mrs Jil Manning profile image84
    Mrs Jil Manningposted 11 years ago

    Very difficult to choose.  I love Donna Tarrt's work and I hope she writes another novel soon, as 'A Secret History' is one of my very favourite reads.  I love the crime writer Peter James, not least of all because he writes about Brighton in Sussex which is the city close to my home town.  I've met him a few times, and I like the fact that he loves communicating to his fans all the time, through his blog, twitter, facebook and meeting his fans at talks and signings.

  13. profile image0
    Leela Rainelleposted 11 years ago

    Cinda Williams Chima. I think I've only met one other person who has heard of her or her work, but I am a huge fan - especially of her Heir series. Anyone who likes fantasy that's (as I define it) a little dark but a little urban, please read!! She has amazing characters and I love how her series are almost entirely different stories but are tied together by a strong thread and you occasionally see the pre-existing characters. It makes each book extremely interesting and you don't have a moderately-tweaked reworking of the same plot.

  14. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 11 years ago

    Probably Gore Vidal--who just died. He subject was clear and he was a great literary master.


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