Top 5 Science-Fiction Books.

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  1. BrunoDSL profile image60
    BrunoDSLposted 10 years ago

    Hi Everyone, i will list below my 5 best science Ficion books and I want to you all do the same!
    This way we can share experiences and find new books.

    1. Foundation Series - Isaac Asimov.
    2. Ubik - Philip K. Dick ( I Really like this guy)
    3. Time Machine - H.G.Wells
    4. Childhood's end - Arthur C. Clarke
    5. Do Androids dream with eletric sheep? - Philip K. Dick.

    Enjoy! I'm waiting for all your responses!

    1. profile image0
      mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Some must-reads:

      Shute,  ON THE BEACH

      Burdick and Wheeler, FAIL-SAFE


      Wylie, TOMORROW!
                 THE DISAPPEARANCE
                 WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE

      1. GA Anderson profile image81
        GA Andersonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I know this is a subjective thread, and I am not picking on you - only joining the conversation.

        I have read On the Beach, and liked it, but Fail-Safe? Too predictable!

        Try some Heinlein, as already mentioned, start with his masterpiece, Stranger in a Strange Land


    2. GA Anderson profile image81
      GA Andersonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      OMG! (I just love that - even though I am too old to own it)

      After #1 the rest is small potatoes. I am glad to see someone else sees the "Foundation" series as I do. Absolutely awesome! As both entertaining and enjoyable reading, but also as a societal prophesy.

      My second choice would be Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land"

      Thanks for the reading list. If you put "Foundation" first then you and I are like-minded enough to make your other recommendations worth checking out.


    3. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What a neat Forum topic. So many new things to add to my to-read list after reading the comments!

      Here's my list:

      The Gone-Away World by Nick Harkaway
      City of Diamond by Jane Emmerson
      Neuromancer by William Gibson
      Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
      The Martian Chronicles- Ray Bradbury

  2. janshares profile image93
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    Farenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
    (Sorry, that's all I got for now)

    1. GA Anderson profile image81
      GA Andersonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great read, and I love Bradbury - but not in the "Foundation's" class. If you like 451, then I bet you will love the Foundation series.

      Go to, for less than five bucks, (plus $3.99 shipping) you can find the complete series. I bet you will really enjoy it.


  3. Zelkiiro profile image58
    Zelkiiroposted 10 years ago

    My 5 favorite sci-fi books? Alrighty.

    1. Mike Resnick - "Santiago"
    2. Neal Stephenson - "Snow Crash"
    3. Kurt Vonnegut - "Slaughterhouse Five" (it counts, dammit!)
    4. Octavia Butler - "Dawn"
    5. Ursula K. Le Guin - "The Lathe of Heaven"

    1. GA Anderson profile image81
      GA Andersonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No! Slaughter House Five does not count!

      But The lathe of Heaven does, and you are the first person I have ever heard mention it - beside me of course.


      1. Zelkiiro profile image58
        Zelkiiroposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        The premise is just so cool, y'know? I'm pretty much convinced that Nagaru Tanigawa has read and was inspired by the novel, because his light-novel-turned-anime-series series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an interesting take on the idea (spoiler alerts, by the way):

        Basically, the title character, Haruhi, is a teenage girl who finds humanity to be boring and thus wishes that aliens, time travelers, espers, sliders, ghosts, and other such paranormal entities were real so that real life would be more interesting. The main character, Kyon, ends up getting wrapped in her shenanigans (including founding a school club to find such people) only to learn that some of the other members of the club are, in fact, an alien, a time traveler, and an esper.

        The alien (taciturn bookworm Yuki Nagato) informs Kyon that Haruhi has the ability to manipulate reality at-will by rewriting the "code" of the universe. The time traveler (shy beauty Mikuru Asahina) tells Kyon that, for whatever reason, it's impossible for her and her colleagues to travel back further than three years prior--the time Haruhi began to wish that such things existed, and that very wish has something to do with it. The esper (always-smiling yes-man Itsuki Koizumi) shows Kyon the desolate other world created by Haruhi's distress and anger, telling him that, unless they keep Haruhi amused and content, the world could be destroyed in an instant--the very instant Haruhi wished for it.

        It's like the opposite of "The Lathe of Heaven," in that while George knows he can alter reality but wishes to stop despite the psychiatrist subtly forcing him to continue doing so, Melancholy's Haruhi doesn't know that she can alter reality and the other characters desperately try to keep her from knowing so and doing so.

  4. Sychophantastic profile image66
    Sychophantasticposted 10 years ago

    No list is complete without:

    Banks, Consider Phlebas

  5. relache profile image66
    relacheposted 10 years ago

    The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk
    Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood (note: that's first of a trilogy, but it stands alone just fine)
    Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
    Golden Globe by John Varley
    Schismatrix by Bruce Sterling

    1. BrunoDSL profile image60
      BrunoDSLposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I read Oryx and Crex unconsciously some years ago... i was 13 i think, and had no understanding what was Sci-Fi or no. I really loved that at that time,and I will try to re-read it this year. Thank for share!!

  6. brutishspoon profile image65
    brutishspoonposted 10 years ago

    Enders Game Orson Scott Card
    Against the Fall of Night Arthur C. Clark
    Time Machine H.G. Wells
    Star Trek Voyager: Homecoming Christie Golden
    Deathworld Harry Harrison

    1. GA Anderson profile image81
      GA Andersonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      "Against the Fall of Night" - a damned masterpiece! Glad to see it mentioned.
      But Star Trek Voyager?" In the same breath as Fall. Really!!!!!!! (just kidding - to each his own)


  7. Valeant profile image75
    Valeantposted 10 years ago

    Ender's Game
    The Hunger Games
    2001: A Space Odyssey

    1. profile image0
      mbuggiehposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      "Contact" is a very interesting book...great choice!

      1. Valeant profile image75
        Valeantposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  8. Zelkiiro profile image58
    Zelkiiroposted 10 years ago

    Oh my God, how did I ever forget Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series?! How?! Make that my #2 and push everything else down a notch!


  9. profile image0
    Jayfortposted 10 years ago

    Let's see...

    1) Glory Road - Robert A. Heinlein
    2) When Worlds Collide - Philip G. Wylie and Edwin Balmer
    3) Shuttle Down - Lee Correy (G. Harry Stine)
    4) Lucifer's Hammer - Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
    5) A Princess of Mars - Edgar Rice Burroughs

    I behaved and didn't list the science fiction novels I've written with my son.

  10. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    1. The Dispossessed -- Ursula Le Guin
    2. Xenogenisis series -- Octavia Bulter
    3. R is for Rocket -- Ray Bradbury
    4. The Way of the Cross and the Dragon (short story) -- George R R Martin
    5. Alien Sex (anthology) -- Ellen Datlow


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