Would you use 'an' or 'a' in front of Hallucination Thanks

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  1. Rosemay50 profile image60
    Rosemay50posted 13 years ago

    Would you use 'an' or 'a' in front of Hallucination

  2. terrektwo profile image68
    terrektwoposted 13 years ago

    "a" I believe "an" doesn't seem to sound right.

  3. J Burgraff profile image68
    J Burgraffposted 13 years ago

    I believe 'a' would be appropriate as the 'h' is not silent.

  4. profile image0
    moncrieffposted 13 years ago

    Since the "h" here is not mute, it should be "a".

  5. ThoughtSandwiches profile image73
    ThoughtSandwichesposted 13 years ago

    Let's go with 'a' since the 'an' never seems to fit with a good hallucination.

  6. TattooKitty profile image81
    TattooKittyposted 13 years ago

    I would use "a".  The article "an" is reserved for use before words that have an initial vowel sound (as just used).  The word "hallucination" begins with a consonant sound.  Hope this helps wink

  7. Hunbbel Meer profile image77
    Hunbbel Meerposted 13 years ago

    You already know my vote tongue 'a hallucination'

  8. pedrn44 profile image90
    pedrn44posted 13 years ago

    "a" because you pronounce the "H"...at least I think it sounds better that way:)

  9. Victoria Lynn profile image89
    Victoria Lynnposted 13 years ago

    It is definitely "a."The only time you use "an" before "h" is when the "h" is silent and thus the word sounds as though it starts with a vowel, which requires an "an." Example: It's an honor to be here.  In that sentence, the "h" is silent. However, before Halloween, use "a" since the "h" is pronounced. Ex: I'm having a Halloween party.

    Make sense?

  10. pamelareadz profile image60
    pamelareadzposted 13 years ago

    I agree with terrektwo.  I would use "a" too.

  11. Just Ask Susan profile image93
    Just Ask Susanposted 13 years ago

    I see that you have asked htodd to answer this but I couldn't resist.
    An object perceived during a hallucinatory episode.
    He refused to believe that the angel was a hallucination.
    My vote is also for "A"

  12. LABrashear profile image62
    LABrashearposted 13 years ago

    "A", but you made me stop and think for a second! smile

  13. Terishere profile image59
    Terishereposted 13 years ago

    The article "a" is preceded before a word that starts with a constanant.. Use the article "an" if it precedes a word beginning with a vowel.

  14. davenmidtown profile image70
    davenmidtownposted 13 years ago

    I would use A - the rule of thumb is that A is used if the next letter is a consonant and use AN if the next letter is a vowel.  There are a few exceptions to this rule though.

  15. Naomi's Banner profile image72
    Naomi's Bannerposted 13 years ago

    I would use "a".  There are many instances where "a" or "an" might sound better but there are proper rules of " english " that must be followed.

  16. ktrapp profile image95
    ktrappposted 13 years ago

    I just had an interesting thought, at least to me anyway.

    Victoria Lynn is correct in writing that the article "an" is used before words beginning with "h" when the "h" is silent. But I noticed that you (Rosemay) are from the UK and now living in New Zealand.

    I believe you may pronounce more words with silent "h"s than Americans. For example, when Americans speak the word "hallucination" the "h" sound is heard, but perhaps for some people with a British accent the "h" may be silent (but I'm not sure). Therefore, if you speak with an accent where the "h" is silent in "hallucination" then it would be correct for you to use the article "an" in front of the word "hallucination."

    But I see you asked the question of an international editor, htodd, so I would be interested to see her response. I am curious if the rules differ when writing for an international audience.

    Great question.

  17. Becky Katz profile image83
    Becky Katzposted 13 years ago

    Victoria Lynn answered with the rule. She is right. If you do not hear the consonant, it is 'an'. If you hear the consonant, it is 'a'.

  18. makusr profile image60
    makusrposted 13 years ago

    English language like many other languages is based on sound. Phonetics. Vowel sound is important. Since hallucination has consonant sound it will have 'a' before it. Had it been 'honesty' or 'hour' we would have put 'an' before it because they have a vowel sound.

  19. Rosemay50 profile image60
    Rosemay50posted 13 years ago

    Thank you everybody who answered. I guess 'A' must be correct.
    Although ktrapp had a good point as coming from Yorkshire I do not put emphasis on the 'H' , it is a silent h when I speak.

    But the answers were all very interesting so yes thank you for taking the time.

  20. shamani67 profile image60
    shamani67posted 13 years ago

    an. Read it out loud to yourself when you are using it in a sentence and it should tell you straight away what is correct.
    I am Aussie so maybe that is why I disagree with most of you. An hallucination sounds better than a hallucination.

  21. arksys profile image77
    arksysposted 13 years ago

    aeiou... H is not one of them so i would use "a" ...


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