How do you procrastinate with your serious writing? What do you do instead?

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  1. GoodLady profile image94
    GoodLadyposted 13 years ago

    How do you procrastinate with your serious writing?  What do you do instead?

    What obstacles do you put in your own way in order to put off your serious writing?  How cunning are these delaying tactics?  How destructive are they?

  2. barbergirl28 profile image78
    barbergirl28posted 13 years ago

    I do whatever it is that isn't writing... sometimes I walk around in circles pretending that I am doing housework... sometimes i start surfing the web... sometimes I just don't do anything but I am definately not writing.
    I wouldn't necessarily say these tactics are destructive. When I get in the mood... I can pound out what I need to... but when I am not in the mood, which is usually when I procastinate, it is like pulling teeth to get any writing done at all!

  3. Ebower profile image82
    Ebowerposted 13 years ago

    I tend to involved myself in creative writing:  poems and stories, until I decide to get back to writing informative hubs.  I wouldn't say it's a bad thing, but more people read useful hubs as opposed to poetry and fiction.

  4. GoodLady profile image94
    GoodLadyposted 13 years ago

    I'm in denial about it

    The cooking needs to be done, the beds made, the shopping done.  Name it, it has to be done.  That's on a simple daily sort of level.  Almost everything comes before writing.  Till there's almost no job left undone.  After all, isn't there a house to be run, don't we need to eat and isn't a clean bed a nicer place to sleep in etc etc??  I tell myself I'm 'getting to the writing', in a minute, just after this chore or that, but in fact, I'm whirling away in domestic neurosis.

    More seriously, I believe (have thoroughly convinced myself) that in order to write I have to get to the end of the writing work, that I can't just break off a thought or a sentence here there and everywhere. I need absolute peace and quiet. AND  I need a long period of uninterrupted time, like an entire afternoon, without appointments or people coming home etc. It's a genius procrastination  tactic!  It's a high high wall to climb over.

    Since it's almost impossible to have that sort of quiet and no interruptions I believe I've created the perfect catch 22. So, hey, I can't start writing - and secretly I blame the whole world for this.  I become fed up with 'them' but really I'm fed up with myself.  I could even have arguments with people in my home about this.  Fun stuff like this!
    All this creative self loathing potentially eats away at any confidence I might have had before the day began when the mind was true and the idea fresh and possible, and prevents the work from beginning. 
    The work, the unwritten work, now feels tainted by external imperfections!

    I do not admit immediately to the fear that is lurking about inside myself...oh no...that's too straight on!
    That is how cunning my procrastination is.
    It is FEAR wrapped up in excuses; a slow breaking down of something simple and pure (a gift) into all sorts of distractions..into a complicated whirlwind of dilly dallying. 
    It's so important to nail it!

  5. book belle profile image60
    book belleposted 13 years ago

    I think what you said about fear sometimes comes into play for me. I start second-guessing a round of edits, or a new direction I'm taking, and I tell myself I need to take a break from it. I'm bad about getting sucked into tv shows--telling myself sometimes that I'm analyzing them for storytelling tactics. Sometimes that's true--there are certain shows I admire for their plot twists and loveable characters. But sometimes I'm just avoiding the hard work. I'll read another book, watch a movie, call friends, do just about anything if I really want to put things off. But generally I find that my life is busy enough with mundane things that I can barely carve out the time I want to write. That goes a little to what you said about needing a big chunk of time to work. I sometimes feel like it's not worth it to try to knock something out in an hour--so I find myself waiting for those 4-hour blocks of time. But they don't always come. I'm trying to train myself a little better.

  6. fernando d. profile image59
    fernando d.posted 13 years ago

    we know that writing is stressful, and sometime the harder we think the worst it turns out. I find that its best to just get your mind of from what ever it is that your writing.( take a brake) A good laugh, can always the best way to do so.Talking to a friend, a fellow writer to gather more idea is a good way if you are lost from what your writing. And there is this thing we could games like Uno,Skip-bo,and others. doing things that would put a smile on your face,and make you forget things are the best. to top it all I fine the best idea just come out with out even think,it just come flows from your mind and went your done it surprises you. leaving you with just darn I'm good.

  7. Erik Parker profile image60
    Erik Parkerposted 13 years ago

    I surf the Internet -- and read about writing instead of actually doing it!

  8. TandJ profile image60
    TandJposted 13 years ago

    Have a bad habit of worrying about SEO, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I also watch movies and stare outside waiting for the warmth to come back.

  9. bscott4388 profile image60
    bscott4388posted 13 years ago

    It is easy to make excuses and go off and do other things when you should be writing.  I find the best way to overcome writer's block is to simply start writing.

  10. SherryDigital profile image59
    SherryDigitalposted 13 years ago

    I watch 30 Rock and get lost in Instagram. smile

  11. That Grrl profile image71
    That Grrlposted 13 years ago

    I write here or on other sites where I just need to create a short post versus the book I should be writing. I take on a lot of smaller projects and then have an excuse not to really start on the big ones. I'm trying to change.

  12. Linda Bliss profile image78
    Linda Blissposted 13 years ago

    I'm so glad its not just me doing this! Why is it so difficult to just sit down and write?

    I'm working on a novel at the moment but I find I keep getting distracted by everything from HubPages (just need to answer the comments), to Facebook (just need to check what's happened since yesterday), to doing the laundry or even taking the dog out for a walk - basically anything other than actually writing my 'real' novel. By the time all of these things are done I'm usually too exhausted to feel creative enough to sit down and write.

    I have found a solution to fooling myself into doing some 'real' writing though and it works most of the time. I tell myself that I only need to write for ten minutes, and I literally set a timer. OR I tell myself that I only need to write 300 words. More often than not, I find myself continuing to write for much longer than that - the trick is just to get started!

  13. TheRealJohnMiller profile image60
    TheRealJohnMillerposted 13 years ago

    More often than not, it's involvement in other projects. Sometimes, it's just because it's so beautiful outside, and I don't want to be inside writing...I'd rather be outside in the sunshine. Other days, it's schoolwork and housekeeping. Pleh.

    They can be destructive, and draining. But I do set aside time to sit down and go over stories or ideas, and add little trickles of thought into them.


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