Do you talk to yourself?

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  1. Innuentendre profile image68
    Innuentendreposted 12 years ago

    Do you talk to yourself?

    What types of self communication do you find appropriate?

  2. mljdgulley354 profile image60
    mljdgulley354posted 12 years ago

    To the consternation of my family I do talk to myself. Usually it is when I'm working in the kitchen. "Hm, what did I do with that pan?"

  3. Mercia Collins profile image66
    Mercia Collinsposted 12 years ago

    Yes, sometimes its the only way to get any sensible answers.

  4. Catsandogs profile image59
    Catsandogsposted 12 years ago

    Yes, i find that when I'm walking along, and I notice something a bit shnazzy, I'll often  have a comment or two to say about it, before realizing I'm the only one around except the sheep, so of course I give them a friendly baah.

  5. Dexter Yarbrough profile image68
    Dexter Yarbroughposted 12 years ago

    Of course I talk to myself! I am guaranteed to listen to what I have to say!

  6. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Yes, i do talk to myself--hopefully when no one is around.  Sometimes if things are muddled in my mind, it helps to lay them out and hear them as well as think about them.  Helps me anyway.

  7. onegoodwoman profile image68
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago

    While, I do not hold any intelligent conversations with my own self,.........I do scold myself!

    Spill something?   I chastise myself!
    Burn myself ( a constant abuse).......I remind myself outloud, that I should have known better........

    I do tell myself, aloud, " stay with the pace", " remain calm", " don't overreact"........

    YES, I scold myself, even more than I scold my employees.   They get a kick out of it!   It makes me more .........humane and reasonabile to them.    They learn to take my counsel as counsel, rather than as a direct criticism.

  8. athena2011 profile image59
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    Yup. I talk to myself all the time. For example when I go shopping I will often tell myself to think about whether or not I need something or simply want it. This way I tend to spend less money.

    I think it's normal to talk to ourselves, although it certainly wasn't thought to be normal in years past.

  9. Windclimber profile image69
    Windclimberposted 12 years ago

    Yes, usually only when I'm very tired.  The odd thing is that I'll use all kinds of UNBIDDEN accents and lingo, like from an 1849 gold prospector, or a Scotsman, or a Victorian Englishman ("Tallyho!  There's the little bugger!  Now put it to use, lad!  Pip-Pip!")  Where does this come from?

  10. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 12 years ago

    Sometimes I do.......and I don't even realize it.  Someone will say to me, "Who are you talking to?"  And then I realize I was talking to myself!  I'm not a mental case or anything, but I do find myself talking at loud to myself sometimes.

  11. terced ojos profile image59
    terced ojosposted 12 years ago

    All the time; incessantly everyday...I cuss people out and give them advice...I have full blown conversations with myself and people who aren't even there....

    Ranting..much as I do here on hubpages...I'm actually talking to myself as I type this..saying things that I won't write but I'm saying them to myself......LOL....

    appearantly I'm not the only one....

    Stimulants seem to exacerbate the practice....give me some highly caffeinated coffee and I will talk to myself about everything from planting and cultivating flowers to the sexual libido of women....which in my estimation is much the same thing....

    Oh God here I go again...

  12. Zainnisar profile image40
    Zainnisarposted 12 years ago

    All of the time and its really interesting to talk to someone who have nothing important than you.
    It is helpful to develop ability of talking to yourself because more often you will find yourself relying on your own insight before making a decision and quick reply from inside might save your day.

  13. JosieLee profile image63
    JosieLeeposted 12 years ago

    I talk to myself often. Sometimes I am caught talking to myself by my boss. That sight is not a very pretty sight when he gives you a stare. I laugh it off and just say "I'm talking to the evil gnomes inside my head". Well, back to the topic, when I talk to myself, I am able to find solutions to problems I may have. Talking to myself also helps me write.

  14. schoolgirlforreal profile image77
    schoolgirlforrealposted 12 years ago

    It helps me to concentrate on the task at hand, I "think" outloud when I'm alone sometimes.

  15. prism3x profile image40
    prism3xposted 12 years ago

    sometimes I seems to help me sort my thoughts out!  I always say I got it from my grandmother as she used to do that.  One day I answered her and I startled her so much I never did that again.

  16. InfinityVal profile image65
    InfinityValposted 12 years ago

    All the time - and I even answer myself back!  Appropriate - trying to figure something out or to encourage and support yourself.  Inappropriate - putting yourself down and discouraging yourself.  When I catch myself doing that I say 'cancel that' and change it to something more helpful.

  17. Innuentendre profile image68
    Innuentendreposted 12 years ago

    Wow! There are a bunch of self talking hubbers. I am more aware of my own self-talk and speak to myself more freely. Thanks for your feedback!

  18. sprobin profile image59
    sprobinposted 12 years ago

    Yes, when i am feel alone , like walking alone , i talk myself.


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