My Life's Purpose

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  1. rlheard profile image60
    rlheardposted 14 years ago

    Strife runs free in the world by our behest. Always I have desired to unveil and understand the human condition, which emancipates this ill upon us. I understand not why we live in a world in which we all could undoubtedly achieve utopia, but in light of this possible truth, many chose to cope with the laws of the status quo---maybe, as a whole, we chose this path because we all feel, in some way, shape, or form, that such a goal is unattainable. 

    I have witnessed and indulged in the many woes Strife's unchained hands can bring. The things with which I have overcome, coped have been many, nevertheless I have remained steadfast in my journey to solidify the goals given to me by the Fates; their immortal fibers unfold before me, flowing beyond the conception of reason, weaving forth a destiny for which I am truly grateful.

    I accomplished one paramount goal in this destiny, which was to graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Masters in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis; it was indeed a tedious journey to undertake, but I rendered it into being the moment I walked, head held high, across that stage of victory. Yet, this was one struggle conquered for which I cannot take full credit, for it was the people bestowed to me by the Powers that Be, the Fates that gave me the strength to endure any and all barriers put in my path; they, by far, have all my accolades, and you as well, who read and lived these words with me, are amongst those dubbed by my eternal words of gratitude.

    When I first entered college, I always wondered if I truly was astute enough to bear the charges of such a system.  I stand now, more than ever, certain that this system weaved into the very fibers of my destiny was a system to which I was entitled. The divine has blessed me many fold, not only to enter the boarders of such a system, but also to meet people along the way who have given me knowledge beyond the text of any book rendered. Therefore, I take time on this day to bestow homage to my mortal Graces.

    Let it be known that it is because of the presence of individuals that surround me in this play called life, the characters in this play called life, to which I owe my thanks. I want you to know: I stay persistent in my highest charge to make this world better because of you, I see utopia's reign because of you for you have helped me to forge my greatest weapon to combat in Stife's war, and it is called the mind.

    1. matt6v33 profile image60
      matt6v33posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Young Lady, u have truly been blessed By God, and Its my prayer for you, that u will go to Him, when life's future trials and tribulations surround u, for then, u will gain a inner peace and comfort, and yes too, addtional knowledge and wisdom, to carry on, for He says so, and u know what? I believe Him, and I pray u will too!  Keep Going! And Keep sharing that obivious God given talent you clearly possess!

      respectfully yours,

      1. prosmentor profile image59
        prosmentorposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Wonderful! You are a creative writer. You have a future as a writer

  2. Beata Stasak profile image78
    Beata Stasakposted 14 years ago

    Thank you for the emotional journey you took me with you.
    You are right mind is the most powerful tool we have as individuals. I would like to invite you to share my emotional journey if you like, you can find me on: … onnections

  3. TINA V profile image69
    TINA Vposted 14 years ago

    I suggest you can make this as your hub so that more readers can view it.

    Perhaps, you might also want to visit this link

    Have a good day!

  4. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    To help others. Bottom line.  Thankfully. big_smile

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Agreed! smile

  5. sandooban profile image54
    sandoobanposted 14 years ago

    Very Nicely put and I can relate... that is why I keep life simple. In simple I do not add strife therefore I am in control of the who, what, where and when of my own mind...! Be still and know were the words I found as my life at one time came unwound, and so it is I do declare that love for stillness has brought me there.

  6. Glenn Stok profile image94
    Glenn Stokposted 14 years ago

    That would have made a great hub! smile Very well done. To answer your question, I feel my life's purpose is to help others. I usually find myself motivated to do that.

  7. sagbee profile image59
    sagbeeposted 14 years ago

    This would indeed make a great hub sweety! The purpose of human life must be the search of the salvation and work to attain it!


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