Have you ever been so fired hub to write a hub, then after researching, your min

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  1. Faith Reaper profile image88
    Faith Reaperposted 11 years ago

    Have you ever been so fired hub to write a hub, then after researching, your mind was changed?

    I was all set to write a hub to bring more awareness on a particular issue, but after researching such, my mind has changed and I decideed it was pointless for me to write on this subject.  Has this ever happened to you?

  2. ComfortB profile image84
    ComfortBposted 11 years ago

    Yes. I've been in that situation before. After a story broke in New York City about a student that was discriminated against by her teacher, I started to write on a hub about racism 'from teacher to student' perspective.

    Being a teacher myself, I've seen it first hand before. But I changed my mind mostly because there was not way to write on the subject without it coming off as being offensive to some, and of course, for some other reason.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi ComfortB, I can certainly understand your scenario. Thanks for answering.

  3. profile image0
    Rayne123posted 11 years ago

    yes quite a few times.
    I went to write a hub on something the other day and then realized hm its something that all may hear about or know about anyway.


    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Rayne, thanks for answering. Well, in my case, I thought one way, then after researching a bit, I am not too sure about what I thought is correct.

  4. mollymeadows profile image71
    mollymeadowsposted 11 years ago

    Sometimes, Faith. It depends on a lot of things: how many times it's been covered, whether or not I can contribute something new, how strongly I feel. Sometimes one or more of those don't rise to the needed level.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Molly, thanks for answering.  Well, in my case, I was set in my mind to write with a certain strong message, but after researching, I am not too sure of myself.

    2. mollymeadows profile image71
      mollymeadowsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I once asked my editor if one of my articles might bit a bit too strong. He answered by asking, "Is it true?" Of course if you're searching, it's right to hold back; but sometimes "true" trumps everything else. In any case, it will keep life exciting

    3. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Molly, for sharing that about what your editor said.  Hugs smile

  5. kj force profile image61
    kj forceposted 11 years ago

    I have had this happen more times than I would like to admit to..many times I will spend hours /days writing on a subject only to read it to my husband, who asks
    " what makes you think anyone else is interested in what you think or if they are even interested in the subject, ? besides you can't change it....the bubble is burst so I file it away...and sometimes I re-think the situation and have published the article only to get really nasty feedback...and then readers stop following me and never return...times have changed..it's a " PC " society these days..no one wants to rock the boat and everyone is afraid of offending....It used to be people had a sense od\f humor..it appears that seems to be fading out these days....
    Glad to know I am not alone in this predicament......great question....

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi kj, thanks for answering, and been there too! smile I guess I was set in mind of the issue at hand, but not since researching, my minset may have changed a bit smile Good to see you my friend.

  6. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 11 years ago

    I've had that problem in the past... I'll suddenly get a great idea for a Hub when I am in a place where I can't do anything with it (i.e. at work, in the car, etc.) so I say to myself "I'll have to remember that one later!" -- of course, by the time I get home and sit down in front of the PC, I've either forgotten what it was that got me so excited, or enough time has passed that it doesn't seem like such a hot idea for a Hub after all. Haha.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi FatFreddsCat, LOL, I understand about that too, as I have been there and done that . . . and wonder, well, if I cannot even remember it, then why would I ponder writing about it smile  Thanks for answering.

  7. LastRoseofSummer2 profile image81
    LastRoseofSummer2posted 11 years ago

    Many, many times! Sometimes, like you, I've decided the subject was pointless. Other times I realized after research that there simply isn't enough information on the subject to get a decent word count. What's really embarrassing for me is when I've been talking about something I'm going to write but then have to give it up because of a reason like this!

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi LastRoseofSummer, thanks so much for answering!  I appreciate you sharing that with me.  I understand completely!  smile

  8. Carola Finch profile image89
    Carola Finchposted 11 years ago

    Yes, it happens.  I do a through search here on HubPages and on the web to see what is out there about my topic.  If they web seems saturated with similar content, I either put a unique spin on the topic or abandon it altogether.  Fortunately, there is not a lot on the web about some of the topics I cover, the material is badly written, or articles does not have enough information.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Carola, thanks for answering.  Yes, if there is not a lot on the topic or you can put a good spin on it, then that is great.  However, what I cam up with after researching, my point of view changed on the issue that I was so fired up about, so ...

  9. Karen Hellier profile image87
    Karen Hellierposted 11 years ago

    Yes, that has happened to me. I lost interest once I started writing a few. I still have one of them waiting in the wings and may publish it in June during my 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge. Not sure yet. It depends on what other hub ideas I can come up with.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Karen, thanks so much.  I am glad this happens to a lot of writers it seems.  Wow, yes, I can imagine during those 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenges, especially!!!

  10. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
    Kathleen Cochranposted 11 years ago

    Absolutely - that happens every once in a while.  In fact, I even wrote a hub about the process.  It's frustrating, but often I end up writing a hub about what I learned and understood in the experience of changing my mind. When I was a newspaper editor sometimes I'd send a reporter out to get a story only to have them come back with a different story altogether.  Unfortunately, too often today, editors want the story they are looking for no matter what information the reporter comes back with!

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Kathleen, that is exactly to what I am referring, having your mind set on an issue as being one thing, then when in reality it is another!  Thanks for answering.

  11. tillsontitan profile image81
    tillsontitanposted 11 years ago

    I think we've all been there.  You get this great idea, at least you think its great, then you start to research it, get all your facts together and start to write.  Somehow, after you've written a bit, you look at it and think, did I write that?  What was I thinking!  And you scrap it.  It doesn't happen just once, but many times. I've picked subjects I thought were terrific until I got the hub half written and then I read it and know its a bust and just delete and start over with something else.

    1. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Mary (Till), thanks so much for answering.  Well, I feel much better, especially knowing this happens a lot and with you too smile  Yes, that, what was I thinking, and what is worse, when one has already spent a lot of time on it sad

    2. tillsontitan profile image81
      tillsontitanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Guess like everything else we have to learn to go with the flow wink

    3. Faith Reaper profile image88
      Faith Reaperposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, we do indeed! smile


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