Writing a Writers Resume

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  1. lisabeaman profile image69
    lisabeamanposted 14 years ago

    I decided to apply to Demand Studios to see how that would work out... but I need a resume that details my experience relevant to the roles for which I am applying. Since I've never held any writing positions, I don't know where to start. I can include my education and make a list with links to other things I've written... but is that enough? Any suggestions?

    1. profile image52
      wiseowl84posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I write down below the typical resume format, but I recommend to use resume template in order to have a useful and captivating resume, and then try to mix the gathered information into an original resume template. Coz to write a good resume there are many things which one have to keep in your mind while making resume.
      1) Contact Information.
      2) Objective
      3) Career Achievements
      4) Experience
      5) Education
      6) Skills
      7) References (if any)

      Best wishes for your job search success!

  2. lrohner profile image69
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    From the Demand Studios blog:

    Resume Tips

    1. Emphasize your expertise. Ask yourself, “If I’m trying to change the oil in my 1976 Volvo Station Wagon, do I want instructions from a 20-year veteran journalist, or a 20-year veteran mechanic?” Chances are, you'll listen to the mechanic.

    This doesn’t mean we prefer one over the other. It simply means that we look for applicants with writing experience and/or a niche expertise. Be sure to emphasize either of these in your resume--or both if you have them.

    2. Treat this like any other job application. Although we receive hundreds of applications every day, each application is thoroughly reviewed by a qualified Application Reviewer. This means you should consider the initial appearance and format of your resume. If you’re creating a resume specifically for Demand Studios, take time to put together a well-formatted resume with clean copy. The extra time will be worth it.

    3. Include any and all special interests. Think that the Photoshop class you took in college isn’t worthy of mention? Think again. Mentioning something this small in your Interests/Special Skills section counts hugely in your favor. Remember, we have titles available in a wide variety of su bjects. Your one Photoshop class could equal many Demand Studios articles on the subject.

    Sample Tips

    1. Show what you know. Even if clipping coupons seems mundane and obvious, maybe you’ve learned some little-known facts and insider tips that would be interesting to readers. Don’t be afraid to call upon your vault of seemingly useless information.

    2. Think “clear, concise and useful.” We pride ourselves on unique, informative and reliable content. Stay away from exclamation points, too much first-person and colloquialisms.

    3. Format matters. Submit samples that lend themselves to the style mentioned in No. 2. Blogs are OK, but only if they demonstrate a clear voice and straightforward style. We also recommend that you avoid prose, poetry, screenplays, journal entries, etc. If you don’t have anything that fits the style we look for, write a 300-word sample in your area of expertise.

    1. lisabeaman profile image69
      lisabeamanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, wow! Thanks! I haven't checked their blog... This is very helpful.

  3. profile image0
    Go Writerposted 14 years ago

    Someone wrote a hub that had a pretty good template for creating a freelance writer's resume:


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