Ya know you're married to a redneck when......

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  1. donotfear profile image84
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    ...yah come home and find a whole quail in your trashed fridge!!!


    1. profile image51
      Oasis Placesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You know you are married to a redneck when he thinks "going out to dinner" is take out.

  2. couturepopcafe profile image60
    couturepopcafeposted 14 years ago

    You know you're married to a redneck when he opens a bag of Cheetos and dumps them into his soup because there are no crackers.

    1. donotfear profile image84
      donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  3. WoodsmensPost profile image63
    WoodsmensPostposted 14 years ago

    When you ask him if all the Christmas lights are up and he says:

    Yep Hunny ...all the ones I put up last year still look fine.

  4. Jaggedfrost profile image61
    Jaggedfrostposted 14 years ago

    When romance to him is offering to take you hunting.

  5. TamCor profile image79
    TamCorposted 14 years ago

    When he fixes your dryer with a guitar part, and his truck brakes with a lamp part...

    And they both work great afterwards...(honest!)

    lol lol lol

    1. profile image51
      BeckyAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      He's not a redneck - he's as engineer!  LOL

  6. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years ago

    ...when he wears a baseball cap (or one of those square caps that say 'john deere or something) all of the time...even when you're out for a nice evening.....

    1. profile image0
      DoorMattnomoreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      whats wrong with my hat?  tongue

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image61
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ...ha ha!....yea, but do you take it off to go to dinner DM?

        1. profile image0
          DoorMattnomoreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          wellll...maybe if its someplace super fancy, like an all you can eat buffet.  big_smile

  7. profile image0
    DoorMattnomoreposted 14 years ago

    when he thinks your camo underwear is the sexiest.

    Or a date is going to a bar (it's fancy) instead of Burger King.

    or you might be married to a redneck when you figure out YOU are a redneck!  smile

  8. readytoescape profile image61
    readytoescapeposted 14 years ago

    You ask what’s on TV and he says “Dust”

    The weed-wacker has more horsepower than your car

    Hair-cuts are either a #2 or a bigger hat

    The dog run is bigger than your mobile home

    Rust is considered patina

    There are more tools in the shed than you have hair

    When he comments on “nice shoes” and though they come in pairs, he is not talking about footwear, and they usually are not yours

    He considers beer the best aphrodisiac, his

    Foreplay begins with “Load up” (which in redneck vernacular is translated as “Get in the truck honey”)

  9. donotfear profile image84
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    ....he's content to sit & watch old reruns of Bonanza night after night after night.....

  10. Disturbia profile image60
    Disturbiaposted 14 years ago

    When your husband and his dog use the same tree.

    1. profile image0
      DoorMattnomoreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      when your husband uses the tree...and he doesn't have a dog.

      to be fair I really thought all men did that though.

  11. profile image0
    SirDentposted 14 years ago

    I must be a redneck.  Here is one of the photos of the remodeling I did on our bathroom.


    1. donotfear profile image84
      donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Sir Dent, you are crazy!!!

      1. profile image0
        SirDentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I would take offense at that if I knew what that word meant.

        1. donotfear profile image84
          donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this


          1. profile image0
            SirDentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You kids with your big college words!!!!

  12. profile image0
    SirDentposted 14 years ago
  13. Rick Bailey profile image61
    Rick Baileyposted 14 years ago

    The guy at the family reunion who has all his fingers & toes is known as a "showoff".

    She goes to a garage sale, and returns with a Betamax.

    He has the NASCAR schedule memorized, but can't remember your birthday.

    Non-working toasters aren't thrown out...they're used as doorstops.

  14. quicklysilver profile image59
    quicklysilverposted 14 years ago

    When you tell him you're pregnant and he tells you he's your long lost brother

  15. jokeapptv profile image60
    jokeapptvposted 14 years ago

    very funny stuff. i like it.

  16. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    His idea of foreplay is "Get in the truck, b*tch!"


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