What suggestions do you have for a married couple to spruce up their sex life wh

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  1. PK2010 profile image65
    PK2010posted 12 years ago

    What suggestions do you have for a married couple to spruce up their sex life when it dries up?

  2. DeBorrah K. Ogans profile image61
    DeBorrah K. Ogansposted 12 years ago

    I  suggest  that  each of you write a list of  3 – 7  things that you would like to see happen  to improve your physical intimacy and then exchange your lists.   Plan a romantic date night soon after.   Go out to a movie,  or take a nice scenic drive,  or  go out  to lunch, dinner or  plan a candlelight dinner at home….  Just have some fun enjoying one another’s company!   Then  read  your lists  to one another,  light some candles,  take an aroma bubble bath and  get busy enjoying one another rekindling the fire!

  3. freecampingaussie profile image60
    freecampingaussieposted 12 years ago

    I like the idea below as I was going to say go out for dinner wearing a really nice outfit . Tease your husband during the evening , run your foot up his leg ...  tell him you can't wait till you get home .....
    I have a hub about making love not just having sex & another one is about romantic dates fort fun ideas .
    Try make love in the morning for a change , its a great way to start the day !

  4. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 12 years ago

    It's easier to maintain a fire than it is to reignite a spark....
    One of the most important things is both people have to truly want to turn things around.One person cannot be romantic or passionate enough to save a marriage. It's going to require efforts on the parts of both people. Once buy in has been established you open up a world of possibilities.

    One way to jump start things is to have a weekend getaway. Sometimes it's just good to be away from your normal suroundings. Whether you find a hotel near the beach or stay downtown in a large metropolitan city it's good not to have to think about anything but each other.

    You might start off with a meal in a quaint restaurant followed by either listening to some live music or going to an intimate nightclub where you can dance and hold each other close. (smooth jazz) or something romantic.

    When you get back to the room light some scented candles, give each other a sensual massage.... and take things from there. The following morning order room service, afterwards take a bath or shower together.
    Once you get home if the two of you are feeling adventurous you can visit an upscale adult store and pick up some things to help spice things up from movies, board games, toys, and various other items.

    Generally speaking long before sex "dries up" in a marriage (affection dies first). Couples STOP holding hands, hugging, exchanging (wet kisses), snuggling while watching TV, flirting with one another, using sexual innuendo.... and so forth. The more distant you are out of bed the more difficult it is to connect in bed.
    If things have really gotten bad you may need some professional help to get back on track. One very well known expert is Laura Berman who has several books and products which might aid you.  Best of luck!
    http://www.drlauraberman.com/public/abo … ption.aspx

  5. onegoodwoman profile image68
    onegoodwomanposted 12 years ago


    I do not get involved either, in the sex lives or the marriages of others..........

  6. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    the great out doors . try getting it on outside your home. you don't have to go all out , just be spontaneous and get a quickie where any other time you wouldn't dare. not getting caught is the biggest rush.

  7. no body profile image68
    no bodyposted 12 years ago

    I see marriage as a triangle. The top point is God and the other two points are the two spouses. The closer each of you get to God the closer you will be to each other. When you are close to God, you are grateful for all you have. You take nothing for granted and things take on a brightness and vibrancy. As you look at your mate with those same God-eyes you will begin to see little things you have never seen before, things that will make the routine even, a deeper richer experience. I think that feelings and techniques get old because they are taken for granted. "I push this button, this happens..." Well that comes from a disregard for the mechanism in the first place. We are awesomely constructed and that person was designed for you! You know them better than anyone and God has made it so you can explore this person and find new things. I have told my wife that I will not quit until I can play music with her body. (She laughed.)  Jesus wants us to "always be enraptured" by her/his love. That takes effort to find new things out about each other, to care deeper than you ever have before, to learn to see and feel what each other feel. Boredom and lack of interest are lack of appreciation, in my opinion.

  8. profile image0
    djsdivaposted 12 years ago

    Role playing is key to keeping your sex life fresh and healthy!

  9. Bella Nina profile image61
    Bella Ninaposted 12 years ago

    Begin by asking yourself what your partner wants.  Then do it.

  10. pb3131 profile image60
    pb3131posted 12 years ago

    read each other some erotic bedtime stories or literature, like the Kama Sutra.
    Also wearing a pheromone cologne for men or a pheromone perfume for women can definitely increase interest and desire...

  11. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 12 years ago

    KY Jelly.


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