Has anyone tried the konmari method for tidying up?

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  1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 8 years ago

    I read her book a few days ago and decided to give it a try on my clothes first.  Then kitchenwares.  She says it takes six months to complete.  I believe it since the kitchen took almost 10 hours.  Has anyone fully completed the process for their entire house?  Happy with the result?

    After cleaning out the kitchen I feel like I got rid of too many things:)  Perhaps I should have done books second like she suggests.

    1. Millionaire Tips profile image92
      Millionaire Tipsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm working on an adapted version.  I started with clothes, but I have done clothes before so there wasn't much that needed to go.  I then did the kitchen, just like you  I am now working on the bookshelves. I am attacking the VHS tapes - much easier than books since I have a huge book collection. Yes, I still have a player and do watch them from time to time.

      Books actually will be harder for me to do, since I have so many and they are all over the house.so I am doing things that I am less attached to first.  I really like the idea of choosing what to keep instead of choosing what to discard.  You keep less stuff that way and make more space in your life.

      I am also attacking the plants outside - reducing the number of weed beds, and turning them to lawn.    My plan is to make things as low-maintenance as possible.

  2. Lori Worsencroft profile image60
    Lori Worsencroftposted 8 years ago

    Hello! Yes, I did the Konmari method, and have loved the results! I started with my closet and learned the folding technique (YouTube videos helped), and have completed everything but photos/mementos.

    It might feel like you got rid of too much, but as the days and weeks go on, you'll soon start finding even more you can get rid of and feel even better! Before you know it, you'll have only things you love and use the most. I have recommended her book to many friends and relatives. Especially those who have trouble letting things go. Good luck!

  3. CorneliaMladenova profile image67
    CorneliaMladenovaposted 8 years ago

    Have read the book but still not brave enough to try the method smile

  4. rebekahELLE profile image87
    rebekahELLEposted 8 years ago

    I probably should give it a try since I am in the process of going through everything before I make a move to a smaller home.  When I read that you have to take all of your clothing out and start the process, I was already overwhelmed.  I honestly think I would have to modify the rules just a little in order to complete the process.  I like her folding method. 

    Going through very old family photos and documents is also going to be hard for me. 

    My problem is that I'll go through things and decide that I want to keep it for a garage sale and it doesn't materialize because I haven't gone through everything.  I used to move more often before kids came along, but now we've lived here for 25 years.  Stuff accumulates so easily through the years.  I have a new motto, less is more than enough.

    Keep us posted, Paul.  I'm curious to hear how you proceed.  Are you going to have a garage sale when the process is complete?

    1. Millionaire Tips profile image92
      Millionaire Tipsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The garage sale method really doesn't work for me.  You have to store the stuff until you are ready for the sale.  Then you have to clean everything and tag it.  Then bring it all out, setting up tables, etc. Then sit out there waiting for buyers,. May have to bring it back in and out again if having the sale for more than one day. And then still have to figure out what to do with the leftovers.  I found that it was too time consuming and made cleaning an even bigger project.  It also didn't yield much money even for the time spent processing the stuff.   I think I earned something like $1 per hour for all that hard work, and that doesn't even include the cost of the stuff.

      Now I donate to charity, Freecycle, or recycle everything.  Someone else is getting use out of the things I no longer need.  Also, I've already gotten my money's worth of use out of the product.  If not, iI don't want a reminder anyway.  By keeping the getting rid of simple, it makes it much easier to get rid of things.

      If there are resale shops that are conveniently located to where I live or work, like Half Price Books and Plato's Closet, I take things to them to see if there is any way I can get some money out of them.

      1. rebekahELLE profile image87
        rebekahELLEposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I usually donate everything.  I'll probably end up doing the same.  Storing it in preparation for the sale creates more clutter and takes up a lot of space.  Some of it will go to antique shops for consignment, some will go to family, most will be donated. We have recent flood victims in the area that lost everything.  I've done one garage sale years ago and it was basically a waste of time.  It always feels good to give and know that it's appreciated.   We also have a used book store, that may be a consideration for some of the books.   Thanks for your reply!

  5. prokidwriter profile image93
    prokidwriterposted 8 years ago

    I've completed my closet and clothes drawers. I'm now working on my office. It is overwhelming. I think the hardest thing for me is paperwork. Much of it is necessary to keep, but none of it brings me joy! I'd be very interested in hearing updates on your progress as you work through your house!


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