Do you container garden? If yes, how many times a year do you fertilize tomatoes

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  1. suzzycue profile image86
    suzzycueposted 12 years ago

    Do you container garden? If yes, how many times a year do you fertilize tomatoes or peppers?

    What kind of containers  do well with tomatoes or peppers? I also want to do a herb garden on my balcony. I love fresh erbs in my food. My neighbour plants lettuce in a window box and it does quite well.

  2. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    I use a Pennington brand vegetable plant food every 3 weeks. We grow some of our peppers in 10 inch pots that can be moved easily in case the sun isn't getting to them enough. Herbs do great in 4 inch pots or grouped in window boxes.

  3. NotTooTall profile image74
    NotTooTallposted 12 years ago

    Yes, I do utilize containers for vegetable gardening.  I begin with a growing medium that already contains a slow-release fertilizer right from the start.
    Then I like to use a general all-purpose fertilizer ~ diluted to 1/2 strength.  The diluted feed mixture is then used to water the containers once a week, twice when the heat rises in July and August.
    A good tip for container gardening is to give the containers a half turn when you water.  Thay way there is better sun exposure to all of the plant, and your yelid should increase for a more prolific harvest.
    Another good tip is to allow the water to rest overnight.  This allows chlorine and other chemicals that may be present to escape, and for the drink to be at room temperature.

  4. profile image55
    penzar57posted 12 years ago

    I have used the Earthbox, which I can plant two tomatoes per box, as well as, 2 peppers in the another box. However, I had to rig a support depending on the type of tomatoes, a determinant variety that has a limited growth requires a smaller on, whereas, the in-determinant will continue to grow and requires additional vertical support.

    Prior to planting the vegetable incorporate 1 pound of lime throughout the soil mix

    To plant the tomatoes, you dig a whole that is lowest where the root ball of the plant is, gradually increasing the height to the surface removing all the leaves that would be covered when you fill the soil level to the top. The stem that is buried will produce new roots along the stem.

    As far as fertilization, I use an organic tomato/pepper blend that is 6-2-3, and apply a band across the container equal to 1 pound for the whole season.

    Your source for Earthbox is, and you can buy a package that includes fertilizer, Lime, and a flexible plastic cover.

    I have started to build my own container with 18 gallon totes, but found it necessary to purchase a plastic underwater basket at Lowes and cut out the cover to fit above the basked & drill holes to permit the soil to soak up the water that is stored in the bottom.  Must drill a whole just under the lid in the sides of the container to permit excessive water to drip out & signal when you have adequate water for the plants.

    Icidently, GardensAlive is a source for organic fertilizer & insect & biofungicides.

  5. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
    mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years ago

    When you grow tomatoes, chilli peppers or bell peppers in order to get the best results you need to feed them throughout the growing season.This article answers the question 'How many times a season do you fertilize tomatoes or peppers?' read more

  6. lobobrandon profile image76
    lobobrandonposted 12 years ago

    Yes, container gardening is one of the best ways to garden if you don't have a big garden or just have many plants. There's no hard and fast rule as to when you need to fertilize your tomato or pepper plants.

    Make sure to see to it that the plant leaves never turn yellow all of a sudden as that's a sign of undernourishment. Therefore, I always add compost to my containers at least once a month and mostly every three weeks. I add just a little at a time rather than lots and then forgetting about it altogether.

    Take a look at the hub I wrote about fertilizing tomato plants if you want to know more and in detail: … g-tomatoes


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