Second Hand or New Furniture

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  1. PumpkinHead666 profile image58
    PumpkinHead666posted 14 years ago

    what would do in your home, Second Hand Furniture or Band New and Y?

    1. tom_caton profile image78
      tom_catonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      are you renting or do you own the place. If you're renting I'd say second hand (but good quality), but second hand may be an option if you don't have the funds to buy new furniture for your own house yet

    2. Earl S. Wynn profile image76
      Earl S. Wynnposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Second hand. Always second hand. New furniture is just a waste of resources and money.

    3. profile image46
      dazfurnitureposted 14 years agoin reply to this
    4. Sarah Jones profile image60
      Sarah Jonesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It really depends, when I have friends over we normally stick to the kitchen (right next to the kettle for tea!) So I want my furntiure to look good there no matter the cost. My bedroom is my sanctuary so I have to buy new furniture for that! As for the living room, I'm not really bothered so I'll go for second hand if I can find some. But at the end of the day if you know of any good sturdy furniture that is second hand you can spruce it up a bit and save yourself a lot of money in the long run!

  2. profile image0
    4youreyesposted 14 years ago

    I own my home and I will buy second hand furniture end stand ,tables ,anything along that line but when it comes to something that has a cushion I am worried about what little critters might be living in the cushions so I stay away from them.Buying second is a great way to save money and keep things out of the landfills.If you have a creative side many pieces of furniture are fun to refinish to your liking .

  3. Hestia DeVoto profile image60
    Hestia DeVotoposted 14 years ago

    I have some really wonderful pieces of furniture that are second hand.  Some of it is inherited from other family members, and some of it I bought at thrift stores.  I tend to get wooden furniture in this fashion, not cushions or fabric (unless it can be thoroughly washed).  You can get better quality bookcases and tables this way, much better than modern fiberboard.

  4. HomeInsights profile image59
    HomeInsightsposted 14 years ago

    Second hand furniture is definitely good if you are on a tight budget. If however you've got more money at your disposal why not buy brand new. There's nothing better than having exclusivity and knowing that no one else has used the furniture other than you.

  5. Paul Wingert profile image61
    Paul Wingertposted 14 years ago

    I would start off with second hand furniture. I bought a love love seat in new condition at a garage sale for $5. Too many people feel the need to fill their new apartment or house with brand new stuff without consulting thier budget first. Next thing you know things get exciting when the rent or mortgage comes due along with credit card bills for your new stuff. The resale value of new furnishing is nonexistent. I would never buy new furnishings when renting. They tend to get banged up and broken when you move. To home owners, I would gradually add new furnishings as your budget allows.

  6. SandyMcCollum profile image63
    SandyMcCollumposted 14 years ago

    I see no need to get everything brand new if you can buy the same quality for less. I also think it largely depends on one's wallet size and budget.

  7. imatellmuva profile image74
    imatellmuvaposted 14 years ago

    My home has a combination of second hand and "what's considered new" furniture, but mostly second hand.

    I think that everything is second hand once it's been handled, tried on; if it's clothes, or bought and returned. I'm not opposed to regular retail, but if I can get the same item at a fraction of the price, then let's just say...SOLD!!

    The "what's considered new" furniture that I have is either from clearance sales, because it was not a good sell, or slightly damaged.

  8. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    I like new (even though I lean toward a more traditional look).  If I can't have "new and perfect" then I'd rather have "new and slightly damaged" (at least in some instances).  I've never really been one for second-hand anything (I'm a middle child.  Maybe I'm scarred for life  lol); but now, especially after reading a page I ran into a few weeks ago, I absolutely would not want second-hand anything unless it were from a close friend or relative who lives in a single-family home.

    I had jury duty, so I went to the Massachusetts website to look for jury information.  On the front page was a giant article about the "increasing problem of bed bugs".  I had no idea bed bugs can live on things like bed frames and night tables.  I always thought they found their way into mattresses and rugs (fabric).  Now that I know they can be on things like night stands or chests - forget it!!  I REALLY only want "new" now.   smile

    (Something else I discovered was that they can live in wallpaper!!  People were advised not to just carefully look for bed bugs in empty apartments before moving in, but to look for them in nearby apartments.   All I can picture is someone brings in a chest from an apartment somewhere, and I'd end up having to take all the wallpaper in my house off in order to get rid of bed bugs that ride in on the second-hand furniture.)

  9. BobbiRant profile image59
    BobbiRantposted 14 years ago

    I have loads of second hand furniture in my home.  We have a sweet little shop with wonderful pieces, nice, clean and some of the nicest end tables and knick knack shelves I own came from yard sales.

  10. lindacee profile image91
    lindaceeposted 14 years ago

    I have to say, second hand furniture is a great way to save money (have bought and sold quite a bit on Craig's list), but I think one of my absolute favorites for new furniture is IKEA. It is definitely budget-friendly and you can find fairly good quality for rooms that don't get heavy use (secondary rooms like guest bedrooms.)

  11. profile image47
    javakingposted 14 years ago

    I usually buy used furniture and shop from Craigslist free section alot.  I would have to think twice about an upolstered piece but I have to admit that a favorite leather recliner is from a garage sale for $75.00 . The former owner said it was $500. new.  I have furnished my whole studio for only $600.00 including most of my kitchenware, drapes and bedding doing most of my shopping at thrift shops, garage sales and Craigslist.  My most expensive piece is a love seat that I got at a going out of business sale at a furniture store for only $110.00.

  12. Jay01 profile image58
    Jay01posted 14 years ago

    I may be a little late with posting on this thread but I felt the need to add my two cents. Firstly the recent surge in many cities of the dreaded "bed bugs" gives me some concerns with any furniture that has cushions, however, I have found that the most effective treatment for these critters is heat.
    Therefore I think you could buy these items used providing they can be washed and dried especially in an industrial dryer that generates substantial heat. I am very biases towards used furniture especially if you are able to do some amount of reconditioning yourself. Y
    Craigslist is an amazing  place for used furniture and you would be amazed how much you will save using this route. By the way if you have ever watched any of the real estate shows on tv you would have noticed they most often use used or reconditioned furniture or they shop at discount or thrift stores.

  13. lender3212000 profile image61
    lender3212000posted 14 years ago

    I usually go with new for things when it comes to sofas and beds or anything that I will be making regular and direct physical contact with. Other than that, used stuff can be a great way to save a little money!

  14. Rafini profile image81
    Rafiniposted 14 years ago

    I prefer new, but who can afford it?

    I grew up with used, was given used while married, and bought used after the divorce.  Bought new a few years ago when I received a lump sum and I'm Lovin' It! big_smile  Hopefully nothing ever happens to it, cuz I doubt I'd be able to replace it.

  15. kmcmichael profile image70
    kmcmichaelposted 14 years ago

    BOTH! Mix in new furniture with unique used pieces or antiques. it will look great.


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