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3 Crazy and Unique Reasons to Start Collecting and Using Coupons – You Will Be Shocked at These!

Updated on July 9, 2018
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Michele is a published author who loves to write on a plethora of topics including business, crafts, cleaning, family, and management.

Of course, the obvious reason to use coupons is to save money when buying groceries. That is probably why you would use them, but it’s possible that you have another reason, one not listed below. If you have another awesome reason, I’d love to hear about it in the comments section!

I wanted to come up some fun reasons that you may not have already thought up for continuing or picking up the hobby of couponing.

It can take a lot of work – the collecting or finding of coupons, the continuous storage needs, keeping up with the organization of the coupons, and the upkeep of your coupon system, not to mention following all of the rules, regulations, and restrictions that are part of the couponing world. And that’s just the coupons.

The real savings happens when you keep up with and properly use the weekly match-ups with one or more grocery store and/or website to compare prices. Read more about the couponing process here.

Reason #1 – Why not? They're free!

Ha! I mean that’s not a great reason for doing just ANY thing, but couponing is a free hobby, so money should be no object. Some people DO pay for coupons themselves and other people actually PAY for them to be cut up and organized ahead of time.

“Why would you pay for coupons or for a couponing service when you are using coupons to save money?” – Michele Kelsey

Honestly, I don’t know how much that service costs or how many people actually pay for it, but it does seem to me that if you have the money to pay someone to cut and organize your coupons that maybe you don’t need to use coupons at all! Am I wrong? I would love to hear all about this subject in the comments section!

Reason #2 – You don’t have to throw away that which you do not use!

That sounded kind of confusing, eh? I think some people don’t want to adopt a new hobby like this that could result in waste. Hmmm…

Let me try rewording this. If you let coupons expire or if you just don’t want to use them for some reason, you don’t have to throw them away. Instead you can bless the lives of our servicemen overseas who could use them even if they are out of date.

This is not a wasteful hobby regardless how successful you are at saving money with coupons. – Michele Kelsey

Donate Your Unused or Expired Coupons to the Military

Did you know those in the military and their families that are stationed overseas can still use what we consider to be expired or unused coupons? Instead of throwing away those coupons you don’t like or won’t use, donate them to those who keep our country safe!

Watch for expiration dates on your coupons. When you see coupons that are past their prime, don’t trash them! Do a good deed by donating expired or unused coupons to the military overseas.

The steps to donate your coupons to the military are very simple. (1) Cut the coupons down to size. (2) Sort them into two categories: Food and Non-Food. (3) Put each category in a labeled zippered plastic bag. (3) Mail all coupons to the appropriate military address.

Did you know you could donate your unused coupons to our military overseas?

See results

Reason #3 – Make friends with fellow coupon fanatics/enthusiast!

Consider joining coupon trading or grocery store Facebook groups, coupon forums, etc. I have even come across just conversations after coupon articles that rotate around sending and receiving free coupons across the country! So, it’s pretty easy to find like-minded individuals who coupon like you.

You can even just get closer to people you know by swapping coupons. It could give you an excuse to see a relative you don’t see very often or to rekindle a friendship that has been neglected for years.

You could build a relationship with others by starting a trading group. Perhaps he or she has a dog and you have a cat. Swap pet coupons and get those cat coupons while giving away the dog coupons that you were going to have to trash anyway. What a great exchange that could be! :)

So, breathing out a deep breath, what I am saying is that you can actually make friends, either online in a somewhat safe zone in my opinion at least, or in person for a quick exchange or for a lengthy visit in which you may eventually have a good friend, someone whom you have blessed with your unusable coupons.

Coupons groups, coupon clubs, and coupon trains are great ways to get the coupons you need or to give away those you don’t want, and they are a fabulous way to connect with others in a new and exciting fashion! Give it a try, but as always be sensible and safe when meeting people in person! So, join up and make new friends today!

Have you ever made friends with others because of coupons?

See results

Bonus Reason

If you are a tad OCD like me, you will love that “Check” feeling you get at the store when you can MATCH an exact coupon with an EXACT product. It’s like winning a game or something! In fact, you may, like me, get warm fuzzies when you put coupons next to the products for the cashier at checkout!

I’m just kidding! I really doubt you’d get warm fuzzies (goose bumps) from that, but you may get that feeling from donating your coupons to those men and women who serve our country overseas. Since you will be putting the savings of those coupons to a wonderful use, it makes sense that you would feel great about it!

Okay, so I joke in this hub about goofy, yet possible, reasons to coupon. Of course, your original intent was probably to save money on groceries or even to make a little money on FREE products, that is, products you used coupons on that had the same face value as the cost of the product.

You may even be so well versed in the couponing world that you can make a profit on certain sale items. How do you make money on coupons? I mean, don’t you just SAVE money on coupons? It’s not like stores pay you to shop there, right?

Well, I don’t want to leave you hanging, so I will briefly touch on this hot topic. There are occasions, not necessarily every week, where you can match up sale items with coupons and rebates and come out ahead. Here are a few examples where this would be the case.

Other Places to Find Coupons


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