how do you become rich?

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  1. profile image52
    kapoposted 14 years ago

    how do you become rich?

  2. Tom_Radford profile image61
    Tom_Radfordposted 14 years ago

    Find something that people want and sell it to them. Don't be precious about what that is, don't get held up on your career or how wonderful your product is. If you need money to buy what you're going to sell, put a business plan to a business angel and get some investment, if they see a profit they're in. It will take time but you have to be totally focussed on money, don't think about anything else... sadly, that's how it's done. I'm not rich but I've read enough biographies from those who are and this is what they say.

  3. eilander1542011 profile image61
    eilander1542011posted 14 years ago

    Being rich is similar to discovering beauty. It lies in the eye of the beholder. So the first step is to ask yourself what you consider being rich to mean, and answer honestly.
    I will assume for arguments sake that you are referencing becoming physically rich, as in wealth by money. Short of winning the lottery or some other similar act of chance, the best way to become rich is to discover a new product or improvement to a major product. The key is to make sure it is something that will make everyone's daily life easier. Then you go about marketing said product, and if you happen to land a deal somewhere then they will do a lot of your work for you. If not you will have to start your own business, and get through all of that red tape just to be able to build whatever breakthrough you discovered. Hoping that in the time it is taking you to get ready that someone else has not already pushed a similar product onto the market, destroying your chances of success. Once you are up and running, it requires that you basically babysit. You can say goodbye to proper romance, parenting, friendships and socializing. Your life will circle around this business. If you are part of the lucky one percent that makes it big than congratulations, you made it. If not, then you are in for a life of stress and disappointment as you are chased by bill collectors and forced to work harder and harder to make ends meat. Essentially robbing you of your basic human rights by requiring a commitment of all your time. So there you go. Wanna be filthy rich? Work your entire life away, a slave to the machine, and have little to no proper human interaction and die young because of heart disease caused by the stress you live with. Being rich is like being a cocaine addict. There is never enough...

  4. Chupp22 profile image64
    Chupp22posted 14 years ago

    Well this is a scripture I live by, and I have done really well for myself:

    "But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to ado good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted."

    -Book of Mormon - Jacob 2:18-19

  5. profile image51
    SirHeinsohnposted 14 years ago

    i've been rich, and i've been poor. rich is bettter. a  very successful basketball coach was being interviewed about winning a championship, and was asked the secret of success. he answered, "get up early, work hard, have a good plan and work it, and you might succeed. there is no guaranteed formula for success. however, if you don't get up early, work hard, have a good plan, and work it, i guarantee you will fail." he also said that the most important tool for success was a good alarm clock.

  6. andromida profile image57
    andromidaposted 14 years ago

    One need to become rich in his/her mind at first. Everybody will say hard work will make you rich, but the reality is the power of repeating a successful money earning system and intelligent investment. For example, if you have the power of earning 3000 dollars a month by selling a product either online or offline, then you involve someone in your business, not necessarily as a partner, to increase your sales, and keep following the same pattern.


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