Donations from the Heart for Bernie
Who's Donating to Bernie?
Many candidates seek big donors to fund their campaigns. Bernie Sanders is different. His run for president is fueled by small donors who've put their heart into supporting him.
It inspires me when I see people struggling to make ends meet, but still they donate to Bernie. They care so much about improving our government and saving America, that some even give their last dollar.
What creates this kind of devotion? Who are the people donating to his campaign? Below are the little stories behind this remarkable political event.
I donated for the first time ever! He is the only person giving me hope lately! I feel the BERN!
— Kati CrouseThings That Inspired People to Donate to Bernie's Campaign
- Katie K. of Cordova, CA - I am a waitress. Some redneck Trump supporters came in tonight and were talking politics and bashing on Sanders. I took the entire tip they left me and just donated it to Bernie. WIN!!!
- Ellen K. - My BFF donated last night for the first time after seeing Bernie's speech. She just started a new job and is waiting for that first paycheck so it had to be small. But I explained, " there are so many of us, that if we just give 5-15 dollars each time he reaches a milestone or gets unfairly treated it attacked then we can do it:) she now is #FeelingTheBern
Michael M. of Newton, MA - I turned 50 today. My birthday present to me was sending Bernie another $27.
Have You Sacrificed to Donate to Sanders' Campaign?
Vote in the Poll
Down to the Last Dollar, But Still Donated
- Kristen N. of Fort Worth, TX - 2 weeks ago. I had $4. I gave him $4! lol After my tax return though I did the $27.
- Kevin J. B. of Seattle, Washington - Bernie just asked for Contributions? You've got it. I had $11 in my account. That's how broke I am. I just gave it to Bernie. THAT is how much I believe. My country means LITERALLY my last $$$.
- Alisha D. - I feel the Bern.... and have donated my last few bucks also. He is the only candidate I've ever donated to, we just need to UNITE ALL, not just Democrats, all parties, all creeds, all colors, this is our time to fix what has been damaged and prevent further damage. If we unite together as a nation of people, we will be able to. It's no longer about parties, it's about our children's future.
- Jill Smith - I've given up meat and coffee to cover my Bernie habit.
- Jennie B. of Hawaii - I gave $10 today - but I am not working right now, so $10 is a big deal - especially since I gave after Iowa as well. BUT SO WORTH IT!!!
- Alex L. of Massachusetts. - I just donated $10 and bought a yard sign after Iowa. I'm a student and can't contribute a lot at a time but I try to donate monthly.
- Kathleen Raft - Most of us have given a small amount! I'm a full-time student, work two jobs, just trying to get by. I do the $5/month contribution. Doesn't seem like much but it's approaching $50 in the next month or two total. That amount I could not afford at once. This is our last chance.
- Sherri Lynn V. - I sold something on eBay and it's my only source of income right now. It was $90, half of that goes to car insurance, the rest goes to gas and food, and $5 to Bernie!
I consider every dollar I donate to be a small price to pay for the joy and hope that he places in my heart. No amount of money can buy that. #BernieSanders2016
— Lauren A. of Walla Walla, WashingtonWhen Bernie Speaks, Donors Listen
Actions That Trigger Donations to the Sanders' Campaign
A Democratic Debate
| New & old fans hear his message & donate
An Attack from His Opponent
| Angry supporters come to his defense with donations
An Attack by the Media
| Donations make his supporters feel better after he gets bad press
Special Occasion Like His Birthday
| Online supporters call for a "money bomb"
Winning a Primary
| New & old fans donate
| His supporters remember him on Christmas, New Years Day, Valentine's Day
As a Game
| Someone in a Bernie Facebook group challenges others to match a donation they are making or to donate for the number of times Trump says something hateful in the Republican debate.
Losing a Primary
| His fans assuage their disappointment by donating
Facebook Discussion about Donating after the South Carolina Primary Loss
Don't Feel Bad If You Can't Donate Much
Every dollar counts. If 50,000 people give $1, that's $50,000 for the campaign. If a million people give $5, then that's 5 million dollars for ads, rental of rally halls, signs, hiring local campaign managers, etc.
Where to Donate to Bernie Sanders
- Bernie Sanders for President | Contribute to Bernie Sanders
The official campaign website for the presidential campaign of United States Senator Bernie Sanders.
The Saturday Night Live Skit - Larry David (as Bernie Sanders) Asks for Vacuum Pennies
Got Pennies? Donate to Bernie
The Clinton Campaign Tries to Mimic Sanders' Small Donor Success
Last month I received a fund-raising email from Hi!!ary C!inton's headquarters. Apparently I got on her address list when I filled out some poll.
The odd part was, the letter asked for a $1 donation. Aha, I thought, she's feeling the Bern. I remembered how uncomfortable she looked when Bernie proudly stated the record number of individual donations he received. It was in one of the debates, I think.
She tends to adopt many of his platforms and I guess she wanted to be able to say she had lots of small donors too. I almost felt sorry for her attempt at copying Bernie. Almost.
The Media Don't Understand about the People Donating to Bernie's Campaign
- Bernie Sanders Has Raised $5.2 Million Since The Polls Closed In New Hampshire - BuzzFeed News
The average contribution is just $34 in this fund raising blitz. "Bernie Sanders has unleashed a new kind of fundraising weapon the world has never seen."
Bernie Sanders Victory Speech in New Hampshire Included a Quickie Fund Raiser That Almost Broke the Internet
How Can He Get That Many People to Donate?
The part other candidates don't understand and the media doesn't comprehend either is how Sanders convinces low-income and middle-class people to part with their hard earned dollars. He's often labeled by media as grumpy or as a SOCIALIST.
What they don't realize is the people recognize Bernie Sanders' authenticity and his burning desire to make life better for all in America. He's the people's champion and they want to help him achieve his goals.
It might require sacrifice on their part, but Bernie is David facing Goliath (both political parties, the media and Wall Street too). Anything his followers can do to help, they do, even if it means sending him the last few dollars in their bank account. In addition, they are phone banking, canvassing, making homemade signs, and persuading friends and neighbors.
One $15 donation might feel small, but when there are hundreds and thousands of them, it turns into millions.
— Sommer MneimneOther Ways That You Can Support Bernie Sanders
- Random Acts for the Bern
It's time to promote your favorite candidate, Bernie Sanders. If you need some ideas for getting the word out, here are ways to commit random acts for the Bern. Have fun & soon all will #FEELTHEBERN - Bernie Bucks
Here's an easy, no-cost way to support your favorite candidate, Bernie Sanders in his campaign for president. Write Bernie slogans on currency and put it into circulation. Yes, it's legal. Here's how. - Win Your Parents Over to Bernie Sanders
Winning votes for Bernie Sanders for president starts at home. Talk to your parents and win their votes for your favorite candidate, Bernie! Here are tips on turning their hearts and minds to Bernie. - Fixing Bernie Sanders Memes
Political memes are shared freely around Facebook to support a candidate or to smear them. Bernie Sanders' supporters (and others) can correct misleading memes about their candidate with this method.

When You Get a Fund Raising Request from Hillary, Donate to Bernie Instead
A post from the Democratic Underground - "I have just contacted the Clinton campaign...
Since Dec 22, I have received 6 emails from the Clintons (Hill, Bill, & today, Chelsea) asking me for $$. I believe that my email address was accessed because of the data breach, since I have never been a fan of hers...
I have asked them to remove my name & email from their list, but they just keep on, so today I told them: Every time I hear from the Clinton campaign asking me for $$, I will donate $10.00 to Bernie Sanders, and I will suggest that my fellow free-thinkers do the same.
Are you with me???"
© 2016 Virginia Allain